
David Meinz Profile

  • Known as "America’s Personal Health Improvement Expert," Meinz delivers research-based health tips that easily fit into busy professionals' daily lives.

  • Over 25 years, Meinz has demonstrated multiple times that companies that improve their individual employees' health and well being improve their bottom line.

  • A registered dietitian nutritionist and CSP, Meinz's clients include IBM, Metlife, Wal-mart, GE, Morgan & Stanley, MDRT, Xerox, and the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority.
  • When organizations want to make a valuable investment in their greatest asset, they call David Meinz, MS, RDN, FAND, and CSP. David helps companies raise their bottom line through imparting actionable health advice tailored to modern-day professionals’ busy lives.

    For over 25 years David has demonstrated that the overall health of your company stems from the health of your talent. He energizes audiences, driving employees and leadership to make smarter, better informed decisions that boost both physical and mental health. This in turn drives company productivity and talent retention, reduces health costs, and fosters vibrant work cultures.

    David’s happy healthier clients include IBM, Metlife, Wal-mart, GE, Morgan & Stanley, MDRT, Xerox, and the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority.

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      “America’s Personal Health Improvement Expert”

      David Meinz speaks internationally to businesses and associations about living life to the fullest with maximum energy and health. He shows those audiences how to improve their health for maximum personal and professional productivity.

      Author of the books Survival of the Fittest; Healthy Sales; Wealthy, Healthy & Wise; and How To Have A Hundred Healthy Birthdays, he’s also received the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association.

      David is both interactive and energetic with audiences. And he’s really funny, too!

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    David Meinz's Speech Descriptions

    If traditional health advice doesn’t fit your lifestyle, you’ll find David’s tips refreshing. For over 25 years, he’s tailored his takeaways to people who lead busy on-the-go lives, such as sales professionals and corporate leadership.

    Meinz reveals anti-aging secrets from centenarians around the world who are living independent and fulfilling lives in their hundredth year and beyond. On a macro-level, Meinz’s practical approach to “adding years to your life and life to your years” has helped countless companies cut down on healthcare costs, absenteeism, and turnover rates, raising their bottom line along the way.

    Energize Your Life!
    Does your health affect your productivity? Yes! Here’s the latest information on how you can get more energy and maximize your health in today’s hectic lifestyle. David Meinz brings you up-to-date on this exciting topic with a content-rich, fun, and funny program on how to feel your best in the 21st century!

    How to Have A Hundred Healthy Birthdays
    Forty years ago, there were 3000 centenarians living in the U.S. Today there are 80,000! People who have celebrated their one hundredth birthday belong to the fastest growing age population group in this country. David Meinz shows you how to add years to your life and life to your years.

    Healthy Sales
    Healthy sales people are better sales people! "America’s Personal Health Improvement Expert" David Meinz shows how personal health improvement improves sales performance. You’ll learn the seven steps to increasing your daily energy levels and the secrets to staying healthy while traveling, dealing with stress, and juggling your hectic schedule. A content-rich, fun program on how to sell your best!

    Executive Health
    An exclusive program designed for CEO’s and their upper-level management. Usually presented as part of an executive retreat, this half to full day program goes well beyond the basics for a much more in-depth, advanced and personalized look at how organization decision makers can maximize their health by measuring and controlling some non-traditional risk factors. An excellent method of introducing the wellness concept to upper level management by showing them the benefits on a very personal level. Limited to a maximum of 50 participants per group. Contact us for more specific details and availability.

    Today’s Healthy Man
    Men lead women in 12 of the top 15 causes of death in the United States, obesity in men is more dangerous than it is in women, and the average man lives seven years less than his wife! What’s a guy to do? Health expert David Meinz shows men how to help even the odds. You’ll discover how to supercharge your health with practical guidelines on everything from what to snack on while watching a football game to how to have a healthy barbecue. No bean sprouts or tofu here, just real-world advice you can live with. A fun program that will help put you in charge of your health!

    Today’s Healthy Woman
    Careerwoman, Wife, Mother, Homemaker, and Taxi Driver. The demands on today’s woman make it vital that she not only maintains but maximizes her personal health and energy. Health expert David Meinz brings you up-to-date on the latest on weight loss, building better bones, preventing breast cancer, and the truth about chocolate! A content-rich, practical, fun, and funny program on how women can maximize their health in the 21st Century!

    Supermarket Secrets
    With over 35,000 different products, and 5000 new ones coming out each year, how are you supposed to navigate your way towards dinner? There’s a big difference between the truth and the WHOLE truth in today’s grocery store! You’ll discover that most "wheat" bread is, in fact, just white bread, why you can’t trust nutrition claims in the meat and dairy sections, how to actually decrease your sugar intake by using the sugar bowl, and lots, lots, more! A content-rich, fun, and funny insiders-guide to today’s supermarket.

    What People are Saying about Seeing David Speak

    Rating Entries

    I have known David for over 15 years and have heard him speak several times. I recently heard his all day program at the University of Alabama - Birmingham - School of Dentistry Alumni Weekend. He was FABULOUS ! As a past member of the Alumni Committee I have helped organize and host many great speakers but David Meinz is a head and shoulders standout in his program and presentation. He is extremely current in his topic of overall health, nutrition, and longevity. His book "How to Have a Hundred Birthdays" is a must read! Any one in health care should strive to get David on their program as soon as possible for what I can guarantee will be a Grand Slam program for your group! He is smart, clever, funny, and very entertaining to go along with his advanced knowledge and expertise. I give David Meinz my absolute highest recommendation to be on any program regarding health, general medicine. and dental medicine!


      “At Xerox we′re dedicated to our most valuable asset: our employees. Experts like you help our employees see the big picture in relation to health and the impact they can have on maintaining that health and keeping medical care costs down through prevention. Thanks again for a great job!”
      J. Elvin Dashiell,

      “What a feast! Your seminar provided so much food for thought that two months later we are still talking about french fries, fat, and fiber. I especially appreciate the fact that you customized your presentation to meet our needs.”
      Sharon Byrd

      “We are always looking for ways to make our employees more health conscious. Your program was one of the best that we have had.”
      L.G. Haynes

      “You scored a perfect 6 on a scale of 6… I rarely see that kind of rating. Thanks so much for all that you did to help make ASAE′s Management Conference in New York such a big success.”
      Anne Blouin

      “To paraphrase an old song – ′Nobody Does It Better′ – than David Meinz when the subject is health! David has a gift for taking this important subject and making it interesting, fun, and applicable.”
      Beverly Werbel

      “Thanks for your excellent presentation. The information was presented in a light and humorous manner and was extremely practical in terms of its clinical applicability to both the physicians in attendance as well as to the patients they see.”
      Michael Bucci, M.D.

      “Your presentation was the exact program I was looking for our group to hear. I used the information to provide a ′light lunch′ at my last seminar and the attendees didn′t fall asleep in the afternoon.”
      Bernie Droste

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    Books by David Meinz:

    Eating by the Book

    Does the Bible hold the secrets to optimal health? Nutritionist David Meinz has researched and discovered what the Bible says about what you eat—and the principles are surprisingly simple. With Eating By The Book you’ll learn a spiritually-based, scientifically-sound, common-sense plan for maximizing your health.

    You’ll learn:

      • The foods you should eat
      • The right way to lose weight
      • Preventing the biggest killer
      • Minimizing your risk of cancer

    Your best manual for health—The Bible.

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