
David Meerman Scott

E-commerce, Entrepreneurship, Internet, Sales, Social Media

Travels from Massachusetts, USA

David Meerman Scott's speaking fee falls within range:
$20,000 to $25,000

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David Meerman Scott Profile

With extraordinary career experiences ranging from working as a male model in Japan to advising the archive of the Grateful Dead, David Meerman Scott brings a wealth of expertise to his talks on e-commerce and Internet sales.

An internationally acclaimed strategist, Scott is author or co-author of ten books, several of which are international bestsellers. Translated into 26 languages and with 300,000 copies sold, his book The New Rules of Marketing & PR is a modern business classic. Other books include Real-Time Marketing & PR (a Wall Street Journal bestseller), World Wide Rave, and The New Rules of Sales & Service. He has also co-authored Marketing the Moon and Marketing Lessons from The Grateful Dead.

Enormously in demand as a speaker, Scott has been engaged by many of the most important corporations in the world, including Google, Microsoft, Nestlé Purina, Ford Motor Co, National Geographic, NASDAQ, the government of Ontario, the U.S. Air Force, the US Marine Corps and Dow Jones, among many others. He utilizes a high-energy style to get across his message that speed and agility are the essential virtues of the new marketing world.

Alongside his speaking, writing and research, Scott advises emerging companies specializing in market disruption. He served as a member of the board of directors of NewsWatch KK (which was purchased by Yahoo Japan) and Kadient (merged with Sant). He is currently engaged as an adviser to HubSpot (Marketer in Residence) Libboo, GrabCAD, VisibleGains, ExpertFile, GutCheck, the Grateful Dead Archive at University of California/Santa Cruz and HeadCount.

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    Marketing and Sales Strategist—Generating Attention & Growing Business in a Real-Time World

    Our always-on, Web-driven world has new rules for competing and growing business. Advance planning is out—agile is IN! Those who embrace new ways will be far more successful than those who stay who stay stuck and afraid to change. No one knows more about using the new Real-Time tools and strategies to spread ideas, influence minds and build business than David Meerman Scott. It’s his specialty.

    David Meerman Scott is an internationally acclaimed strategist whose books and blog are must-reads for professionals seeking to generate attention in ways that grow their business. Scott’s advice and insights help people, products and organizations stand out, get noticed and capture hearts and minds. He is author or co-author of ten books—three are international bestsellers. The New Rules of Marketing & PR, now in its 4th edition, has been translated into 26 languages and is used as a text in hundreds of universities and business schools worldwide. It is a modern business classic with over 300,000 copies sold so far. Scott also authored Real-Time Marketing & PR, a Wall Street Journal bestseller, World Wide Rave, and the forthcoming The New Rules of Sales & Service. He co-authored Marketing the Moon and Marketing Lessons from The Grateful Dead.

    As a speaker, Scott’s high energy presentations are a treat for the senses. He’s informative, entertaining and inspiring. That he’s spoken on all seven continents and in 40 countries to audiences of the most respected firms, organizations and associations underscores the value he brings to audiences. Scott’s keynotes and masterclasses are an urgent call to action. Scale and media buying power are no longer a decisive advantage; what counts today is speed and agility. Real-Time is the mindset for the future—and content rules! His tailored presentations delve deep—offering strategies and tactics that help audiences seize the initiative, open new channels and grow their brand. His groundbreaking strategies don’t just slap social media onto dusty old strategies—they reinvent the way business engages the marketplace. Audiences walk away knowing how to use blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Big Data and the newest tools like Newsjacking and to engage the media, crowd-source product development, increase sales, exert influence, disseminate ideas, build awareness and command premium prices by using speed as a strategic weapon.

    Top firms and organizations have engaged Scott to present at conferences, expos and meetings, among them: Cisco, HP, PwC, GenRe, SAP, Google, Microsoft, McCormick, Nestle Purina, Amdocs, Jackson Healthcare, Ford Motor Company, Century 21, The New York Islanders, Self Storage Association, Vocus, Mosaic, Direct Marketing Association, South-by-Southwest, National Healthcare Marketing Summit, Kronos, Public Relations Society of America, National Geographic, Ingram Micro, Abbott Medical Devices, NASDAQ Stock Market, the Government of Ontario, McKesson, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, Digital River, Hill & Knowlton, Dow Jones, SAS, National Investor Relations Institute, The Milken Institute, Entrepreneurs Organization, International Health Forum, Credit Union National Association, Giant Screen Theater Association, Realtors® Conference, National Agri-Marketing Association, Belize Tourism Industry Association and many, many more.

    David Meerman Scott is a globalist with real world experience and an eye for the bigger marketplace. He moved to Tokyo at age 26 to establish the Japan office of a Wall Street Real-Time economic advisory firm. He worked for global Real-Time media companies in Tokyo for seven years and Hong Kong for two. David was Asia marketing director for Knight-Ridder in the mid-1990s before moving to the Boston area where he was marketing VP for two publicly-traded U.S. companies, most recently at NewsEdge until he was fired shortly after it was sold to Thomson, delivering to him the gift of reinvention as a strategist advising organizations on the new realities of agile, Real-Time business.

    In addition to writing, researching and speaking, Scott is currently an advisor to emerging companies who are working to transform their industries by delivering disruptive products and services. Besides delivering success as a member of the board of directors of NewsWatch KK (successfully sold to Yahoo Japan) and Kadient (successfully merged with Sant) and on the board of advisors of Eloqua (successful IPO in mid-2012 and sale to Oracle in early 2013), his current portfolio of advisory clients includes HubSpot (where he serves as Marketer in Residence), Libboo, GrabCAD, VisibleGains, ExpertFile and GutCheck as well as non-profits including the Grateful Dead Archive at University of California/Santa Cruz and HeadCount.

    In His Own Words
    “At the height of the dot-com boom, I was vice president of marketing at NewsEdge Corporation, a NASDAQ-traded online news distributor with $70 million in revenue. My multi-million dollar marketing budget included tens of thousands of dollars a month for a public relations agency, hundreds of thousands a year for print advertising and glossy collateral materials, and expensive participation at a dozen trade shows a year. My team put these things on our marketing to-do list, worked like hell to execute, and paid the big bucks because, well, that’s what one did as marketing and PR people. These efforts made us feel good because we were doing something, but the programs were not producing significant, measurable results.

    At the same time, drawing on publishing experience I had gained in my prior position as Asia marketing director for the online division of Knight-Ridder—at the time one of the largest newspaper companies in the world—I quietly created content-rich marketing and PR programs on the Web. Against the advice of the PR agency professionals we had on retainer (who insisted that news releases were only for journalists), we wrote and sent dozens of releases ourselves. Each time we sent a release, it appeared on dozens of online services such as Yahoo!, resulting in hundreds of sales leads. Even though our advertising agency told us not to put the valuable information “somewhere where competitors could steal it,” we created a monthly online newsletter called TheEdge, with articles about the exploding world of digital news. We made it freely available on the home page of our Web site because it generated interest from qualified buyers.

    “Way back in the 1990s when Web marketing and PR was in its infancy, I ignored the old rules, drawing instead on my experience working at publishing companies, and created thought leadership strategies to reach buyers directly on the Web.

    “Guess what? The homegrown, do-it-yourself programs we created at virtually no cost consistently generated more interest from qualified buyers than the big bucks programs that the “professionals” were running for us—and resulted in millions of dollars in sales. People we never heard of were finding us through search engines.

    “Wow. I had stumbled on a better way to reach buyers!

    “In 2002, after NewsEdge was sold to The Thomson Corporation, I was fired. My ideas were a little too radical for my new bosses. So I started my own business to refine my ideas, work with select clients, and teach others through writing, speaking at conferences, and conducting seminars for corporate groups. The subject of all this work: Reaching your buyers directly and driving more revenue.

    “Since then, many new forms of social media have burst onto the scene, including blogs, podcasts, video, virtual communities. and Twitter. But what’s the same about all the new Web tools and techniques is that together they are the best way to communicate directly with your marketplace.

    “The marketing programs I have developed are responsible for selling well over one billion dollars in product and services worldwide.”

    Gaijin Male Model
    In Japan’s go-go years, I was one of the first twenty-something gaijin male models in Tokyo to specialize in the young businessman look.

    You can read about in my essay called Gaijin Male Model which was published by North American Review and the anthology Hacks.

    With Japan’s stock and property markets the envy of the world, I exploited one of the only times in history where a mere mortal could moonlight through a few wacky years of over-the-top TV commercials, exotic location shoots, spotlights with beautiful women and encounters with the famous. I enjoyed a wild ride courtesy of Japan’s financial hysteria, and my luck at being there at the right time with the right look.

    I did television commercials for product such as Panasonic office equipment, Nippon Life Insurance, Mitsubishi cars, and… get this… Wacaol Women’s Underwear.

    I was in television shows, a movie (Tokyo Pop), and some print advertisements. And to top off my “career” as an impostor model / actor, I was in Teatro alla Scala’ production of Puccini’s Turandot directed by Franco Zeffirelli with James Levine conducting.

David Meerman Scott Speaking Videos

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David Meerman Scott's Speech Descriptions

David Scott plans his keynote speeches so that they are customized perfectly to his audience, right down to the clothes he chooses to wear. His mantra for providing the perfect keynote speech is Information, Entertainment and Motivation.

Scott offers presentations that will revolutionize the way in which you think about marketing in the modern world; he throws out the discredited technique of bolting on traditional strategies to social media and shows how you must adapt constantly to every new real-time development in the technological world.

Whether in a keynote speech or a full-day masterclass, Scott provides his audiences with an online marketing strategy that uses all the latest developments to speak directly and personally to their ideal customers.

The Perfect Keynote Speech
David’s keynotes are always customized based on the needs of the conference organizer, the geographical location of the talk, and the demographics of the audience. He adapts his presentations in many ways, including the examples of success he showcases, the focus of the talk, the use of specific language and jargon of the industry, even the clothing he chooses to wear. His presentations include three elements: Information, Entertainment, and Motivation.

Want to generate attention in today’s always-on, Web-driven world? The answer isn’t just slapping social media onto dusty old strategies. The rules have changed. David Meerman Scott cuts through the confusing new communication landscape and lays out meaningful, measurable and no-cost strategies to instantly reach your audiences directly. This informative, entertaining and high-energy presentation shows the best examples of success from a wide variety of large and small organizations—from business-to-business outfits to rock bands, nonprofits to entrepreneurial growth businesses. Scott energizes people to put fear aside and inspires them with confidence to apply new thinking: social media are the tools&dmash;but Real-Time is the crucial mindset. With a rebel’s heart, Scott abandons the controlled and message-driven advertising and PR paradigm. He shows how to win the hearts and minds of your audience using blogs, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Newsjacking, and other new tools—by creating content that they’re eager to share.

Today’s communications revolution presents tremendous growth opportunities for those who know how to tap this once-in-a-millennium transformation. Gone are the days of planning marketing and public relations programs to suit your timetable. It’s a Real-Time world now—if you’re not engaged, you’ve opened doors for your competition. David Meerman Scott shows how to make the power of Real-Time to work for you! His inspiring, high-energy presentations are tailored to each audience, revealing ways to generate attention for products and services in minutes (not months.) Audiences walk away with relevant and actionable ideas: how to develop (or refine) products or services based on feedback from customers or events in the marketplace; how to engage when people are eager to do business; how to make speed and agility a competitive weapon; how to get the media talking about you; and much more. Real-Time business means acting first—and—while your competitors scramble to adjust, opening new channels that grow your brand. Scott shows how to succeed NOW... in Real-Time.

The ongoing communications revolution has profoundly affected how sales and service is done. Buyers are now in charge! Referencing blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook and other Web-based tools, they often bypass the traditional selling model altogether&dmash;learning for themselves about your products/services, your competitors, and what customers say about you (whether true or not!). Don’t struggle to adjust to this new environment&dmash;be agile and master it. David Meerman Scott inspires audiences with fresh, real-world tested strategies and tactics for establishing and maintaining relationships and building new business. The key is an agile Real-Time mindset and an arsenal of new communication tools. Scott shows how to use them to win hearts and minds by creating low-cost (and no-cost!), measurable strategies and tactics that help buyers you don’t yet know discover you! He shows why the best salespeople have become information curators&dmash;communicating by delivering the precise information that buyers need at just the right time and in just the right way. Agile, Real-Time selling means gaining more customers with fewer resources&dmash;and David Meerman Scott shows you how to make it happen.

Intense, Interactive, Full-Day Events

David Meerman Scott leads this full-day session where entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketers learn a step-by-step framework for building an online marketing strategy and a tactical, actionable plan to reach buyers directly and in Real-Time. The session details a powerful new way to get attention using blogs, viral marketing, podcasts, online video, search engine marketing and online thought-leadership. Learn why marketing on the Web is different. Understand how to speak directly to your customers and buyers by creating compelling content they’re eager to share instead of bombarding them with advertising they’ll likely ignore. See why “you are what you publish” and learn strategies to execute viral and Real-Time engagement that wins hearts and minds and gets attention. Learn how to create a cohesive online marketing strategy and the tactics that succeed.

Top firms and organizations have engaged Scott to present at conferences, expos and meetings, among them: Cisco, HP, PwC, GenRe, SAP, Google, Microsoft, McCormick, Nestle Purina, Amdocs, Jackson Healthcare, Ford Motor Company, Century 21, The New York Islanders, Self Storage Association, Vocus, Mosaic, Direct Marketing Association, South-by-Southwest, National Healthcare Marketing Summit, Kronos, Public Relations Society of America, National Geographic, Ingram Micro, Abbott Medical Devices, NASDAQ Stock Market, the Government of Ontario, McKesson, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, Digital River, Hill & Knowlton, Dow Jones, SAS, National Investor Relations Institute, The Milken Institute, Entrepreneurs Organization, International Health Forum, Credit Union National Association, Giant Screen Theater Association, Realtors® Conference, National Agri-Marketing Association, Belize Tourism Industry Association and many, many more.

What People are Saying about Seeing David Speak

Rating Entries

“We’ve had the pleasure of working with David Meerman Scott on several occasions, and he never fails to deliver compelling insights. At our most recent gathering—a group of PR professionals from enterprises large and small—David was challenging and thought-provoking, but with a familiar humor that drew the audience in from the start. Ironically, the most revealing feedback came from one unfortunate attendee who had to leave early for another engagement. ‘This is great stuff,’ he said. As he slipped out the door, the pained look on his face said it all.”
    Matt Toll, Marketing Director, Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group

“David came and addressed our group and we couldn’t be more pleased with the results. Many of us had already read his book The New Rules of Marketing & PR, so we were looking for those next level nuggets to help us take our game to a new level. David came through with a riveting session that sparked creative thought throughout the room. He did a great job of keeping it interactive and keeping everyone in the room involved and intrigued. We have already begun implementing many of the ideas that came out of David’s session.”
    Josh Bernstein, Vice President, New York Islanders

“David shakes up a room, and makes people rethink their marketing approach. His talk was able to move a group of CMOs from skeptics to converts, and showed why even the most traditional company must embrace the new rules. He makes participants face their fear of change, and gives them ideas they can take home and use that day. One of our best events to date!”
    Kristi Hedges, Founder, Technology Marketing Alliance

“David Meerman Scott was the keynote speaker at the Giant Screen Cinema Association’s International Conference and Trade Show and he delivered a terrific 45 minute talk to more than 300 people. Delegates who attended said it was the single most important session of the conference. He gave delegates good, solid information to take back to their companies and use right away.”
    Gretchen Jaspering, President, Giant Screen Cinema Association

“David spoke at HubSpot’s 2008 Inbound Marketing Summit. His unique ideas and compelling presentation style kept the audience deeply engaged. We look forward to having David back at next year’s Inbound Marketing Summit.”
    Brian Halligan, CEO, HubSpot

“Time and again David delivers! I have had the pleasure of attending his speaking sessions and most recently hosting him for our local association of senior marketing executives. Always mind bending… always up to date… always chock full of the latest solid advice of what works… Your audience will be asking for more!”
    Brian C. Reed, CMO, BoxTone

“Folks are still talking about your presentation at the Ad Fed of NWPA. You promised to entertain, educate and motivate us to take action and you delivered. Now we are inspired to experiment more and apply these ideas to our business. Thanks!”
    Cathy von Birgelen, Program Director of the eMarketing Learning Center, The Center for eBusiness and Advanced Information Technology

“David Meerman Scott delivered the keynote at the MarketingProfs business-to-business forum. His presentation about viral marketing was upbeat, exciting and motivational. The 350 people who attended left David’s session energized and enthusiastic about implementing his ideas.”
    Roy Young, President, MarketingProfs

“My sincerest thanks for joining us at ICIC’s 2008 Inner City 100 Summit. Your session on The New Rules of Marketing and PR received rave reviews from the audience and, as a testament to how interesting and informative you were, we are still getting requests for extra copies of your book. The Inner City 100 companies in the audience will be better able to grow and scale their businesses as a result of your session.”
    David G. Latimore, President and CEO, Initiative for a Competitive Inner City

“David Meerman Scott spoke at our CRM Acceleration Summit as the marketing luminary sharing buyer behaviors and smart marketing trends that are driving message penetration today. We also offered David’s highly acclaimed book to every attendee, which was well received as a continuance to David’s presentation. Our only mistake was to not make David our keynote speaker and give him more presentation time as our audience of sales and marketing executives claimed that he had the best presentation and offered the most valuable information. I would strongly recommend David as a keynote speaker at executive level events.”
    Tara Spalding, Vice President of Corporate Marketing, SugarCRM, Inc.

“Thank you for speaking at our conference. Your presentation was excellent, well-received and laid the groundwork for the remainder of the conference. What more could we have asked!”
    Susan M. Chilcott, Vice President for Communications, American Association of State Colleges and Universities

“I wanted to thank you for presenting at our event. Per the group’s feedback, everyone thought you did an incredible job! We also appreciate that you took the time to stay with us for the entirety of the event. We certainly hope to work with you again in the future.”
    Michelle C. Daubar, Director of Communications, General Catalyst Partners

“Thank you again for a first class presentation at our Leadership Conference! Your message was absolutely perfect and from my own perspective and background, it is amazing to see how many folks are still “clinging to the old ways” while there are some wonderful and exciting new avenues right at their own fingertips!”
    Gwendolyn Wright, Customer Experience Manager, Neighborhood America

“Thank you for helping make our ‘Insurance Media 2.0’ success. Attendees talked very favorably about your presentation in the many post meeting e-mails I received. The insurance industry doesn’t have an historical propensity for going outside the industry for expert speakers, but it proved to be a “home run” with our audience and attendees. Your content was very timely and delivered professionally and enthusiastically. I would not hesitate to recommend you to any other group.”
    Walt Podgurski, Chairman & CEO, The Insurance Media Association

“We originally hired David Meerman Scott to present at a breakout session of 75 senior Investor Relations Officers at the 2007 National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) annual conference. Coincidently, his presentation was on the same day as the release of his new book The New Rules of Marketing & PR so working with David and the NIRI organization, we expanded David’s presence into a formal book launch and signing. The energy was awesome, and his presentation, originally planned for 75 people, expanded to be a Standing Room Only performance to almost three times that amount! Engaging and thoughtful, yet full of advice our clients could use the next day—that’s David.”
    Bradley H Smith, Director of Marketing and Communications, / NASDAQ

“David, it was a pleasure meeting you and a real treat having you present for us. Everyone (including me) went home rethinking their approach to the web, their marketing and the world of possibilities open to them. I’ll let you know if we do anything REALLY exciting and what the results are. In any event, you’ll be hearing from us again, because I’ve already heard from several attendees that they want you back.”
    Nora Nealis, Executive Director, National Cleaners Association

“David Meerman Scott was live at our headquarters when he spoke to our worldwide sales and marketing team with live video and WebEx feeds to offices in three countries and many U.S. cities. David’s presentation was informative, interesting and the case studies made it immediately relevant to our business. Many of the global team members commented that they couldn’t wait to get back to their desks to try out some of David’s techniques. That’s exactly the response we had hoped to receive.”
    Lori Sayde-Mehrtens, Director of Publicity, Wiley

“David embodies two things every seminar or conference organizer wants in an expert speaker—he’s compellingly relevant and thoroughly professional. His innovative strategies for winning with content on the Web were eye-openers for attendees at Hanley Wood’s American Housing Conference. Meanwhile, David managed to boil a half-day’s worth of learning and value into the 20-minute time slot we’d allotted him—and, as they say in radio, he hit the post.”
    Vince Giorgi, Vice President, Hanley Wood Marketing

“In seconds, David perceived the interest and objectives of our audience—IT suppliers interested in conveying the value of their solution offerings to new customers. David’s presentation and style engaged our members immediately. His examples of “new” PR methodologies were relevant, timely, and enlightening. He gave all of us a lot to think about as we consider ways to better harness the power of the web for viral and closed-loop marketing. David will no doubt be hearing from our members, and we look forward to welcoming him back at a future event.”
    Peggy Wnton, Vice President, Membership, Sales and Marketing, AIIM, the ECM Association

“David Meerman Scott’s plenary session at our annual meeting was a raging success. The 600 plus attendees left the meeting armed with new ways to think about marketing their content. His latest book, “Cashing In With Content” was available for sale and over the next few days I saw people with their copies tucked under their arms.”
    Susan Kesner, President, Society for Scholarly Publishing

“David Meerman Scott really ‘woke up’ our hospital marketing/pr directors to the ‘New Rules of Marketing and PR’. It was quite exciting and could have been a full day session, instead of just the keynote address. His understanding of new media is light years ahead of most people, and I was pleased to have a thought leader kick off my conference.”
    Susan Hassell, Vice President, QHR

“I wanted to thank you for speaking at our monthly Insurance Services of New England meeting. You were superb. You are an excellent speaker with a tremendous amount of information packed into your program, which was smart and very enlightening to our group. Your research and work are ground breaking for us media starved businesspeople. That is the good news. The bad news is no one will be as good in the future. Now what do I do?”
    Lawrence L. McGlynn, Co-Chairman, Insurance Services of New England, LLC

Partial Client List:

    • Cisco
    • HP
    • Microsoft
    • McCormick
    • Jackson Healthcare
    • Ford Motor Company
    • Century 21
    • The New York Islanders
    • NASDAQ Stock Market
    • the Government of Ontario
    • U.S. Air Force
    • U.S. Marine Corps
    • Google
    • Digital River
    • Hill & Knowlton
    • Dow Jones
    • SAS
    • Business Marketing Association
    • National Investor Relations Institute
    • Milken Institute Global Conference
    • Entrepreneurs Organization
    • International Health Forum
    • America Credit Union Conference
    • and many, many more…

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Books by David Meerman Scott:


The New Rules of Sales and Service: How to Use Agile Selling, Real-Time Customer Engagement, Big Data, Content, and Storytelling to Grow Your Business
Sales and service are being radically redefined like never before. With buyers now in possession of unlimited information, online content is quickly becoming the dominant driver for commerce. Today anyone working in sales or customer service needs to possess entirely new skills. Unfortunately most organizations are still using traditional selling and service models developed for a different time.

In this new book by the author of the #1 bestseller The New Rules of Marketing & PR, David Meerman Scott demystifies the new digital commercial landscape and offers inspiring and valuable guidance for anyone not wanting to be left behind.

Rich with revealing, first-hand accounts of real businesses that are charting this new territory and finding astounding success—a bicycle manufacturer that engages customers with honest and revealing openness; an enterprising network of home basement repair contractors that educates clients with free publications and innovative visual software; and an independent physician who provides her patients with online video notes to help them follow detailed medical instructions—The New Rules of Sales & Service shows how innovative businesses large and small are discovering new opportunities, strengthening customer loyalty, and mastering real-time buyer satisfaction.

Among the topics covered in detail:

    • Why the old rules of sales and service no longer work in an always-on world
    • The new sales cycle and how informative Web content drives the buying process
    • Providing agile, real-time sales and service 24/7 without letting it rule your life
    • The importance of defining and understanding the buyer personas
    • How agile customer service retains existing clients and expands new business
    • Why content-rich websites motivate interest, establish authority, and drive sales
    • How social media is transforming the role of salesperson into valued consultant

Required reading for any organization that interacts with the public—ranging from independent consultants to established large corporations and small businesses to new start-ups and non-profits—The New Rules of Sales & Service is the essential guidebook for anyone attempting to navigate the exciting and evolving digital landscape.

Note: The New Rules of Sales & Service is neither an update nor a sequel to The New Rules of Marketing & PR; rather it complements the earlier book. Each book focuses on and outlines different strategies: Marketing and PR use online content to reach many buyers at once; Sales and Service use online content to reach buyers one at a time. The New Rules of Sales & Service tailors its strategies and tactics to reflect this difference.

Real-Time Marketing and PR, Revised: How to Instantly Engage Your Market, Connect with Customers, and Create Products that Grow Your Business Now
Launch effective real-time communications to win in today’s always-on world

Gone are the days when you could plan out your marketing and public relations programs well in advance and release them on your timetable. “Real time” means news breaks over minutes, not days. It means companies develop (or refine) products or services instantly, based on feedback from customers or events in the marketplace. And it’s when businesses see an opportunity and are the first to act on it. In this eye-opening follow-up to The New Rules of Marketing and PR, a BusinessWeek bestseller, David Meerman Scott reveals the proven, practical steps to take your business into the real-time era.

Find out how to act and react flexibly as events occur, position your brand in the always-on world of the Web, and avoid embarrassing mistakes and missteps. Real-Time Marketing and PR will also enable you to:

    • Develop a business culture that encourages speed over sloth
    • Read buying signals as people interact with your online information
    • Crowdsource product development, naming, and even marketing materials such as online videos
    • Engage reporters to shape stories as they are being written
    • Command premium prices by delivering products at speed
    • Deploy technology to listen in on millions of online discussions and instantly engage with customers and buyers

Scale and media buying power are no longer a decisive advantage. What counts today is speed and agility. While your competitors scramble to adjust, you can seize the initiative, open new channels, and grow your brand. Master Real-Time Marketing and PR today and become the first to act, the first to respond, and the first to win!

The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing and Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly
Though it may not yet have affected the value of 30 seconds of Super Bowl advertising, PR insider Scott argues that understanding the growing irrelevance of marketing’s “old rules” is vital to thriving in the new media jungle. Already apparent in newspapers and magazines (with sharp downturns in circulation and ads), radio (on the losing end of the iPod revolution) and direct mail (digitally replaced by spam), the imminent fall of traditional mass media marketing means new opportunities for legions of smaller companies and independent professionals who need to reach niche markets cheaply and effectively.

The way Scott sees it, this is also good news for consumers: the online culture of integrity and information tends to produce quality content for less, as opposed to the vapid, one-sided and pricey advertising of print media and television. Scott provides the technical novice a thoughtful and accessible guide to cutting-edge media arenas and formats such as RSS, vodcasts and viral marketing, without neglecting the fact that technological wizardry can’t substitute for a well-thought out marketing program. Besides emphasizing fundamentals like defining one’s audience, Scott also drills home the ethos and etiquette of the web, encouraging content that’s both useful and unobtrusive. This excellent look at the basics of new-millennial marketing should find use in the hands of any serious PR professional making the transition.

Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business
Create bold web content and build a loyal customer base online.

Blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other publishing platforms are giving everyone a “voice,” including organizations and their customers. So how do you create the bold stories, videos, and blog posts that cultivate fans, arouse passion for your products or services, and ignite your business?

Content Rules equips you for online success with a one-stop source on the art and science of developing marketing content that people care about. This coverage is interwoven with case studies of companies successfully spreading their ideas online-and using them to establish credibility and build a loyal customer base.

    • Learn the art of storytelling and the science of journalism
    • Find an authentic “voice” and craft bold content that will resonate with prospects and buyers and encourage them to share it with others
    • Leverage social media and social tools to get your content and ideas distributed as widely as possible

Boost your online presence and engage with customers and prospects like never before with Content Rules.

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