
Don Peppers Profile

  • Globally regarded customer-centric business strategist, Peppers is a LinkedIn Influencer, “Top 50 Business Brain” (The Times of London), and Accenture “Top 50 Business Intellect.”

  • Peppers has been a trailblazer in marketing technology and the evolution of customer service for 25 years, delivering over 1,000 keynotes across 60 countries.

  • Peppers’ landmark book, The One to One Future along with multiple other publications have collectively been translated into 18 languages and sold over 1,000,000 copies.
  • Don Peppers is globally known for helping companies make customer trust a driving competitive advantage. With over 25 years of experience speaking and consulting on customer-centric strategy, Peppers has been ranked #1 on Satmetrix’s list of top customer experience authorities, and he is one of the most widely followed LinkedIn influencers on the topic.

    Peppers and his business partner, Dr. Martha Rogers, have written nine books on how to prepare for game-changing trends before they go mainstream. Their first book, The One to One Future was a trailblazing look at what eventually became the CRM movement. Their books have been translated into 18 languages and collectively have sold more than a million copies.

    Peppers has delivered over 1,000 keynotes, traveling to more than 60 countries on 6 continents.

    Though his formal education is in astronautical engineering (yes, he’s an actual rocket scientist), he entered the world of marketing after serving as an Air Force intelligence officer.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Don Peppers is a best-selling author, blogger, widely-acclaimed keynote speaker and global CX authority.

      A marketing futurist and accomplished trend spotter, Peppers has educated and motivated audiences worldwide with presentations and workshops focused on how businesses can compete in a dynamic, technologically fast-moving world. His latest book Customer Experience: What, How and Why Now (2016), provides insights and “how to” recommendations for building and maintaining a truly customer-centric business.

      Peppers has written nine books with business partner Martha Rogers, collectively selling well over a million copies in 18 languages. Most recently Extreme Trust: Turning Proactive Honesty and Flawless Execution into Long-Term Profits (Penguin, 2016) uses real-world examples to show how rising customer expectations in a more transparent age have permanently altered the competitive landscape. And Managing Customer Experience and Relationships (Wiley, 2017) is the third edition of their graduate-level textbook, originally published in 2003.

      Peppers’ and Rogers’ first book, The One To One Future (Doubleday, 1993), put forward a paradigm-shifting idea about the business implications of interactivity that soon evolved into the global CRM movement. BusinessWeek said their book was the “bible of the new marketing,” while Tom Peters chose it as “book of the year” and Inc. Magazine’s editor-in-chief called it “one of the two or three most important business books ever written.”

      On the strength of the revolutionary ideas cited in The One to One Future, the Peppers & Rogers Group soon grew into one of the world’s leading customer-centric management consulting firms, helping clients in a variety of industries and geographies make money by using data and interactivity to deliver more reliable and relevant customer experiences.

      Now, Don and Martha have once again joined forces to form CX Speakers, designed to deliver keynote presentations, workshops, and thought-leadership consulting focused exclusively on the customer experience and its related topics, which range from digital technologies, disruption, and innovation to customer metrics, social selling, customer success, customer advocacy, trust, and corporate culture.

      Prior to founding Peppers & Rogers Group and then CX Speakers, Don served as the CEO of Chiat/Day’s direct marketing unit and was a celebrated ad agency “rainmaker” – exploits he celebrates in his entertaining book Life’s a Pitch: Then You Buy (Doubleday, 1995).

      Graduating from the U.S. Air Force Academy with a B.S. in astronautical engineering (seriously!), Don claims he was the only actual rocket scientist in the advertising industry. He also has a Master’s in Public Affairs from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School.  An avid runner and father of five, he is happily married to Hollywood’s Julia Roberts.*

    Don Peppers Speaking Videos

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    Don Peppers's Speech Descriptions

    Don Peppers gets business teams back in touch with what matters: how to provide spectacular customer-centric service at every level of your company. Peppers’ keynotes get you thinking about how you can use transparency and technology to your advantage, and build trusting empathetic relationships that engage customers and maintain their loyalty. Learn how you can design and deliver the best customer experience possible and supersede rising customer service expectations amidst hyper-disruption.

      Business Competition, Future Tense
      Technology is raising customer expectations, and now you’re competing with Amazon, Apple, JetBlue, and Amex. Four strategies for succeeding in the transparent future.

      The Omnichannel Myth
      99% of companies that say they’re “omnichannel” aren’t. Three obstacles to overcome before joining the 1% of companies that really are.

      After e-Commerce: Immersive Commerce
      Today’s programmatic marketing tactic is tomorrow’s smartphone app, so get ready now for an online CX featuring “chatvertising” and bot-to-bot marketing.

      Proactive Trustworthiness is the New Black
      New technology drives new expectations. You need a new strategy, good for 2017 and beyond. Grow profitably and stay competitive with Extreme Trust. Four tasks to do so.

      Do Your Customers Trust You? Should They? And Do You Trust Them?
      If somebody measured every company tomorrow, how would your company rank? What decisions are you making today that create or destroy trust?

      What Would a Trustable [insert your company’s name] Look Like?

      Do you give refunds proactively? Host customer reviews on your website? Things to show you’re a leader in trustability, while improving business results at the same time.

      Customer Advocacy: Recruiting Your Best Customers to the Sales Team
      The pinnacle of Customer Success Management is customer advocacy. How to create emotional, human bonds with customers, at scale, and leapfrog your competitors to own the category

      Customer Success: Competing for Sales in the Cloud
      SaaS and other subscription-based businesses must cultivate prospects, not just hunt them. How to manage every customer relationship as a Challenger Sale.

      Social Selling: Arm Your Salespeople

      Turn salespeople into thought leaders armed with social ninja skills. Learn how to sell based on triggers, insights, and referrals.

      Managing a Successful Customer-Centric Transformation
      The key isn’t technology or data or policy. All these things are table stakes. The key lies in the culture of your employees. How to improve and maintain your corporate culture.

      Self-Organizing Your Way to Competitive Success
      When a customer problem comes in, you want your employees to swarm the problem and solve it, without top-down direction. Here’s how to make that happen.

      Customer Loyalty: What, How, and Why
      What it means to “loyalize” your customers, how to do so, why it’s worth the money, and three important obstacles that must be overcome.

      Using Customer Loyalty to Make Better Short-Term Decisions
      The customer’s memory is the most reliable link between the short-term financial effects of current decisions and the long-term shareholder value they might create.

      Are you Loyal TO Your Customers?
      Implement CRM processes to make customers more loyal and you’ll almost certainly fail. But do it to improve their lives, and you’ll almost certainly make them more loyal.

      Four Ways to Avoid “Post-Disruption Stress Disorder”
      PDSD has plagued more than one business, from Kodak to Blockbuster, and from Apple to IBM. Four strategies for beating the next disruption in your own category.

      Customer Trust as a Disruptive Innovation
      How to out-do your competitors by earning your customers’ trust, and why this can insulate you from the next big disruption in your business.

      Digital Disruption for Fun and Profit
      Creating your own disruption is a good way to survive radical technological (or regulatory) change, and offense is always more fun than defense.

      Proactive Customer Strategy: The Smart Response to Transparency
      Now that what customers say about you matters more than what you tell customers about yourself, what your customers want is for you to be proactive on their behalf.

      Uber-izing your business
      Trust platforms like Airbnb, Uber and Taskrabbit empower customers with the ability to self-organize, eliminating the middle man. Other businesses can, too. And will.

      What is the Value of a Better Customer Experience?
      How to map the CX, improve it, profit from it. How does it help us and help our customers? Why is “customer journey mapping” exactly what’s needed now?

      The Customer Dashboard
      How to measure your success with customers. Metrics needed to drive your decisions and behaviors, eliminate landmines and build customer equity.

      Customer Metrics You Can Bank On
      Providing a better CX is costly today, while value is realized tomorrow. Resolve this dilemma to the satisfaction of your CFO. How much more will customers pay if…?

      You Can Lead a Man to Data, But You Can’t Make Him Think
      Trustworthy data is (1) objective and (2) accurate. That’s half the battle. Five principles for using objective, accurate data to make more scientifically reliable business decisions.

      How to Make Data-Driven Decisions Without a Statistics Degree
      Anticipating human biases, avoiding statistical errors, and recognizing the limits of the data you have. How to talk with your customer analysts, without equations.

      Preparing for the Next Great CX Innovations and Challenges In:
      Banking and Insurance
      Travel and Hospitality

      Empowered Consumers? Or Digitally Augmented Humans?
      Today’s consumers have digital super powers undreamed of even a decade ago, but affection, trust, and genuine loyalty can’t be automated, and will never be outdated.

      Digital Connections, Emotional Engagement
      Customer satisfaction doesn’t generate loyalty, but dissatisfaction creates disloyalty. Design your customer experience to be frictionless first, then emotionally engaging.

      Delivering Humanity to B2B Customers
      Success, more than satisfaction, drives the business customer. But a successful customer success effort will include genuine, human connections, based on emotion and trust.

    What People are Saying about Seeing Don Speak

    Rating Entries

    Don is a popular voice in business media with nearly 325K followers for his regular postings of original content on LinkedIn. He has been listed numerous times on LinkedIn as a leading CX InFluencer.
    – LinkedIn
    Don Peppers opened the World Marketing & Sales Forum with his keynote and it was the perfect start. His message was right on target — relevant and insightful. We received great feedback from the attendees. As always, it was a pleasure working with Don and his team.
    – WOBI

    Don was a hit with the audience and a pleasure to work with. His content is relevant and practical, and his speaking style is personable and entertaining. He was able to get his message across in different cultures (Chile and Colombia), which is an accomplishment that not all speakers achieve. We´re definitely looking forward to working with him again in the future. – -Product Owner International Conferences, Seminarium
    – Seminarium

      “You were tremendous. On behalf of the Harvard Business School′s marketing faculty, thank you most sincerely for participating so effectively in the Conference on the Future of Interactive Marketing.”
      John Deighton, Associate Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

      “Thank you for your outstanding contribution to the Retail Advertising Conference ′96. Your efforts and devotion to the industry have made a tremendous impact on helping make this the greatest RAC in history!”
      Doug Raymond, Kelly Lamb and Maureen Macke, Retail Advertising & Marketing Association

      “To see a room full of members on the edge of their seats taking notes is an association′s dream! Thank you again for helping to make our convention such a tremendous success!”
      Nancy J. Fletcher Leslie A. Donohue, Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Inc.

      “I′m hearing nothing but raves from our attendees regarding your session. If ever there′s someone who wants a perspective on what you can contribute to a meeting, send them my way.”
      Jonathan C. Abbott, Senior Vice President, PBS

      “We′ve received a lot of positive feedback on your plenary address, as indicated in the following sample comments: Outstanding presentation — worth the price of the whole convention! Excellent plenary; motivational speaker who knows the marketing game. Dynamic… hits the key issues right on the head!”
      Michael McCabe, The Canadian Association of Broadcasters

      “Wow! What an eye-opener your presentation was at HSMAI′s Advertising & Public Relations University! I look forward to getting back to work so I can begin to start marketing a whole new way.”
      Ken Hawkins, Director of Sales & Marketing, Marriott

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    Books by Don Peppers:

    The One to One Future

    The One to One Future revolutionized marketing when it was first published. Then considered a radical rethinking of marketing basics, this bestselling book has become today’s bible for marketers. Now finally available in paperback, this completely revised and updated edition–with an all-new User’s Guide–takes readers step-by-step through the latest strategies needed for any business to compete, and succeed, in the Interactive Age.

    Most businesses follow time-honored mass-marketing rules of pitching their products to the greatest number of people. However, selling more goods to fewer people is not only more efficient but far more profitable. The One to One Future is a radically innovative business paradigm focusing on the share of customer–one customer at a time–rather than just the share of market.

    Customer Experience: What, How and Why Now
    When it comes to customer experience, Don Peppers is one of the world’s most respected authorities. Over the last twenty years he and co-author Martha Rogers have written a series of best-selling books on the subject, collectively selling over a million copies in 18 languages. Businessweek Magazine called one of their books “the bible of the new marketing,” Accenture listed Don among the “Top 100 Business Intellectuals,” and The Times of London listed him as one of the “Top 50 Business Brains.” In 2015 Don Peppers capped the list of “Top 25 Customer Experience Leaders” compiled by Satmetrix, based on factors including Klout score, LinkedIn presence, book sales, and “creation of an industry-changing methodology.” So if you’re looking for advice on how to think about, improve, and deliver a better customer experience, then this is the book for you. Organized as a series of short, easily digested and self-contained essays, it’s packed with concrete examples, suggestions, and inspiring ideas. Read it straight through, or snack on it as you like.

      Extreme Trust: Honesty as a Competitive Advantage
      How companies can stay competitive in a world of total transparency.

      With their first book, 1993′s The One-to-One Future, Don Peppers and Martha Rogers introduced the idea of managing interactive customer relationships, long before the Web and social networking made it standard business practice. With Extreme Trust, they look to the future once again, predicting that rising levels of transparency will require companies to protect the interests of their customers and employees proactively, even when it sometimes costs money in the short term.

      The importance of this “trustability” will transform every industry. Retail banks won′t be able to rely as much on overdraft charges. Consumers will expect retailers to remind them when they have unused balances on gift cards. Credit card companies will coach customers to avoid excessive borrowing. Cell phone providers will help customers find appropriate calling plans for their usage patterns.

      Success won′t come from top-down rules and processes, but from bottom-up solutions on the part of employees and customers themselves. And the most successful businesses will earn and keep the extreme trust of everyone they interact with.

      Order Here

      Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework / Edition 2

      Praise for Managing Customer Relationships A Strategic Framework

      “Peppers and Rogers do a beautiful job of integrating actionable frameworks, the thinking of other leaders in the field, and best practices from leading-edge companies.”
      Dr. Hugh J. Watson, C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Chair of Business Administration, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia

      “Don and Martha have done it again! The useful concepts and rich case studies revealed in Managing Customer Relationships remove any excuse for those of us responsible for actually delivering one-to-one customer results. This is the ultimate inside scoop!”
      Roy Barnes Senior VP of Customer Strategy, Marriott Vacation Club International

      “Every company that has customers has needed a reference guide like this for a long time. Peppers and Rogers are uniquely qualified to provide this essential tool for the field they helped to create.”
      Jim Ryan CEO, Carlson Marketing Group

      Order Here

      Rules to Break and Laws to Follow: How Your Business Can Beat the Crisis of Short-Termism

      Praise for Rules to Break & Laws to Follow: How Your Business Can Beat the Crisis of Short-Termism

      “A fascinating, highly readable synthesis of business principles, technology, sociology and common sense, Rules to Break and Laws to Follow persuasively shows the connection between customer trust and business profits, and then explains how to make it happen. As a bonus, you′ll learn how to make your company more innovative, how to ensure your employees actually enjoy what they′re doing, and how to deal with the kinds of service and quality breakdowns that occasionally plague any company, even a well-managed one. This book should be on your required reading list.”
      —Stephen M. R. Covey, bestselling author of The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything

      “Over the years, Peppers and Rogers have given me valuable advice about navigating the changing business landscape. This book is a must-read for managers who want to empower their employees and customers to make change their ally.”
      —Jim McCann, founder and CEO of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM

      Order Here

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