
Emily Truelove

Business, Corporate Culture, Innovation, Leadership, Management

Travels from Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Emily Truelove's speaking fee falls within range:
$30,000 to $50,000

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Emily Truelove Profile

  • MIT researcher, Emily Truelove is a leading expert in organizational management for the Digital Age.

  • Truelove is coauthor of the book Collective Genius, a groundbreaking look at the leadership and management styles driving the world’s most innovative companies.

  • Truelove is a founding partner of the leadership research and advisory firm, Paradox Strategies, and the principle creator of The Innovation Quotient©, a powerful tool for assessing your company’s innovative potential and plotting out a winning strategy to meet it.

  • Specialist in organizational transformation for the Digital Age, MIT researcher Emily Truelove has spent a decade building expertise in how the world’s most successful companies are reorganizing their power structures to create environments that yield sustainable innovation. Truelove is a founder of the leadership training firm, Paradox Strategies, and a coauthor of the book Collective Genius, which has a unique focus on a leader’s role in setting up an organization that’s capable of innovating time and time again.

    Truelove’s work has been published in the Harvard Business Review, Business Strategy Review, and Administrative Science Quarterly. She is a seasoned and effective workshop presenter for executives looking to revamp their companies for the Digital Age. Past clients include Akamai, Texas Instruments, and Viacom. Additionally, Truelove has served as director of program development at ICEDR, a premier executive talent academy that delivers dozens of programs worldwide in partnership with 40 global companies and 25 renowned business schools.

    Previously, Truelove was a research associate at Harvard University, where she earned her master’s degree in Human Development and Psychology. She is currently working towards her PhD in Organization Studies at MIT Sloan School of Management, with an expected graduation date of 2019.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Emily Truelove is a founding partner of Paradox Strategies, co-author of Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation, primary author of the Innovation Quotient ©, and a researcher with a decade of experience studying leadership, innovation, and change in organizations around the world. She is currently a PhD candidate in Organization Studies at MIT Sloan School of Management. Emily has extensive experience doing field research in organizations, and her current research focuses on how advances in digital technologies are changing what it takes to organize for innovation in today’s world.

      Emily has presented her research at conferences like the International Design Forum in Dubai and to clients including Akamai, Texas Instruments and Viacom. She is the author of articles that have appeared in numerous publications, including Harvard Business ReviewBusiness Strategy Review and Administrative Science Quarterly.

      Previously, Emily was a research associate at Harvard Business School and coauthored with Linda more than a dozen case studies on leadership, culture, and organizational change. She was also a director of program development at ICEDR, a consortium of global companies focused on global talent management.

      Emily holds a master’s degree in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education and a degree in English from Johns Hopkins University.

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    Books by Emily Truelove:

    Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation

    Why can some organizations innovate time and again, while most cannot? You might think the key to innovation is attracting exceptional creative talent. Or making the right investments. Or breaking down organizational silos. All of these things may help—but there’s only one way to ensure sustained innovation: you need to lead it—and with a special kind of leadership. Collective Genius shows you how. “Collective Genius” will not only inspire you; it will give you the concrete, practical guidance you need to build innovation into the fabric of your business.

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