
Dr. Kent Bottles Profile

  • Dr. Bottles helps healthcare audiences navigate the ever-evolving technologies, trends, and policies that are shaping their workplace and industry.

  • Dr. Bottles' presentations are grounded in his real-life experience as a physician, medical director, and COO.

  • As chief medical officer for the Iowa Health System, Dr. Bottles worked extensively in issues surrounding the implementation of health information technology, an area he continues to specialize in as he prepares providers and healthcare leaders for the 20th century.
  • With wide-ranging experience across a range of prestigious medical leadership posts, encompassing academia, biotechnology and community health systems, Dr. Kent Bottles is ideally placed to speak on healthcare issues.

    As an academic, Dr. Bottles has served at, amongst others, the University of California, the University of Iowa and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. He has been a tenured professor, a medical director, a corporate operations officer, residency director and held several other posts.

    In community-based medicine, Dr. Bottles has been president of the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement and chief medical officer for the Iowa Health System, a $2 billion integrated community health system. In this second post he worked on health information technology implementation issues and also created a Physician Leadership Academy that trained more than 200 physician leaders.

    In the biotechnology field, Dr. Bottles has been president of the Genomics Repository, also serving as chief knowledge officer and managing director. Whilst serving with Genomics Collaborative in Cambridge, Massachusetts, he raised venture capital to the tune of $36 million.

    A graduate of University of California, Berkeley, and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Dr. Bottles has written many articles on leadership topics. His views have been featured in, amongst others, Physician Executive Journal of the American College of the Physician Executives, Trustee Magazine and The New York Times (op-ed page). He has been honored with the Rodney T. West Literature Award for the most important medical management article of the year, and the Kaiser Teaching Award at the University of California, San Francisco.

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      Dr. Kent Bottles has held numerous leadership positions in academia, biotechnology, and community health systems.

      At the University of California, San Francisco, the University of Iowa, Allegheny University of Health Sciences, and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, he has served as tenured professor, chair, medical director of managed care, corporate operations officer for ambulatory services, assistant dean, residency director, designated institutional officer, and elected medical school executive committee member.

      He has led strategic planning exercises for the Department of Pathology at the University of Iowa, the clinical enterprise at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, the Grand Rapids Medical Education and Research Consortium, and the quality programs at the Iowa Health System.

      Dr. Bottles has facilitated medical staff and hospital system board retreats centered on physician integration and engagement in evidence-based medicine and quality initiatives, and he has lectured extensively for the Governance Institute on a variety of planning topics.

      In biotechnology, Dr. Bottles has served as president of the Genomics Repository, chief knowledge officer, and managing director. During his tenure at Genomics Collaborative in Cambridge, Massachusetts he raised $36 million in venture capital.

      Kent Bottles, MD Dr. Bottles served as president of the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI) and as chief medical officer of the Iowa Health System, a $2 billion integrated community health system in the Midwest. At the Iowa Health System, Dr. Bottles developed and implemented a Physician Leadership Academy for over 200 physician leaders. He also was heavily involved in health information technology (HIT) implementation issues.

      At ICSI he developed a physician leadership academy and also frequently lectured on leadership for St. Thomas University. Dr. Bottles currently serves on a National Quality Forum committee on quality.

      Dr. Bottles has been active in lecturing and writing about leadership topics. He has contributed articles to the Physician Executive Journal of the American College of the Physician Executives, Trustee Magazine, and the op-ed page of The New York Times.

      Dr. Bottles was awarded the Rodney T. West Literature Award for the most important medical management article published in 2001, and the Kaiser Teaching Award at the University of California, San Francisco. He received his B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, and his M.D. from the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

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    Dr. Kent Bottles's Speech Descriptions

    Dr. Kent Bottles brings a wealth of real-world experience to his keynote speeches on health care and health administration. This experience means that his presentations are practical, thought-provoking and have excellent takeaway value.

    Dr. Bottles talks on healthcare leadership, explaining why administrators and physicians seem so far apart and how the physician–patient relationship needs to be recast for the 21st-century.

    He examines the future for American health care programs, showing how hospitals, doctors and nurses can survive in a post reform world, and urging American Medical Schools to prepare their students for the realities of 21st-century healthcare.

    Unlike many professional keynote speakers and healthcare futurists, Dr. Bottles′ approach is practical and grounded in the real world. He was president of a major healthcare organization in Minnesota, was vice president and chief medical officer of a $2 billion health care organization with twenty-three hospitals, and was responsible for the day-to-day operations of a large education and research organization in Michigan.

    Dr. Bottles — who is skeptical of keynote speakers who have never met a payroll or cut a budget — draws on his extensive experience to deliver keynote addresses about 21st-century healthcare that are thought-provoking, amusing, and action-oriented. His keynote address topics have included the following:

    Healthcare Leadership Programs

    • Health Care Administrators and Physicians: Strangers Who Come from Different Worlds
    • Ideal Health Care Provider for the 21st Century
    • The Physician-Patient Relationship for the 21st Century
    • Leadership for Chaotic and Rapidly Changing Times
    • How Can We Lead When We Are All So Confused?
    • Hospital Boards and 21st Century Medicine
    • How to Not Get Fired from Your Physician or Nurse Executive Position
    • Fail Often and Cheaply in Order to Succeed

    The Future of American Health Care Programs

    • Comparative Effectiveness Research for Providers
    • Accountable Care Organizations: The Practical Approach
    • Health 2.0: Do You Use Twitter/FaceBook Effectively?
    • Patient-Centered Medical Home
    • Survival Tactics for Hospitals, Doctors, and Nurses in a Post-Reform World
    • Payment Reform: Baskets of Care, Episode-Based Care, and Pay for Performance
    • American Medical Schools Are Not Preparing Students for 21st Century Health Care

    Lessons from the Healthcare Trenches Programs

    • Regional Collaboration: Minnesota’s 20-Year Experience
    • How to Activate a Community Around Wellness
    • How to Engage Physicians in Quality, Patient Safety, and Payment Reform
    • How to Lead Across the Generational Divide of Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials
    • How to Engage Physicians in Adopting and Using Health Information Technology
    • One Hundred Years of Medical Science: From Snake Oil to the Love Gene
    • Human Happiness: Why Bronze Medal Winners Are Happier Than Silver

    Dr. Kent Bottles on Speaking

    There is only so much technical content that anyone can absorb during one keynote. What I aim to do then, is provide a framework for understanding the vast changes that are happening in health care.

    SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to take away from your presentations?

    BOTTLES: There is only so much technical content that anyone can absorb during one keynote. What I aim to do then, is provide a framework for understanding the vast changes that are happening in health care. I can also be funny and interact with the audience. Finally, I can point you in the right direction to add technical content to the overall framework as you go about your job in health care.

    SPEAKING.COM: How do you prepare for your speaking engagements?

    BOTTLES: I always want to make sure I understand the demographics of the audience. For instance, there is a big difference between speaking at pathology grand rounds and speaking to a patient advocacy group.

    I also want to make sure that I get to interview the organization’s leader about how a “home run” keynote looks and sounds to conference participants. I always try to get to the room early so that I can introduce myself to as many attendees as possible beforehand. It is comforting to connect visually during a keynote with someone in the audience that I have at least connected with prior to presenting. I often ask for volunteers, and it works best if you identify the extroverts in the audience before you start calling on them in front of 600 people.

    SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements /unusual situations arise while on the road?

    BOTTLES: Once when I checked into my hotel in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I came across a dead body in the hall outside my room!

    SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

    BOTTLES: I speak to professional societies, lay audiences, student groups, and health care policy “wonks.” Everyone needs to better understand health and wellness.

    SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

    BOTTLES: As a medical school professor, I was often called upon to teach and to present at conferences. My speaking career progressed organically from my professional career as a physician executive.

    Some of my best teaching has taken place when an audience member gets angry about the Affordable Care Act and another audience member challenges them.

    SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote topics are the most popular? How are your keynote presentations unique? Which of your keynote speeches do you enjoy the most and why?

    BOTTLES: I really enjoy getting a large audience to participate actively in the discussion. Sometimes it feels like walking a tight rope without a net, but some of my best teaching has taken place when an audience member gets angry about the Affordable Care Act and another audience member challenges them. By asking leading questions and trying to control their emotions, I’m able to explore the strengths and weakness of the most important health care law since Medicare was passed in 1965. I truly believe it is important for all Americans to understand these important issues and to get beyond the political sound bites about “murder panels” and “the government getting between you and your physician.”

    I am pleased when after a keynote, someone in the audience says, “I am still not sure if you support the Affordable Care Act or not.”

    SPEAKING.COM: How much do case studies, personal stories or humor factor into your keynote?

    BOTTLES: It is a fact that human beings respond more to stories and examples than statistics and peer reviewed scientific studies. My keynotes are filled with stories and jokes.

    I’m happy and professionally satisfied when I work with a group of physicians to help them stop feeling like victims and start figuring out ways to better take care of their patients…

    SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve had with your clients?

    BOTTLES: I’m happy and professionally satisfied when I work with a group of physicians to help them stop feeling like victims and start figuring out ways to better take care of their patients under the new economic circumstances and health care rules under a value-based program. I love my job, and I have never regretted going to medical school and becoming a physician. Exclusive Interview with Dr. Kent Bottles
    Managing Rapid Changes in Healthcare, with Healthcare Speaker Dr. Kent Bottles
    In this interview, healthcare speaker Dr. Kent Bottles discusses:
    • How providers can manage the shift towards community-based healthcare.
    • The changing doctor/patient relationship.
    • Getting physicians' to successfully adopt new technologies.
    Read the Full Interview

    "Because of the changes taking place in the American health care delivery system, it’s becoming much more of a team effort. In the old “fee for service” payment system health care economy, teamwork was not nearly as important as it will be as we transition to value-based payment models."
    - Dr. Kent Bottles

    What People are Saying about Seeing Dr. Speak

    Rating Entries

      “Kent not only gives out cutting-edge knowledge, he does it with style and is extremely entertaining.” 
      Theodore R. Miller, MD, Professor of Pathology and Former Chair of Pathology
      University of California, San Francisco

      “The audience was thrilled by the genomics presentation that was a highlight for the 500 guest conference in Palm Springs. Kent Bottles far exceeded our expectations for a top-notch professional program; it was informative; it was cutting-edge; it was humorous; and it was enjoyable for a varied audience of physicians and healthcare administrators.”
      Tom Smith, CMP, Director of Meetings
      HealthNet, California

      “Dr. Bottles is the transformational antidote for the ills of the traditional approach to medicine. Even when you don′t agree with him, he makes you think in new ways about important issues that later come back to help you.” 
      Greg Voelm, MPH, President of Personal Health, LLC
      Carmichael, California

      “Kent Bottles is a dynamic speaker. Kent′s view of healthcare today is very broad. His energy and enthusiasm are infectious.” 
      Michael Kienzle, MD, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and Biomedical  Communications
      University of Iowa College of Medicine

      “Kent Bottles inspires audiences to embrace the inevitable trend of consumer-centered health and health care. His knowledge of the principles of the new economy and it′s application to health care generally and patient  care specifically is a message that health care providers should hear.”
      Anne Beighey, Health Care Consultant, The Gingrich Group
      Washington, DC 

      “Kent Bottles is one of most original and innovative physician executives I have ever met. Whether he is discussing the Internet, genomics, career reinvention, networking, or biotech entrepreunership, he is always  provocative, funny, and insightful. Bottles is truly one of a kind”
      Susan Sasenick, Former Managing Editor, The Physician Executive, Director of  Advertising and Co-sponorships
      American College of Physician Executives, Tampa, Florida

      “Kent is a provocative speaker, one who politely but directly debunks the status quo. He engages the audience with a refreshingly candid way of looking at the entire healthcare field (patients, physicians, institutions, and employers).”
      Keith Pryor, Former Hospital CEO and Healthcare Governance Consultant
      Bryn Mawr, PA 

      Partial Client List…

      American Association of Health PlansBreathnet, Inc
      Governance InstituteHealthNet
      American Society of Clinical PathologistsAmeriPath
      College of American PathologistsAmerinet
      American Association of Clinical EndocrinologistsHealth ONE
      Association of American Medical CollegesOsler Institute
      Belgium Society of Clinical CytologyCambridge Healthtech Institute
      Southern Medical AssociationNational Managed Healthcare Congress
      Idaho Hospital AssociationOhio Kaiser Permanente
      Hospital Council of Western PennsylvaniaColorectal Cancer Network


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