
Darren Hardy Profile

  • For the past decade, millions of readers have turned to him for advice and guidance on achieving success and raising performance.

  • As publisher and founding editor, he turned SUCCESS magazine into the go-to guide for personal development and achievement.

  • He is the best-selling author of The Compound Effect and The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster--Why Now is the Time to #JoinTheRide.

  • As a speaker, he delivers priceless insights on replacing self-sabotaging behaviors with the street-tested habits of super-achievers.
  • For two decades, Darren Hardy has championed the message that anyone is capable of becoming a “super-achiever.” in addition to being a living-and-breathing example of the very practices he teaches, the former publisher and editor of SUCCESS magazine is the nation’s most prominent author, coach, and speaker on how ordinary people can become super success stories.

    After taking the reigns at SUCCESS magazine, Darren Hardy breathed new life into the publication, rebuilding the more-than-century-old brand from scratch. During his tenure there as editor and publisher, he had unmatched access to the world’s most prominent entrepreneurs and business leaders. Darren’s job put him face-to-face with innovative giants like Richard Branson, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos, giving him the opportunity to learn the secrets and habits that set these “super-achievers” apart.

    Darren’s best-selling books The Compound Effect and The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster–Why Now is the Time to #JoinTheRide have been read by millions. Recently, he received the National Speakers Association’s Master of Influence Award, a prestigious honor that in the past has gone to speaking legends Jim Rohn, CPAE; Og Mandino, CPAE, Brian Tracy, CPAE; Zig Ziglar, CPAE; and Deepak Chopra.

    Prior to his high-profile speaking career and time at SUCCESS, Darren led two television networks focused on personal development and success —The People’s Network (TPN) and The Success Training Network (TSTN).

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Darren Hardy is today’s preeminent Success Mentor having been a central business leader in the personal growth and success industry now for more than 20 years. He has led three success television networks producing over 1,000 TV shows featuring most every influential thought leader of our times. And for eight years Darren led the rebirth of SUCCESS Magazine as its publisher and founding editor.

      These positions have given Darren unprecedented access to interview, investigate and publish the stories of the most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders in the world, including Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Howard Schultz, Steve Wynn, Jack Welch and many more.

      Through this special access Darren has been able to uncover the strategies and methods that have powered the most successful people in the world, mixing in lessons and discoveries from his successful entrepreneurial journey and he now distills these coveted insights to mentor and empower millions of achievers globally.

      Darren is also a highly sought-after keynote speaker, media contributor and the New York Times bestselling author of The Compound Effect and Living Your Best Year Ever and his The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster–Why Now is the Time to #JoinTheRide.

      Darren’s mission is to Positively Influence Influencers… and to be a guide for those who choose to… “Be The Exception.”

    Darren Hardy Speaking Videos

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    Darren Hardy's Speech Descriptions

    Leading success expert Darren Hardy has a rare universal appeal that’s left audiences from every industry raving about him. Darren’s programs offer countless gems for boosting your performance, productivity, and free time. Packed with anecdotes from his encounters with the world’s most prominent business leaders Darren outlines the habits and practices of super-achievers along with his own street-tested principles of success.

    Each program is filled with super secrets to enhanced productivity as well as formulas that will guide you to consistently make the small smart choices you need to make to move mountains rather than falling into the trap of instant gratification. You will learn specific effective behaviors that will lower your stress, cut down your work hours, raise your results, and give you more time to enjoy life.

    Darren can also conduct 4 to 5 hour workshops giving you the opportunity to put the ideas presented in his keynotes into practice

    How to jumpstart your income, your life and your success

    The truth, told straight. The real deal on what it really takes to earn success—made plain, simple and actionable. Success Mentor Darren Hardy draws from his own extraordinary journey to success, and all he has collected from interviewing the most successful people of our time, and distills it into the core fundamental principles every achiever needs to know, practice and master to obtain anything more than ordinary success. Darren outlines the operating system that underlies all significant achievement and delivers a complete action plan that anyone can start executing immediately.

    Key Lessons:

    • Eradicating the bad habits (some you might be unaware of!) that are constantly derailing your progress.
    • Painlessly installing the few key disciplines required for a major breakthrough and lasting results.
    • The real key to motivation—getting it and keeping it; how to get yourself to do things you don’t feel like doing.
    • Developing and capturing the elusive but awesome force of momentum—catch it and you will be unstoppable!
    • How to win—every time! The No. 1 strategy to achieve any goal and triumph over any competitor, even if they are more talented, smarter and more experienced.
    • The acceleration secrets of superachievers: Do they have an unfair advantage? Yes, they do; now you will too.

    Finally, an understanding there is no quick fix to success. Success is earned through hard work, discipline, key habits and the consistency of positive choices compounded over time. With the principles made clear and simple, attendees leave with a sense of clarity and belief that they can achieve extraordinary success, and knowledge about what to do to get started immediately.

    Why NOW is the Time to #JoinTheRide

    66 percent of small businesses fail—and it’s not for the reasons you think. Darren set out on a mission to figure out why and to turn this statistic around. His discovery was startling and contrary to most assumptions.

    Failure was not due to outside factors—they were internal. They weren’t economic—they were emotional. The unexpected and terrifying emotional roller coaster an entrepreneur experiences is the greatest factor in why most quit and ultimately fail.

    This keynote is designed to prepare your people for the wild ride of entrepreneurship. It will warn them (of forthcoming fears, doubts, and the self-defeating conditioning of your upbringing and past), inoculate you (from the naysayers, dream-stealers, and pains of rejection and failure), and guide you (as you build those under-developed skills of independence, self-motivation, and self-accountability) safely past the landmines that blow up and cause the failure of most new business owners.

    You will learn the best strategies Darren has ever collected from the most successful people on the planet. You can pick from one or two of the four essential skills necessary for entrepreneurial success: Sales, Recruiting, Leadership, and Productivity.

    See the Entrepreneur Success Experience for a more extended workshop covering all four essential skills.

    Learning to lead, influence and empower a team to high performance in these fast-changing, ever-evolving times.

    The core attributes for effective leadership have changed. How do you lead in today’s fast-moving and ever-evolving times? Learn the attributes and skills necessary to lead a dynamic team made up of five generations.

    Key Lessons:

    • The essential strategies to recruiting the people you want and getting them to perform as you want
    • How to get extraordinary achievement from (seemingly) ordinary people
    • Uprooting the legacy leadership practices and belief systems that will severely limit your ability to succeed in today’s marketplace
    • The No. 1 job of every leader and your key competitive advantage in organizational development
    • Successful emotional management of your people
    • Becoming a leader who motivates and inspires people to peak performance

    Your leaders will get a 180-degree mindset adjustment on the essential qualities of leading by example and demonstration, not lecture or conjecture. They will understand the responsibility and difference-making opportunity associated with leadership. They will leave with the tools to empower them to become influential leaders who build high-performance teams that deliver results—big results.

    How Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Donald Drumpf and others produce far more in less time than the rest of us.

    From the thousands of printed pages and hundreds of hours of personal interviews with today’s most extraordinary achievers, Success Mentor Darren Hardy identifies the 3 distinctions that make the difference between being an overwhelmed, overworked and overscheduled overachiever and being a super-achiever who produces stunning results with less effort, less stress in less time, leaving lots of time to experience your hobbies and be with your family.

    Key Lessons:

    • The specific productivity strategies of Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Kenneth Cole, Richard Branson and Nike CEO Mark Parker
    • Understanding your Vital Signs of strategic productivity
    • Mastering your Vital Functions and core fundamentals to extraordinary achievement
    • The key to staying focused and eliminating your addiction to distraction
    • How to get yourself (and others) to DO what we know we should do—finally
    • Developing the key success habits to dramatically increase your success
    • Finding and keeping your motivation to stay consistent in the disciplines needed to succeed—long term

    Audience members will leave with some rarely known and insightful tips and strategies drawn from the most successful achievers in the world that they can immediately apply to their own business and life to significantly improve their results.

    How to change your beliefs so you can change your results and your life

    Our beliefs shape our destiny and ultimately determine our results. Our beliefs either burden or embolden our inner potential and the potential of our future. They control everything we are and everything we do (or don’t do).

    Learn how to change your beliefs and you can change your life. Learn how to change the limiting beliefs that continually sabotages their success. Remove the barriers to their greater success—in your business and in their life.

    Key Lessons:

    • How our brain constructs beliefs and reinforces them (without you knowing it)
    • Learning to expose and change limiting beliefs that imprison, sabotage and control your life—determining your feelings of security, worthiness, lovability, self-image, capability and competence
    • Learning how to believe in yourself, your capabilities and your potential

    How to create a culture of personal growth and high performance

    What separates those who end up on the cover of SUCCESS magazine from everyone else? What do today’s most celebrated achievers study, practice and do that defines their extraordinary success? Success Mentor Darren Hardy reveals the three core strategies they use to outsmart, outcompete and outdo everyone else. Learn and apply these strategies and you can too!

    Key Lessons:

    • How high-producing leaders create a culture of performance and personal growth for themselves and within their organizations
    • Productivity strategies used to multiply results in compressed time
    • Understanding how to build and sustain the enigmatic and unbeatable power of momentum
    • Empowering people to embrace and celebrate failure on their pathway to success

    Audience members will leave understanding that to improve their results in life they need to improve themselves through a specific and actionable plan.

    THE 4 LANDMINES OF SUCCESS (for Direct Selling)
    Overcoming the only obstacles that can stop you from being successful in building your business

    Why now is the time of greatest opportunity in history—how to take advantage of it and how to avoid the potential landmines that can unexpectedly destroy your chances of success. This presentation will identify and reinforce the commitment, accountability and continual productivity necessary for success. It will also identify the emotional resilience needed to overcome the minefield of fear, doubt, rejection and the inevitable and relentless naysayers.

    Key Lessons:

    • Easy entry makes for easy exit; how to create the deep commitment necessary to see them through the emotional journey to success and why direct selling provides the best opportunity for entrepreneurial success
    • The essential skills of being your own boss; identifying and learning to focus on the half-dozen fundamentals that earn money and produce results, with a simple accountability system that works
    • The key attributes to improve in order to attract higher-quality people into your business and a simple personal-development system for doing so
    • Conquering the 3 F-words: Fear, Foes and Failure

    Audience members will leave emboldened with a new belief in themselves, their opportunity and their ability to be successful. They will also no longer be overwhelmed and bewildered by what they need to do to succeed. They will make a resolute commitment to consistently execute the core productive fundamentals of the business for at least a year. They will have a simple personal-development plan to help them improve their results and attract more people to their business. They will no longer be afraid of failure or defeated by rejection, but rather be emboldened and reinforced by it. They will have a new relationship with naysayers, fear, failure, and with the obstacles that empower them, rather than debilitate them.

    Finding and keeping focus on the key small causes that create BIG results.

    This is the single greatest success secret I have ever discovered. It was given to me by a Centenarian who immigrated with his parents from the (now known as) Ukraine and grew up in abject poverty and went on to become massively wealthy, highly respected and very well loved--the trifecta of success as far as I am concerned. This is the single insight he attributes his vast fortune and great success. In this keynote I reveal the principle and teach how to apply it, specifically into the business model of the audience.

    Key Lessons:

    • How a few activities produce a 16:1, 250:1 or even 4,000:1 return on effort and investment.
    • Finding those few and learning to stay focused on those key activities.
    • Learning to delete, diminish or delegate everything else.

    While the audience might have heard about focus, the Pareto Principle and how the right small causes create the big results, after this presentation they will finally “get it”. They will understand HOW they do, what they are specifically in their business and how to stay focused on them without the distraction of all the other tempting solicitations on their time, energy and attention. They will know specifically how the uber-successful such as Richard Branson, Donald Drumpf, Elon Musk, Joel Osteen, the late Steve Jobs, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Mark Cuban, Jeff Bezos and other produce 16-4,000X the result of everyone else. THIS is that secret strategy… and now they will have it.

    What People are Saying about Seeing Darren Speak

    Rating Entries

    “Darren’s 21st Century Leadership message is EXACTLY what everyone needs to hear! This message will change your people and your company’s future.”
    – Logan Stout, CEO, IDLife

    “Darren was one of the best speakers we’ve ever had at any of our events in more than 18 years! His message is spot-on, his command of the material is awesome and he leaves people with clear, actionable steps to take their business and lives to the next level. We will definitely have him back at future events!”

    – Ray Faltinsky, CEO and Co-Founder, FreeLife International

    “I’ve been hosting leadership events for several years. Darren brought the most powerful, actionable content to date with freakin’ awesome delivery! The most successful CEO’s in our region said you delivered the single greatest presentation they’ve ever heard. You killed it and they loved the massive amount of actionable content you provided. Thanks for delivering with such excellence.”

    – Justin Maust, President/CEO Leader Legacy, Inc

    “Your level of preparation and professionalism is unmatched by any of our guest speakers, and we really appreciate the extra effort it took to give such an impactful training. It is certainly not easy to find a speaker who has global appeal; yet we have found that in you. Thank you for helping change the lives of our people.”

    – Greg Provenzano, Co-Founder, ACN

    “No question that you knocked it out of the park. The emails that have been coming in and comments we have been getting are beyond comprehension. Your message resonated deeply with our clients. You changed people’s lives in that room. Your passion for personal development drives us to be the best we can be in life and in business. I’ve never witnessed anyone own the room like you did.”

    – Jay Kinder, Founder, National Association of Expert Advisors LLC

    “Not only were Darren’s speeches spectacular, but every interaction our team had with him was a positive experience. Pass along my personal gratitude. He added significant value to our event this year.”
    – Kale Carlile, Chief Operating Officer, Yoli, Inc.

    “Without doubt you have gone down in Kleeneze history as the best speaker ever. Our top leaders cite you as the best, many referring to you as the new Jim Rohn. It resulted in us taking orders on the day for 5.5 weeks’ worth of kit sales IN JUST ONE DAY. So your message about hard work certainly inspired people into action.”
    – Jamie Stewart, Managing Director, Kleeneze Ltd

    “Darren is a rock star. He’s able to relate with all ages, with the polished and authentic and humorous manner that the younger generation really relates to. He knocks it out of the park every time he takes the stage at a ViSalus event.”
    – Blake Mallen, Chief Marketing Officer, ViSalus Sciences

    “Your presentation was ‘bar none’ the best training I’ve ever experienced in my 21-year direct selling career. I wasn’t only impressed; I was inspired and motivated to elevate my own game on many levels.”
    – Arthur Napolitano, Senior Vice President, ACN

    “Darren Hardy is one of the favorites amongst our sales field. Darren is an excellent speaker. Every time Darren delivers great information, great content. He will help you with your success and really does add a lot of value to your sales field.”
    – Angela Chrysler, President & CEO, Team National

    “Darren Hardy is an amazing speaker. You connect with everything he says. Everyone I’ve spoken with has been positively overwhelmed. Thanks for the awesome presentation!”
    Simon Grabowski, CEO/Co-Founder, Vemma Europe

    “Wow, that was powerful and personal—an amazing teacher and man. You made a huge difference to a lot of people.”
    – Verne Harnish, Owner, Gazelles, Inc., Founder, Entrepreneurs’ Organization

    “Darren is one of the best in the industry. He has humor and an ability to deliver a message that just doesn’t just go to your brain but goes to your heart as well and makes you understand. He’s just simply one of the best.”
    – Joseph McClendon, Founder, Pro-Sequences Research Group

    “Darren’s talk was probably one of the more rich talks that I have heard, as far as relevance.”
    – Heidi Thompson, President & Co-Owner, Scentsy

    “Darren is all about personal development. When you listen to Darren, you get real insight into what holds people back.”
    – Randy Mathews, Vice President of Sales, NSA

    “To surround yourself with people like Darren Hardy makes an amazing result in your performance. I highly recommend him. Darren, can make all the difference in the world.”
    – Rita Davenport, former President, Arbonne

    “I cannot thank you enough for all the incredible value that you delivered to the Yoli Nation these last few days. Darren you truly know how to over deliver and go beyond expectations.”

    – Robby Fender, President & CEO Yoli, Inc.

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    Books by Darren Hardy:

    The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster: Why Now Is The Time To #JoinTheRide

    The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster will prepare you for the wild ride of entrepreneurship. It will warn you (of forthcoming fears, doubts, and the self-defeating conditioning of your upbringing and past), inoculate you (from the naysayers, dream-stealers, and pains of rejection and failure), and guide you (as you build those under-developed skills of independence, self-motivation, and self-accountability) safely past the landmines that blow up and cause the failure of 66 percent of all new businesses.

    You will learn the best strategies Darren has ever collected from the most successful people on the planet, covering the four essential skills necessary for entrepreneurial success: Sales, Recruiting, Leadership, and Productivity.

    This book is for you if:

    • You’ve dreamed of having your own business but have a fear of the unknown.
    • You’ve stayed on the sidelines of entrepreneurship, not knowing what to expect or what to do.
    • You’re already on board as an entrepreneur, but you want to ensure you’re a success and not a statistic.

    The Compound Effect

    No gimmicks. No Hyperbole. No Magic Bullet. The Compound Effect is based on the principle that decisions shape your destiny. Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default. Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine, presents The Compound Effect, a distillation of the fundamental principles that have guided the most phenomenal achievements in business, relationships, and beyond. This easy-to-use, step-by-step operating system allows you to multiply your success, chart your progress, and achieve any desire. If you’re serious about living an extraordinary life, use the power of The Compound Effect to create the success you want.

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