
Don Reynolds Profile

Don Reynolds is an analyst in long-term trends in economics, demographics and technology. He has a master’s degree in public administration and planning, a doctoral background in economics, and he is a graduate of the Securities Industry Institute of the Wharton School. He has often been referred to as “The Entertaining Economist” because he can make complex drivers of the economy easy for anyone to understand.

Don has been a pension board chairman responsible for $120 billion in pension and trust funds, and he has developed the nation’s first graduate business course on the 21st century. In 1986, he founded 21st Century Forecasting, which works with the leadership of major corporations and trade associations to identify specific trends that will impact their organizations’ long-term profitability and develop proactive strategies for success.

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    Don Reynolds is commonly called The Entertaining Economist due to his ability to make the complex drivers of the economy easy to understand.

    As an analyst in long-term trends in economics, demographics, and technology, Don filters through global economic information to deliver programs that are focused on the interests of each unique audience.

    Real World Economist
    Don is a past pension board chairman that was responsible for over $120 Billion Dollars in Pension and Trust Funds. He understands how important personal accountability and bottom line performance is, and the need for decision makers to have a clear vision of future trends and events in order to make successful long term strategic decisions.

    Passionate Speaker
    Don has given over 1000 speeches, won numerous speaking awards, and been described as “Passionate, Motivational, Charismatic and Mesmerizing.” He is not just a great economist, he is a gifted story teller capable of explaining real world trends and how they impact corporations, individuals and associations.

    Accurate Forecaster
    No one is trusted to manage billions of dollars without developing a track record of success. Over half of the presentations he made last year were for clients who had invited him back for updates on specific economic and industry trends. Clients and media have described him as “near clairvoyant, uncannily precise and brilliant.”

    Strategy Consultant
    In 1986, Don founded 21st Century Forecasting, a research company focusing on long term global, economic, demographic, and technology trends. He frequently works with the leadership of major corporations and trade associations in interactive half day long strategic planning sessions helping them to identify specific trends that will impact their organizations′ long term profitability and help them develop pro-active strategies for success.

    International Expert
    He has lived 14 years overseas, visited over 50 countries, has lectured on Free Market Systems at the University of Moscow, spoken about the Global Economy for the Saudi Arabian Central Bank, keynoted the Australian IT Summit, advised the Heavy Equipment Industry in Rome, Keynoted for international correspondents in Indonesia and spoken on the impact of global warming in Santiago.

    Honored Educator
    Don developed the nation′s first graduate business course on the 21st Century. He has a Masters Degree in Public Administration/Planning, a Doctoral background in Economics, and is a graduate of the Securities Industry Institute of the Wharton School. He has an honorary degree from the University of Moscow and was the first American member of the Moscow Center for Consulting Scientists.

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Don Reynolds's Speech Descriptions

In addition to being a great economist, Don is a gifted storyteller capable of explaining real world trends and how they impact corporations, individuals and associations.

He has delivered presentations in over 50 countries. He has lectured on free market systems at the University of Moscow, spoken about the global economy at the Saudi Arabian Central Bank and the impact of global warming in Santiago, keynoted the Australian IT Summit and for international correspondents in Indonesia, and advised the heavy equipment industry in Rome.

Don filters through global economic information to deliver programs that are focused on the interests of each unique audience. Over half of Don’s presentations last year were for clients who had invited him back for updates on specific economic and industry trends. Clients and the media have described him as “near clairvoyant, uncannily precise and brilliant.”

We are in recovery the trend is clearly up. There will be no double dip recession, Corporate balance sheets have over $2 Trillion in cash and another $6 Trillion in cash is sitting in money funds and short term deposits. Corporate earnings are strong and US exports are robust. The global economy should show economic growth in excess of 5%. The economy′s biggest headwind is uncertainty. We are still plagued by more housing foreclosures, budget deficits and poisonous political partisanship in Washington DC.

In the last twenty years the global economy has produced three billion new capitalists with a voracious appetite for consumer products, while creating a new global labor market. Asia has become the second engine of global economic growth; Europe seeks to define its new global identity; Latin America witnesses the birth of a new middle class; and mineral and agricultural rich Canada is perfectly positioned. Don presents a bold assessment of the current political and economic events and forecasts major trends in the global economy.

Don believes that the velocity of change is accelerating due to Globalization, Demographics, and Technology. When these forces interact, massive changes or tectonic shifts occur, creating a visceral new reality, perceptions change quickly. We will confront new ethical Dilemmas, New Trends in Technology and Bio Research will alter our lives more in the next ten years then in the last thirty.

This appeared in Time magazine.

"The US economy remains almost comatose. The slump already ranks as the longest period of sustained weakness since the Depression. The economy is staggering under many "structural" burdens, The represent once-in-a-lifetime dislocations that will take years to work out. Among them: the job drought; the debt hangover; the banking collapse; the real estate depression; the health care cost explosion and the runaway federal deficit."

It pretty much sums up the situation, however we have been here before! The quote you just read is from Time Magazine, September 1992. In September 1992, the Dow Jones Industrials was below 3400, which was the beginning of an eight year run to 10,940.

What People are Saying about Seeing Don Speak

Rating Entries

    “Damn you′re good! No strike that! You′re great! Our members look forward to your annual presentation and have for nineteen years in a Row. You′re the only speaker that can deliver bad news and make people laugh. “
    Joe F. Marchant
    Executive Director
    Dallas Building Owners & Managers Association

    “Terrific! Not a wandering mind in the entire auditorium… dynamic, thought provoking You held them spellbound… I enjoyed it tremendously.”
    Honorable Shirley S. Chater, Ph.D., Commissioner
    United States States Department of Social Security

    “You wowed ′em… A walking Henry Kissinger… Not only a great economist, but a great speaker. Few speakers go to so much trouble to learn their audiences and tailor their presentations.”
    Katherine Sparacino
    Director of Education
    National Vehicle Leasing Association

    “In a word, You were superb… excitement was contagious. Your humor, imagery and dynamism held the entire audience. Two standing ovations!”
    Rick Kean
    Vice President, Business Development,
    Dunhill Personnel Systems

    “Brilliant! One of the best informed guests to have appeared on my show. His knowledge of technology trends is without equal.”
    Boris Notkin, TV Host: Good Evening
    Moscow, Russian National Television

    “The only economist I have observed to receive a standing ovation. You rank with the top motivational speakers. Mind stretching… hilarious humor.”
    Luther Parker, RPh, Vice Chairman,
    American Society of Association Executives

    “A gifted communicator, entertaining, informative… an uncanny ability to discuss complex issues with deep insight and yet make it understandable… you kept every ones attention. This was your sixth visit and the best!”
    Liz Uihlein, President
    Uline Corporation

    “Don you have developed quite a following in Phoenix, your forecast are so accurate we are inviting you back for a threepeat.”
    Don Henniger, Publisher
    Phoenix Business Journal

    “If you want a great economist and a great speaker, get Don Reynolds.”
    Bo Pilgrim, Chairman of the Board
    Pilgrims Pride Corporation

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