
Dr. Janet Lapp Profile

Rated by Toastmasters International as one of the top three speakers in the world, Dr. Janet Lapp has helped over 2,000 audiences from Argentina to Hong Kong become disruptive leaders. The licensed clinical psychologist has an enviable client list that includes IBM, AT&T, Allstate, New York Life, Toyota, and Kawasaki.

Author of five books, Janet is the founder of ChangeFit™ Leadership Boot Camps/ChangeFit™ Labs and the creator and host of the Emmy-nominated CBS series Keep Well. The Ritz-Carlton team and IBM sales used her best-selling book Plant Your Feet Firmly in Mid-Air to help create their much publicized transformations. Scheduled for a 2017 release, Janet’s next book examines the disruptive leadership mindset needed to guide others through disruptive change.

A skilled pilot and flight instructor, Janet has flown her airplane throughout South America and Africa on medical and rescue missions, and is a long time member of the Flying Doctors of Mercy volunteering in central México. Recently she has been studying native healing in the Brazilian jungle.

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    Janet translates her clinical and academic knowledge into down-to-earth, humorous but powerful messages that inspire and encourage people to make the changes they need to make.

    She is a flight instructor and former air race pilot who creates cultures that are focused, engaged and high performing.

    One of North America’s most in-demand presenters, and admitted into the Speakers Hall of Fame, she has been rated by Toastmasters as one of the top three speakers worldwide.

    A former university professor, researcher, Clinical Psychologist, and Registered Nurse, she was born and raised in Canada, and her PhD is from McGill University in Montreal.

    She is a licensed clinical psychologist, creator and host of the award-winning CBS series Keep Well and author of five books including: Dancing with Tigers Plant your Feet Firmly in Mid-Air, Positive Spin™ Why Won’t They Listen to Me? and Leading at the Edge of Change.

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Dr. Janet Lapp's Speech Descriptions

Since today’s business climate is anything but usual, Dr. Janet Lapp’s presentations go way beyond an ordinary keynote. Able to present in three languages (English, French, and Spanish), Janet equips organizations that are going through fast change with the skills they need to thrive in the future. Janet instills in leaders resilience, flexibility, optimism and courage, helping attendees spread these qualities to their teams after her program has concluded.

General Concepts

Think Bigger

The world is changed by big thinkers willing to create big problems with big solutions. Live at the edge, where forward action and creative thought lives. Dump resignation and cynicism, and think in possibilities.

Change Faster

People can change overnight if they have to. With the right systems in place, people can change long-term bad habits instantly. So stop blaming, and start moving.

Own It

Everyone in an organization has ownership for the success of the business. When just one person decides to make a difference, miraculous changes occur. Each small act that delights a customer, serves a colleague, resolves a conflict, or improves a process, becomes a force for positive change. Stop making excuses, take action and inspire others to follow you.


Plant Your Feet Firmly in Mid-Air: Thrive During Fast Change

Whether for sales or customer experience, you will:

  • Discover opportunities in rapid change.
  • See the positives in changes.
  • Keep morale high.
  • Develop accountability.

Think in new ways. Consider new possibilities; don’t get stuck. This inspirational business program is a wake-up call to the future ... knowing up-to-date trends impacting your world, you’ll be able to think in new ways. This is a results-focused program, holding attendees accountable for change.

“The worst thing you can do is to sit back and do nothing, with the excuse that you were not told. The most important activity during fast change is to move forward. Don’t wait! The window of opportunity closes quickly.”

Leading at the Edge of Change

This high-energy program will show you how to take smart risks and push you to the edge of what’s possible even during fast change. Hear how companies (and people) have broken the mold, pushed the edges in leadership and innovation, and created significant and positive change in their companies or associations, and in their personal lives.

The ideas in this program will directly impact innovative behaviour and attitude.

  • How to take risks, go higher, and move through resistance.
  • Develop characteristics of top performers
  • Push yourself into new areas unfamiliar to you.
  • Keep raising the bar, and don’t rest on the winner′s pedestal. Challenge yourself to always improve.

“Fly through life at the edge; the middle is crowded and grey. Whether you are leading a company or a team, or building and expanding your own business, success today means thinking and leading others in new and unexplored ways.”

Dare to Lead the Adventure of Change
(Corporate or Hospital)

Does your culture seem stuck, no matter how many consultants and speakers you bring in? Are there old-timers around who want nothing more than to stick with the status quo?

Are your engagement scores lower than you would like?

Janet will assess your culture, give specific suggestions for areas that are stuck and those that are flowing well, tell the truth about what needs to happen and follow up to make sure it gets done.

What People are Saying about Seeing Dr. Speak

Rating Entries

    Your program, “Plant Your Feet Firmly in Mid-Air,” was right on target. During this time of change in the telecommunications industry and in Bell Atlantic, your program of optimism and opportunity was just what we needed. It was uplifting, fun and full of important messages. These were two of the many responses: “…she was the bright spot of the day.” “Dr. Janet Lapp was uplifting and informing. Her up-beat approach and attitude were catching.”

    California Telephone Association:
    After nine years with CTA that was the very first standing ovation I′ve seen from our group — truly a milestone. You gathered information and thoughtfully, skillfully, integrated it into your presentation. The audience believed that although you did not pretend to be an expert in the industry, you cared enough to do some research and truly customize the presentation to meet their needs. Thank you! You were delightfully entertaining while providing solid, useful information the people could take home and use. We have had several speakers who were “fun” to listen to but their message was forgotten before the conference was over. Neither you nor your message will be forgotten.

      — Rena McDonald, CMP Director of Administration

    On a scale of 1-5, you received all 5′s! It is rare that our membership can unanimously agree, but you made it easy. One member even crossed out the 5′s and suggested 10′s. Here is what our members had to say: “We need more of this kind of speaker” “Exceptional — I appreciated the personalized approach.” “It was like listening to an esteemed business associate.” You were a winner with our broker members.

      — Margaret Raye, Communications Manager

    American Express Travel Service:
    I want to thank you for the presentation that you gave at the Representative Network National Meeting last month. You were a complete hit! I have planned this same meeting twice a year for 4 years, and you clearly are the best speaker we have ever had at our meetings. Your style is exceptionally engaging — you challenged the audience to think in ways that will allow them to improve themselves personally and professionally, and you were able to completely capture their attention and make them laugh. I have never received so many compliments on my choice of a speaker…. The content of your presentation was completely appropriate for the audience. You clearly spent time preparing for the meeting and you were able to tailor your comments to the needs of the group. Thanks again for making this meeting a truly memorable event.

      — Steve Mendelsohn, U.S. Representative Travel Network

    Sun Life of Canada:
    Although we work with lecturers and speakers on a regular basis, I′d never had the pleasure of working with you prior to our 1995 Leaders′ Conference in Palm Springs. Pity. You were exactly what we needed and your presentation can only be described as excellent. The amount of preparation you put in speaks very highly of your professionalism. Your commitment and the time that you put in prior to the Business Program, meeting people learning about them, was exceptional. The creativity you showed (sometimes explosively) was well received by everyone in attendance,. We have had many comments that this was our finest Business Program ever and your contribution to that cannot be understated.

      — Avon Giddings, Director, Field Development


    Academy of Nurse Practitioners
    AM/FM International
    Aid Association for Lutherans
    Alberta Cattle Feeders Association
    Alberta Health Care Association
    American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
    American Association of Utilization Management Nurses
    American Camping Association
    American Financial Services Association
    American Hospital Association – Health Care Executive Assistants
    American Hospital Association – American Society for Healthcare Materials Management
    American Hospital Association – American Society for Healthcare Environmental Services
    American Marketing Association
    American Payroll Association
    American Society for Industrial Security
    Arkansas Broadcasters Association
    Association of Canadian Biscuit Manufacturers
    Association of Municipalities of Ontario
    British Columbia Health Association
    Building Industry Association
    California Association of Health Facilities
    California Association of Hospitals & Health Systems
    California Beer & Beverage Distributors
    California Credit Union League
    California School Nurses Organization
    California Society for Hospital Engineering
    California Telephone Association
    Canada West Ski Areas Association
    Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses
    Canadian Biscuit Manufacturers Association
    Canadian Center for Creative Technology/National Institute
    Canadian Vocational Association
    Clinical Laboratory Management Association
    Colorado Cattle Feeders Association
    Colorado Hospital Association
    Community Bankers Association of Georgia
    The Council of Educational Facility Planners International
    Emergency Nurses Association
    Employee Relocation Council
    The Executive Committee
    Executive Forum
    Florida Transportation & Builders Association
    Food Institute of of Canada
    Greater Southeast Health
    Grocery Product Manufacturers of Canada
    Government Finance Officers Association of the United States & Canada
    Gulfstream Management Association
    Healthcare Financial Management Association
    Human Resource Professionals Association of Ontario
    Indiana Association of Realtors
    Indiana Association of United Ways
    Individual Case Management Association
    Institute of Home Office Underwriters
    Institute of Real Estate Management
    Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Repair
    International Facilities Management Association
    International Festivals & Events Association
    International Society of Facilities Executives
    Iowa Hospitals & Health Systems
    Kansas Farmers Service Association
    Life Office Management Association
    Manitoba Health Organizations
    Minnesota Directors of Nursing Administration
    Missouri Organization of Nurse Executives
    Montana Case Management Association
    National Asphalt Pavement Association
    National Association for Healthcare Quality
    National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies
    National Association of Professional Mortgage Women
    National Camping Association
    National Court Reporters Association
    National Credit Union Administration
    National Critical Care Institute of Education
    National Dairy Council of Canada
    National Institute of Case Management
    National Restaurant Association
    National School Public Relations Association
    New York Society of CPA′s
    Ohio Contractors Association
    Ontario Association of Cemeteries
    Ontario Hospital Association
    Oregon Economic Development Department
    Pacific Coast Gas Association
    Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA)
    Quality Care Health Foundation
    San Diego Regional Conference for Women
    San Diego Society of Association Executives
    Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations
    Society of American Florists
    Society of CPA′s
    Staff Nurses Associations of Alberta
    Tennessee Medical Group Management Association
    Washington Society of Association Executives
    Western Systems Coordinating Council
    Women in Cable & Telecommunications
    Visiting Nurse Associations of America
    Voluntary Hospitals of America
    Voluntary Hospitals of America – NorthCentral
    Walter Kaitz Foundation
    Young Presidents Organization

    Corporate Clients

    The Access Group
    American Express Financial Advisors Inc.
    American Express Travel Related Services Co., Inc.
    American Greetings Inc.
    Andres Wines Limited
    Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism
    Akron Regional Development Board
    A T & T
    Bell Atlantic
    Bell Canada
    Bell South Business Systems
    The Boeing Corporation
    British Columbia Hydro
    Brodart/Tura L.P.
    Browning Ferris Industries
    Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
    Canadian Tire Acceptance Limited
    Canadian Holidays
    The Capital Care Group
    Century 21
    City of San Diego
    Champion Business Systems, Inc.
    Chemical Financial Services Corporation
    Coldwell Banker
    Corcoran Management
    Credit Union Central of Manitoba
    Devonshire Company
    The Doctors′ Company
    Disaster Recovery Journal
    Fantastic Sams
    Farmland Insurance Company
    FHP Inc.
    Fifth Avenue Collection
    First Interstate Bank of California
    First Federal Bank
    General Datacomm, Inc.
    General Motors of Canada
    Great Clips, Inc.
    Greater Southeast Health Care Systems
    Great Western Savings
    Hartco Canada
    HealthSouth Corporation
    Helpmates Staffing Services
    Internal Revenue Service
    International Tours, Inc.
    Jazzercise, Inc.
    Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
    Kimberly Clark
    Liberty Hospital
    Lifetouch Portrait Studios
    Loma Linda University Medical Center
    Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
    Maple Leaf Foods International
    Marketing One Incorporated
    Medicus Systems Corporation
    Miami Children′s Hospital
    MicroAge Computers, Inc.
    Middleton Wasley Publishers
    Mutual Life of Canada
    National Institute for Case Management
    New Brunswick Career Development Action Group
    New York Life Insurance Company
    North American Life
    Northern Lincoln Hospital
    PACE Shared Services
    Pacific Bell
    PHH Network Services
    Physicians Health Services
    Prudential Insurance Company
    Putnam Hospital
    Rio Grande Travel
    San Diego Gas & Electric
    Sandia National Laboratories
    Scripps Memorial Hospital
    Sharp HealthCare
    Silver Star Mountain Resort
    Smith & Depew
    Southern Bell
    Southern California Gas
    Sun Bank
    Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
    Swiss Re America
    Tampa Electric Company
    Telecommunications Incorporated
    Tokos Medical Corporation
    Toronto Dominion Bank
    United Insurance
    United Photographic Industries, Inc.
    Virginia Mason Medical Center
    Wells Fargo Bank
    Western Cities Mortgage Corporation
    Woodside Travel Trust
    Zellerbach Corporation

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Books by Dr. Janet Lapp:

    Dancing With Tigers

    Courage and Encouragement

    Janet’s best-selling book to inspire you to overcome personal blocks toward a life of fulfillment and abundance, is a warm book of encouragement, optimism, and overcoming. Softcover book.

    “This book has changed lives.”
    – Jack Canfield, Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul

    Order Here

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