Travels from Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
David Snow's speaking fee falls within range: $10,000 to $15,000
From the heights of the Seven Summits to the peaks of business success, David Snows’ global experiences as a mountaineering guide and entrepreneur have helped him master the skills of effective leadership, teamwork, communication and trust. By taking One Step Beyond and changing the way we approach our roles within our work and family environments we can persist through any challenge to achieve our own personal summits.
The rare combination of international adventurer and entrepreneur, David Snow is one of a handful of people in the world who has organized and lead teams to the Seven Summits—including two expeditions of Mt. Everest—and directed his passion for mountaineering to build a multimillion-dollar adventure travel company, leading the way for thousands of adventurers to realize their dreams.
He draws from his unique experiences and achievements to deliver memorable and relevant takeaways about defining and attaining success, effective leadership in dynamic environments and aligning your team to persist through any obstacle.
David Snow is one of the select few who has successfully guided his teams to the top of the Seven Summits – the highest peak on each continent – and can directly speak to what it takes to get to the top. But with every summit comes a valley, and David can show your audience what it looks like when you need to take each day one step at a time.
One Step Beyond: Moving Beyond Complacency To Reach Peak Potential
In this special presentation, David weaves exciting true story (complete with pictures and videos) with important business lessons learned through his failures in both the corporate world and mountaintop adventures. Your audience will discover:
* What a “right rope team” is and why it's essential to have in every aspect of their lives… * How to feel the failure and power through no matter what trials come their way… * What it means to fail on Everest (including jaw dropping tidbits that will make your audience GASP out loud – and what they can learn from it)… * Stories of mountain climbers they've never heard of (and why they should care)…
How did David, a late arrival to mountain climbing, achieve the “seven summits” feat that very few mountain climbers achieve?
How did he become a successful international entrepreneur when few ambitious entrepreneurs ever build a sustainable business? The answer is not talent nor intelligence nor money nor courage, but another attribute, one that has helped achieve success throughout his life: Persistence.
Absolute Accountability Persistence is why he pushed his way into the university of his choice, why he built a thriving sales practice in tough
Economic times, why he became a successful inter-continental entrepreneur, and why a crushing failed attempt on Everest in 2017 did not dissuade him from a second assault on Everest the next year. For most people, according to Snow, persistence is the difference between success and failure. Persistence is why an actor or writer or athlete emerges from the millions of aspiring actors, writers and amateur athletes to have a successful career. Persistence is why some entrepreneurs finally create the companies that revolutionize industries, even if they first failed repeatedly. And persistence is why some people have successful lives, while others face years of frustration and disappointment.
Unexpected gusts will come. At least once every nine months. For most people, according to
Snow, persistence is the difference between success and failure. Persistence is why an actor or writer or athlete emerges from the millions of aspiring actors, writers and amateur athletes to have a successful career. Persistence is why some entrepreneurs finally create the companies that revolutionize industries, even if they first failed repeatedly. And persistence is why some people have successful lives, while others face years of frustration and disappointment.
Becca Tew
October 10, 2022
David Snow is a phenomenal speaker! I recently hired him for a corporate event and I was blown away by his stage presence. Not only is his story incredible, but his delivery is extremely captivating. I think everyone in the room felt motivated by his message and we have already rebooked him for our next event. I highly recommend David!
Speaker rating 10/10
“Thank you once again for coming and delivering your message. I have gotten many compliments that you have been the favorite speaker ever to come to our event and many people have been talking about you all day yesterday and today. Thanks for sharing your expertise and inspiring all of us.” – BD Medical Technology
“David had a very thorough pre-event call with us and worked his address to our audience. He was exceptionally professional and very moving for the majority of the audience – quite the feat with about 100 people, all from very different backgrounds. David was warm and engaging. He was very prepared. His story and supporting visuals and videos were also great. Overall, he was on message and on tone for our group.” – Nassau Financial Group
“We are so thankful for your help and message. I’m still getting great feedback from our folks, many have said that you’re the best keynote speaker we’ve ever had.” – American Express
“How refreshing to hear failures and successes not only in the mountains but with your businesses. Incredible journey–inspired our teams to reach beyond our professional and personal lives.” – Security National
“We had the jaw dropping pleasure of hearing David speak to our company. Not every day you get to hear from someone who has sat on the summit of Everest — and plenty of other highest mountains in the world. David taught us it’s all about the people you meet, the relationships you make and who’s with you at the top. One of the most compelling presentations we’ve heard.” – Skipio
“Dave blew everyone away. It was amazing. I’ve hired and sat through a lot of speakers and this was top notch. I almost got emotional at one point and I DON’T get emotional!” – Alder Security
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Peak Persistence: Why Some Reach Life’s Summits While Others Fail
Peak Persistence is filled with tales of mountain climbing adventures, including Snow’s experiences on the world’s highest summits; inspiring stories and examples of people who overcame insurmountable odds to succeed in a wide variety of domains; and academic research that explains and supports Snow’s specific how-to steps for acquiring and sustaining persistence.
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