
Eileen Roth Profile

As the founder of Everything in its Place, Eileen Roth is a national speaker, consultant and productivity expert on time management, office and home organization. Eileen chose the name of her business because she truly believes that you can find a place for everything and put everything in its place.

Eileen worked in office administration for over 15 years. She authored Organizing for Dummies, which covers organization for the office and home, as well as time management. She has appeared on The Today Show and Oprah, and her work has been profiled in ASTD’s Training and Development, Successful Meetings, Career World, Event Solutions, Convention Forum, Arizona Woman, Reader’s Digest, Real Simple, Self, Woman’s Day, Men’s Health, Arizona Republic, the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times.

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    Eileen Roth is a national speaker, corporate trainer and productivity expert. She appeared on both the Today Show and Oprah before writing Organizing For Dummies®. In fact, she was offered the book contract because they knew her content had to be great to get on national TV without a book or pr agent.

    She calls herself Your Tour Guide for Success™ because she guides you on the right track to be better organized. Why? – So you can save time and money and find time to really enjoy your life. She helps you organize your Office, your Home, or your Time Management. Eileen Roth also teaches Student Organization to Middle School, High School and College students to give them better organizational skills so they can be more successful in school.

    Eileen’s previous professional background was as an Office Administrator. After being laid off twice in the same year, she decided that her talent was organizing and efficiency and decided to become a professional organizer.

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Eileen Roth's Speech Descriptions

Eileen’s philosophy is that organization is not inherited; it is a learned skill. Her presentations make it easy for audiences to learn how to be organized. Her principles are based on systems, which are simple to remember, easy to implement and take only minutes a day. Eileen’s programs cover topics like dispelling the top 10 organizing myths, planning with the “3 Rs” for greater efficiency, programming yourself for success and cutting clutter.

Dispel the Top 10 Organizing Myths
How many organizing principles are you following that don’t really work? Learn which ones are just myths that DO NOT make you more productive or save you any time. Then learn how to dispel those myths and really save time.

How to Plan with the 3Rs for Greater Efficiency
Organize your day with the 3Rs—Rhythms, Routines and Rewards. Understand your natural Rhythms of sleep, peak and pace. Utilize Routines and systems to work faster and easier. Know whether you are a Hare or a Tortoise and how that affects planning your projects. Apply Rewards to motivate yourself to accomplish your goals.

Program Yourself For Success
Who are the most successful people you know? How do their surroundings look? Learn the four secrets that will help you be more successful.

Cut the Clutter
Do you shove papers or things behind a closed door when company comes? Or are you too embarrassed to even have people over to your home? Learn how to put everything in its place to enjoy your home.

What People are Saying about Seeing Eileen Speak

Rating Entries

“Of all the self-improvement seminars we have been offered, this has proven to be the best and most applicable I have ever attended.”
    American Farm Bureau Federation

“Your workshop benefited everyone on the staff to design a better filing system. I’ve never seen our office and staff more organized.”
    American Lung Association

“Thanks for a superb presentation and training session conducted with my staff. We realized my goal of having the staff team “get organized!” They have made a total commitment to revamp the paper handling system with our clients. More than 45 days have passed and the retention of your helpful hints is outstanding. We have developed a total commitment to make happier business lives by applying your various techniques. You have made this happen. Thank you for your outstanding program.”
    Smith Bucklin & Associates

“You offer more unique time management ideas than the “same old” management techniques”.
    Illinois Park Recreation Association

“Your explanation of how to effectively setup a filing system is great! I can now easily track the millions of details I have when planning a conference.”
    Paper Industry Management Association

“I want to take a few moments to thank you for your part in making our National Conference such a sensation. Your information and presentation was just the right combination for our group and your practical and helpful tips for keeping organized hit the mark with all who attended. I hope you enjoyed “The Best Show in Town” as much as we enjoyed having you at our National Conference.”
    The Pampered Chef

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Books by Eileen Roth:

Organizing for Dummies
What’s the favorite four-letter word of people who are less than fully organized? “Help!” So many technological, social, and economic changes affect your life that you need organization just to keep up, let alone advance. Many people have two jobs—one at the office and one taking care of things at home. If you have a family, you may count that as a third job. Caring for elderly relatives or have community commitments? You can count off four, five, and keep right on going. No matter what life stage you’re in, getting organized can make every day better and help you achieve your long-term goals. Organizing For Dummies is for anyone who wants to

    • Polish his or her professional reputation
    • Experience less stress
    • Increase productivity
    • Build better relationships
    • Maximize personal time

Organization isn’t inherited. With the human genome decoded, the evidence is clear: DNA strings dedicated to putting things into place and managing your time like a pro are nonexistent. Instead, organization is a learned skill set. Organizing For Dummies helps you gain that skill with topics such as:

    • Understanding how clutter costs you in time, money, and health
    • Training your mind to be organized and developing a plan
    • Cleaning house, room by room, from basement to attic (including the garage)
    • Creating functional space for efficiency and storage
    • Time-management strategies for home, office, and tavel
    • Scheduling, delegating, and multitasking
    • Making time for your family
    • Managing your health—physical and financial
    • Finding time for love
    • Organizing and cashing in on a great garage sale

Getting organized is about unstuffing your life, clearing out the dead weight in places from your closet to your calendar to your computer, and then installing systems that keep the good stuff in its place. Organizing is a liberating and enlightening experience that can enhance your effectiveness and lessen your stress every day—and it’s all yours simply for saying “No” to clutter. way you present yourself, declare the husband-and-wife Beckwiths (Selling the Invisible) in this refreshing career primer. Unlike many similar books, this is not an autobiography masquerading as wisdom.

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