
David Stillman Profile

  • For over twenty years he has been called on by business executives, politicians and the media to share his expertise on how best to bridge generational gaps.

  • Works with his son, Jonah, to deliver cross-generational insights to audiences.

  • Passionate, energizing speaker who breaks down the implications of GenZ’s entrance into the workforce.
  • Succession, leadership, talent management, diversity, social media – name a hot topic in business today and you better bet generational gaps are getting in the way. Are you looking for a savvy and insightful spin on the most pressing themes plaguing managers today? Generational expert David Stillman brings the ideas, the energy, the multi-media, the entertainment value, and the business solutions that make him one of the most sought-after speakers today.

    With clients that range from AARP and Deloitte to G.E. and MTV, David is frequently called upon by CEOs to share his powerful insights. Diane Sawyer from ABC News said of him, “David will help you see the world through the eyes of another generation.”

    David is one of The Generations People who make up BridgeWorks′ multigenerational team of experts, speakers and corporate entertainers. Individually and together they deliver highly customized, high energy keynotes and workshops that entertain and enlighten audiences and leave them with plenty of practical, actionable solutions.

    David is co-author of the best-selling book When Generations Collide and the recently-released The M-Factor: How the Millennial Generation Is Rocking the Workplace (HarperBusiness 2010). His firm routinely conducts large-scale surveys as well as focus groups and one-on-one interviews to discover firsthand the ways in which the generations are shaking up today′s business world. David has appeared on CNN, CNBC, and the Today show, as well as in Time magazine, Washington Post, and New York Times.

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    David Stillman's Speech Descriptions

    David and Jonah speak together or separately.

    The Generations In A New World

    With the recent Coronavirus pandemic, businesses, families, and communities at large have been changed forever. No longer is the goal to return to life as we knew it, but instead to navigate the best path forward.

    “The Generations In A New World” is an uplifting conversation around what has changed and what has not for each generation. A combination of primary data, case studies, and first hand stories explain the traits that each generation can bring to the table as we repair our world. In addition, areas of concern with each generation are discussed so that we can all be more aware of how to help each other.

    Our global study of the generations in this new world reveals that each generation has been changed in unique and different ways. Results include:

    - Baby boomers rage against age.
    - Gen Xers becoming the sandwiched generation.
    - Millennials new outlook on loyalty.
    - Gen Z’s struggle to gain social capital.

    Take 5: Traditionalists, Boomers, Xers, Millennials - and Now Gen Z!

    For the first time in history, we have five generations in the workplace and marketplace. Not one generation is stagnant, so staying on top of how their generational personalities play out can be challenging.

    You may think you know the generations, but the Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials are carving out new territory as they evolve. And here comes the latest twist – the arrival of Generation Z. Just when you think you’ve bridged all the gaps, it’s time to learn what happens when the generations still collide at:

    - Workplace: recruiting, retaining, communicating.
    - Marketplace: customer service and sales.
    - Giving: how to attract and retain donor and volunteers.

    This energizing, fresh, informative and funny update on the generations will help you identify the gaps creating mayhem in your workplace and marketplace, apply smart solutions to help you navigate multi-generational minefields, and ultimately, look at the generations in a whole new way.

    In “Take 5”, you will learn:

    - Where all the generations are in their careers today.
    - What each generation needs to be successful.
    - What it takes to connect with each generation of consumers.
    - What generations are more similar? Different?

    Make Way for Gen Z!

    Believe it or not…there’s life after the Millennial generation. A new generation is impacting our workplace and not enough leaders are paying attention! Gen Z is nothing like the Millennials and if you treat them that way…it will backfire! Are you ready for Gen Z? Do you know what factors make this generation unique? The leading edge of Gen Z is well into their 20s – with entirely new attitudes about the workplace, marketplace, philanthropy, and much more.

    This eye-opening, engaging presentation can focus on Gen Z:

    In the workplace:

    This dynamic presentation gives audiences crucial insights into the newest generation of employees. From skipping 4-year degrees to inventing careers that don’t exist, recruiting and retaining Gen Z is a whole new ballgame. Based on national studies of Gen Z’s workplace attitudes, interviews with hundreds of CEOs, cutting-edge case studies and insights from Gen Zers themselves.

    - What Gen Z expects from a career.
    - How to recruit Gen Z.
    - How to make Gen Z want to stay on the job.
    - What culture means to Gen Z.

    In the marketplace:

    This dynamic presentation gives audiences crucial insights into the Gen Z consumer. More than their own disposable funds, it explains how Gen Z’s influence on family spending is impacting brand success. Based on national studies, insights from focus groups, and working with some of the world’s top brands; find out what it takes to connect with, sell to, and retain the Gen Z customer.

    - How the Gen Z consumer is different than the other generations.
    - How different social media platforms connect with Gen Z consumers.
    - Phigital – where Gen Z sees no line between physical and digital.
    - What loyalty to a brand looks like.

    Millennials vs. Generation Z

    If only we could group our younger workforce and marketplace into one generation – life would be easier. In many ways, leaders have been operating that way and have not learned from the past.

    History is repeating itself…flashback to the 1990s when Generation X was entering the workplace. Most thought the Xers would be just like the Baby Boomers and tried to treat them that way. KABOOM! Generational collisions were everywhere.

    In today’s workplace and marketplace, too many are assuming everyone under 30 is the same – or are all Millennials. Gen Z and Millennials are nothing alike!

    “Millennials vs. Generation Z” will:

    - Unpack the key differences between Millennials and Gen Z.
    - Showcase how Boomers and Xers different parenting styles had radically different results.
    - Explain how Millennials’ collaborative nature and Gen Z’s competitive drive plays out at work.
    - Identify what leaders need to know to manage each unique generation.
    - Highlight areas the generations will click and clash.

    What People are Saying about Seeing David Speak

    Rating Entries

      American Express Financial Advisors
      “Your presentation provided terrific insights into the issues involved in managing a multi-generational workforce. And you did it in a way that made people sit up and take notice. Your presentation provided valuable tools to help our leaders achieve growth objectives.”
      -David R. Hubers, Chairman

      Bank Marketing Association
      “Your presentation received extremely high ratings and outstanding written comments. Respondents gave you a near perfect rating in overall satisfaction, and the audience unanimously agreed that it was one of the best sessions in a long time.”
      -Robyn K. LeBuff, Vice President

      Ceridian Corporation
      (1) “You are truly opening people′s eyes to a new form of diversity… Your ability to educate us on the generations, how they are different, and the best way to manage these differences will definitely give us a competitive advantage as we do our best to be an employer of choice.”
      -Norma J. Anderson, Vice President

      (2) “I appreciate the time you spent preparing for this sales meeting. It was evident that you understood what we do, and you were able to weave our Ceridian goals and objectives into a very entertaining and motivating presentation to our Sales team.”
      -Dianna Sheppard, Senior Vice President, Sales and Service

      Deluxe Corporation
      “From my initial interaction with your company right up through our post conference follow up, I have been impressed by the professionalism of your staff and your organization′s desire to work with us to ensure a successful program. To be honest with you, I′ve never experienced a relationship with a service provider that has been as positive and I want you to know how refreshing this experience has been.”
      -Laurel Ley, Manager, Sales Development and Training

      Financial Women International
      “The generational topic is important to all companies and all businesses, and we cannot imagine there is anyone more qualified to deliver the message. On our post-conference evaluations, you received the highest ratings of any of the nine presenters, and you had stiff competition with Sen. Bob Dole also on the agenda.”
      -Vicki M. McIntyre, District President

      “Many of the several hundred attendees commented that this was one of the best programs they′ve attended because of the unique topic and dynamic way you present.”
      -James B. Hare, Partner


      Ponderosa Homes
      “I have had numerous phone calls since the program complimenting your presentation skills and program content. It seems that everyone is interested in how to better market to the generations!”
      -Cynthia L. Beattie, Director, Sales and Marketing


      “You gave our participants very valuable information about dealing with generational issues at our respective colleges and universities. Your presentation was imaginative and entertaining as well as educational-we couldn′t have asked for more.”
      -Yohna Chambers Cone, Southern Region Chair

      Edina Public Schools
      “Your stimulating and thought provoking remarks really hit home as we begin to see one another in a different light. I am excited for this school year to begin knowing we are now better equipped to build bridges among the generations.”
      -Kenneth A. Dragseth, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools


      General Mills, Inc.
      (1) “I want to thank you for the excellent presentation… It was informative, thought provoking, and entertaining. I have received many compliments on how well you tailored your comments to our workplace-evidence of the planning you did to customize it to General Mills′ issues.”
      -Valla Roth, Consumer Insights Director

      (2) “I have gotten numerous messages commenting on how great your presentation was … people truly feel it will help them manage their teams more effectively and be more effective team players.”
      -Peter J. Capell, President, Snack Unlimited

      Produce Marketing Association
      “Your closing session provided a fun, upbeat end to the conference, while giving the audience solid information they could use right away. All three sessions rated good to excellent, but yours actually rated the highest overall.”
      -Kathleen M. Edwards, CAE, Director of Education

      Health Care – Products/Services:

      HealthPartners, Inc.
      “The speech generated much good discussion and clearly resonated with our senior management. Your insights into the generations′ values and attitudes will help us as we continue to develop our employee culture, benefits and policies. Thank you for sharing your observations, your research and your time.”
      -George C. Halvorson, President and Chief Executive Officer

      Henry Schein, Inc.
      “Your program for our national sales meeting was so entertaining and thought provoking, I found myself disappointed when the session ended. It provided great benefits to our team members, and we appreciate how you took the time to personalize it by learning so much about our organization and interests.”
      -Stanley M. Bergman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

      Sullivan Schein Dental
      “I received voicemails about how much the information you presented make people stop and think about how they may address future contacts with their teams. I have also been in some corporate meetings where the speakers have referred to some of your comments… all in all, it was a real home run.”
      -Lynn McHugh, V.P. Sales


      Society of Incentive & Travel Executives
      “Your presentation proved thought provoking, informative and was well received. We truly appreciate the effort that went into preparing and delivering your message and applaud the results.”
      -Monica Alvarez, Managing Director, Operations

      Legal / Law:

      National Association of College and University Attorneys
      “Our members especially appreciated your knowledge of NACUA and our work. I think they expect speakers outside of our profession to show little understanding of the work of higher education lawyers … There is nothing quite like customizing a presentation. Thanks for a job really well done. I′d recommend you to others in a minute.
      -Kathleen Curry Santora, Chief Executive Officer


      Weyerhaeuser Containerboard Packaging
      “Your comments were very appropriate given the issues we are facing as a business. You gave managers not only something to think about, but also to take away from the meeting to use in their work climate. You sense of humor coupled with the seriousness of the message made it particularly effective.”
      -Susan Mersereau, Vice President, Organizational Effectiveness

      Liberty Diversified Industries
      “Your presentation on Generation X not only caught the interest of our managers, but gave them valuable insights, as they address the talents and needs of this group now moving into the work force. The strategies you outlined for us provided one more tool to use in identifying our goals and achieving them.”
      -Michael B. Fiterman, President and Chief Executive Officer


      Media Central [Yellow Pages]
      “Your Consumer Trends and Demographics session gave a highly valuable perspective and insight into present and future business drivers and indicators. Thank you for your critical part in bringing the Yellow Pages industry an event of such relevance and quality!”
      -John McManus, Editorial Director

      Public Service:

      Greater Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce
      “This was the most energizing, thoughtful and well-received event we′ve hosted in the five-year history of the program series. Your insights about the generations-the way they work and relate in the world today-can be universally understood.”
      -David Jennings, President

      San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
      “Participants … commented that you gave them new and very useful information about the generations, including their values and how to approach them most effectively in the sales process. Not only do you deliver a top-caliber program rich in content, but you are also extremely professional….”
      -Kelley R. Shields, Manager, Business Development Programs


      Dayton Hudson/Marshall Field′s
      “Lynne Lancaster and David Stillman…helped us to understand a segment of the our market that we have not been focused on….they made us aware of the potential business Generation X represents. The needs, desires and aspirations of Gen Xers…need to be addressed. Without our attention to [this population] we could loose them to other retailers.”
      -Joel Kaplan, Director of Trend Merchandising

      Ethan Allen
      “I would recommend BridgeWorks′ speakers to any audience, as their special gift is their ability to capture the attention of a varied demographic group and get each participant to believe they can make the changes necessary to make the different generations buy from them! They…encourage others to embrace their information to reach their professional and personal goals-approachability with customers, assertiveness, confidence, and increased sales.”
      -Mary S. Tobin, Independent Training Consultant

      “The feedback on your session was excellent. We were very pleased by the reaction we got from retailers as to the content of the program, and several commented that they now have a better understanding of their employees.”
      -Donald H. Fletcher, President


      “The response from our managers regarding your presentation has been overwhelming. It has been more than six weeks since our meeting and almost every day someone makes reference to the generational differences within our workplace and how we all understand each other and our employees better with this perspective.”
      -Jan Haeg, Director of Training and Development

      Travel / Tourism:

      National Tour Association
      “I was particularly impressed with the amount of background research you did on various NTA member companies in order to tailor the presentation to the packaged travel industry. Any organization looking for a dynamic team of professional speakers on understanding the values and behaviors that make each generation unique would be pleased to work with BridgeWorks.”
      -Molly Yandell, Assistant Director of Education

      Oshkosh Convention & Visitors Bureau
      I was at the Wisconsin Governor′s Conference on Tourism and your presentation was excellent!! You have a wonderful way of addressing an audience that spans the generations.
      -Mary Weishapple, Group Service Coordinator,


      National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
      “Your presentation at our Human Resources Conference…generated dialogue in and out of our office that has put generations and their differences at the forefront of all our conferences. The importance of recognizing-and communicating through-the varying generational groups was presented very effectively with humor, visual examples and personal reflections we could all relate to.”
      -Erik Dahlseid, Program Manager

      American Management Association
      American Society for Training and Development
      American Society of Association Executives
      Council of Growing Companies
      Meeting Professionals International
      Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals

      Business Services
      American Rental Association
      Ceridian Corporation
      Deluxe Check
      Lifetouch, Inc.

      American Library Association
      California State Association of Counties
      League of California Cities
      New Jersey Chamber of Commerce

      Newspaper Association of America
      Public Relations Society of America

      Home Builders′ Association
      Construction Industry Manufacturers

      Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
      Tinker AFB

      College and University Professionals Association
      National Association of College and University Attorneys
      National Association of Educational Buyers
      National Education Association
      Pennsylvania Association of Colleges & Universities
      Robert Morris College
      Rose State College
      St. Louis Community College
      Southwestern College
      University of Michigan
      University of Minnesota

      American Bankers Association
      American Express Financial Advisors
      Charles Schwab
      Consumer Bankers Association
      Financial Women International
      Fortis Financial Group
      ReliaStar Financial
      Southern Employee Benefits Conference
      Washington Mutual
      Wells Fargo Bank

      Food Industry
      Buffalo Wild Wings
      Floral Marketing Association
      Food Distributors International
      General Mills
      Land O′ Lakes, Inc.
      Produce Marketing Association

      Healthcare, Medical, Dental
      3M Dental
      Abbott Laboratories
      Adventist Health
      American Association of Blood Banks
      American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
      American Dental Trade Association
      Amerinet Central
      Clinical Laboratory Management Association Foundation
      California Association of Healthcare Admissions Management
      Eli Lilly and Company
      Healthcare Human Resources Management Association of California
      Henry Schein, Inc.
      Johnson & Johnson
      Patterson Dental Supply, Inc.
      Sutter Gould Health Foundation
      Sutter Health

      Dorsey & Whitney Law Firm
      Gray Plant Mooty
      Leonard, Street and Deinard
      Lowenstein Sandler PC
      Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand
      Meritas Law Firms Worldwide
      National Association of College and University Attorneys
      National Association for Law Placement
      Pepper Hamilton
      Tucker Alan

      3M Corporation
      Fibre Box Association
      Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
      Northrop Grumman Ship Systems, Inc.

      Best Buy
      Ethan Allen
      Marshall Field′s
      Salon Association
      Wilsons Leather

      Sales and Marketing
      American Marketing Association
      Association of Sales & Marketing Companies
      Bank Marketing Association
      Liberty Database Marketing Services
      Photo Marketing Association International

      Travel and Leisure
      Carlson Companies
      Society of Incentive & Travel Executives
      National Tour Association

      National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
      Minnesota Rural Electric Association
      Alabama Electric Co-operative
      Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives

    Have You Seen this Speaker? Leave a Star Rating.

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    Books by David Stillman:

    Gen Z @ Work: How the Next Generation Is Transforming the Workplace

    A generations expert and author of When Generations Collide and The M-Factor teams up with his seventeen-year-old son to introduce the next influential demographic group to join the workforce—Generation Z—in this essential study, the first on the subject.

    They were born between between 1995 and 2012. At 72.8 million strong, Gen Z is about to make its presence known in the workplace in a major way—and employers need to understand the differences that set them apart. They’re radically different than the Millennials, and yet no one seems to be talking about them—until now. This generation has an entirely unique perspective on careers and how to succeed in the workforce.

    Based on the first national studies of Gen Z’s workplace attitudes; interviews with hundreds of CEOs, celebrities, and thought leaders on generational issues; cutting-edge case studies; and insights from Gen Zers themselves, Gen Z @ Work offers the knowledge today’s leaders need to get ahead of the next gaps in the workplace and how best to recruit, retain, motivate, and manage Gen Zers. Ahead of the curve, Gen Z @ Work is the first comprehensive, serious look at what the next generation of workers looks like, and what that means for the rest of us.

      The M-Factor: Why the Millennial Generation is Rocking the Workplace
      The definitive guide to turning the Millennials′ great expectations into even greater results.

      The Millennial generation (those born between 1982 and 2000) has rapidly entered the workforce in greater numbers, but its introduction to the workplace has been anything but seamless. In fact, many companies already report attention-grabbing stories about:

      • the mother who called HR to complain when her Millennial daughter got a mediocre performance review;
      • the new hire who dialed the CEO directly to tell him what the company could be doing better;
      • the young employee who revealed a confidential new product on her Facebook page before it was made public.

      Clashes like these are happening in workplaces around the world, and they leave leaders and coworkers scratching their heads and wondering, “What do these Millennials want? Why are they so different? How do we get the good ones in the door? How do we keep them there without alienating the other generations?” Going forward, a company′s success will depend upon knowing the answers to these questions, because they are the keys to motivating this new generation and to taking advantage of the amazing potential it possesses.

      In The M-Factor, Baby Boomer Lynne Lancaster and Generation Xer David Stillman draw on cutting-edge case studies, findings from large-scale surveys, and hundreds of interviews to identify the seven trends essential for understanding and managing the Millennials: the role of the parents, entitlement, the search for meaning, great expectations, the need for speed, social networking, and collaboration.

      Observant, humorous, and savvy, this book—the ultimate guide to Millennials in the workplace—offers valuable insights and practical, take-action tips and solutions that Traditionalists, Boomers, Gen Xers, and even Millennials can use to bridge generational gaps, be more productive, and achieve organizational success like never before.

      Order Here

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