
Daniel Sieberg Profile

  • As the senior marketing manager and head of media outreach efforts at Google, he helps journalists and organizations around the world reach their target audiences via the latest technologies.
  • Equipped with 20 years of experience reporting on science and technology for CNN, CBS, ABC, and other mainstream media outlets, he possesses numerous connections to the digital sector.
  • Author of the The Digital Diet: the four-step plan to break your tech addiction and regain balance in your life, he shows audience how to control technology rather than let technology control them.
  • Award-winning TV correspondent and official Google spokesperson, Daniel Sieberg has covered technology for 20 years, reporting for CBS, ABC, BBC News, NPR, and PBS, among other media outlets. As Google’s senior marketing manager and head of the Google News Lab, he counsels journalists around the globe as they use Google tools to gather information and reach wider audiences.

    Originally from Canada, Sieberg started his U.S. journalism career with a five year stint as CNN’s technology correspondent. He became the face and voice of technology for CBS in 2006, reporting for the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, The Early Show, CBS Sunday Morning, CBS Radio and However, the high-tech expert and social media fanatic started to worry just how connected he really was when he realized he knew very little about what was happening with his own family. Daniel embarked on the process of limiting and better managing his use of digital technology, a process that resulted in his book The Digital Diet: the four-step plan to break your tech addiction and regain balance in your life.

    Daniel has since spoken about his book and related subject matter at multiple places including UBC, BCIT, Yale, and the London School of Economics. Consistently at the forefront of new apps and devices, he draws from his extensive career in media to teach audiences from various sectors how to optimize technology to make their lives better, rather than letting technology control their lives.

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      Daniel Sieberg is a senior marketing manager at Google overseeing media outreach efforts and an official spokesperson.

      He is also an Emmy-nominated and award-winning TV correspondent/host/author whose work across four continents has appeared on CBS News, CNN, ABC News (Nightline, GMA), MSNBC, BBC News, Bloomberg, Al Jazeera English, NPR, PBS, CNET, the Discovery Channel, Planet Green,, Details, The Dr. Oz Show, The Nate Berkus Show, and countless publications.

      His book about a “digital diet” concept explores myriad avenues of how technology is transforming our lives from relationships to business to identity. From swimming with sharks to a live demonstration of the latest gadgets to reporting in zero gravity, Sieberg has always been comfortable within a wide range of situations and beats from business to science to entertainment; telling compelling stories and resonating with an audience are what drive his many pursuits, and having a sense of humor doesn’t hurt either.

      Sieberg was the CBS News science and technology correspondent from December 2006 to February 2010 reporting for the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, The Early Show, CBS Sunday Morning, CBS Radio and During that time Sieberg also contributed to a book about the so-called “Craigslist killer” called Seven Days of Rage (Pocket Books). Plus, he co-hosted several CBS-CNET network specials about technology trends, holiday gadget ideas and video games.

      He now regularly anchors at the online network ABC News Now, which means reading the news and interviewing guests about everything from politics to Hollywood to health/nutrition. Beginning in late summer 2010, Sieberg started hosting a new consumer-based show for ABC News called Tech This Out!, which in April 2011 was awarded an official Webby Honoree distinction. In May 2010, Sieberg reported on the environmental impact of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico for the inaugural edition of PBS’ newsmagazine show Need to Know, and he is a regular technology contributor to BBC World News Americawith Matt Frei.

      From 2000-2006 he was the technology correspondent for CNN, CNN International, CNN Headline News (now HLN) and edited the sci-tech section. He also hosted Next@CNN, a weekly broadcast about science, technology, space and environment and appeared often on shows like American Morning, Anderson Cooper 360 and Paula Zahn Now. Plus Sieberg anchored daily segments for Morning Express with Robin Meade from 2001-2004, produced weekly reports for CNN Radio and spent several weeks covering the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
      In 2008 he co-hosted 40 episodes of an environmental lifestyle show called G Word on Discovery Channel’s Planet Green network and he has contributed as an analyst to PBS’ Frontline, NPR, BBC Radio,, CourtTV (now truTV) and Animal Planet.

      Between 1998-2000 Sieberg was a daily reporter for western Canada’s largest newspaper, the Vancouver Sun, covering technology, business and civic issues. At CTV News in Canada, he worked as a video game reviewer and associate producer for a news panel show called Robert Mason Lee: On the Edge from 1998-2000.

      Sieberg has been nominated for four News and Documentary Emmy Awards and won accolades from the likes of the Society of Environmental Journalism and the World Technology Awards. In 2007 he was named a Portfolio magazine “Business Broadcasting All-Star” and he is a recipient of Canada’s Rafe Mair Award for public service journalism. His written work has been published by the Huffington Post,,,Time magazine, Details magazine, the Vancouver Sun, the Toronto Star, and many other places both online and in print. He is also a recipient of a 2010 Knight Fellowship workshop for science journalism and part of a panel for the 2008 National Academy of Engineering’s Global Challenges Project.

      A regular speaker and moderator at such events as the NetMedia conference in London (2001), the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3, 2004) and the Ziff Davis Gaming Summit (2006), Sieberg has attended and reported on the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Comic-Con, Comdex, E3, DEMO, the Webbys, DefCon, and the World Technology Network. His eclectic list of interview subjects includes Bill Gates, Hugh Hefner, Kevin Mitnick, Steve Wozniak, Tony Hawk, Peyton Manning, Curt Schilling, Doug Liman, Kenny G, Paula Abdul and Will Wright.

      Sieberg has traveled to nearly 30 countries and reported extensively throughout the U.S./Canada as well as places like Peru, Ethiopia, Taiwan, Japan, the Bahamas and the Arctic. He has a bachelor’s degree (B.F.A.) in writing from the University of Victoria and a master’s degree in journalism (M.J.) with a specialization in technology from the University of British Columbia. He lives in New York City with his wife and two daughters.

    Daniel Sieberg Speaking Videos

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    Daniel Sieberg's Speech Descriptions

    Daniel Sieberg speaks on optimizing the latest technologies, navigating digital disruption, and finding a balance between the virtual world and real life. The head of Google’s Media Lab gives audiences unique insights on leveraging today’s newest digital tools so they’ll have more time to disconnect from their phone and reconnect with the people around them.

    Daniel’s 20 years of science and technology reporting have equipped him with expertise crossing several sectors: he offers programs tailored to businesses, the health sector, tourism industry, and media industry as well as general audiences.

    Tech Life 2020
    Subject area: future of technology
    A frequent first rule of predicting tech trends: never trust an expert who proclaims to know the future. But in this case, Daniel Sieberg, who spent 20 years reporting on tech for the likes of CNN, ABC, CBS and the BBC before joining Google four years ago, bases his insights on past as prologue for what’s next and how our immersion in connectedness is affecting our very humanity.

    Sieberg, who also wrote The Digital Diet, lays out what got us here with devices and smartphone, what’s happening today with social/online/wearable, and stitches together a potential glimpse at where we’re headed. It’s not about a crystal ball, it’s about informed and inspired analysis to assess what’s next from mobility to identity to VR.

    Next-gen healthcare trends
    Subject area: healthcare future, medical
    From pedometers to smartphone apps to glucose-sensing contact lenses, what’s next for people to personally monitor their own well-being? How can we give people access to their own medical data and make informed decisions? When is knowing too much not helpful?

    Daniel Sieberg, who spent 20 years reporting on technology for the likes of CNN, ABC, CBS and the BBC and authored The Digital Diet before joining Google four years ago, looks at the technologies available on the market today, how consumers are embracing them and looks ahead to what might be possible. This is a chance to dive into the self-monitoring aspect of healthcare for a thought-provoking presentation on a topic that offers a potentially dramatic shift in medicine.

    How is your brand really being perceived?
    Subject area: brand marketing, small business
    How do you connect with consumers in a way that's authentic amidst a flood of information online? What can any company do to highlight the "why" of their business? Daniel Sieberg, former technology reporter for CBS, CNN and ABC and current exec at Google, examines what it means to really engage with people around a product or idea and how to win hearts/minds in a meaningful way. It's about more than just a plan, it's about turning customers into fans through the right amount of transparency and access to the very DNA of your company. This talk will feature an actionable plan to get started with new implementations in any business.

    Today’s “smart” traveler
    Subject area: tourism, travel
    Tourists today have more options than ever to explore unseen and niche places within any location. From mobile maps to restaurant recommendations to virtual tours. Plus we've all got a camera in our pocket at all times. But what's the best way to tap into these technologies without losing a real-world experience? Daniel Sieberg, former technology reporter for CBS, CNN and ABC, author of The Digital Diet and current exec at Google, has been to 50+ countries and 600 cities and offers his take on the right way to be a digital explorer without missing everything around you.

    News 3.0
    Subject area: digital news revolution, media
    The ways in which we consume (and produce) news has evolved rapidly in recent years from mobile to social to UGC. It presents both challenges and opportunities for traditional media, and there are more changes coming including VR, expanded data journalism and increasing eyewitness videos. In addition, media startups are seeks to disrupt the establishment with a slew of new ways for people to get the information they care about. What does it mean to our pursuit of quality information? Daniel Sieberg, former technology reporter for CBS, CNN and ABC, author of The Digital Diet and global head of media outreach with the Google News Lab, outlines the pace of progress within the news space and looks ahead to where it's going.

    Tell better stories
    Subject area: new ways of storytelling, marketing
    Telling a great story will always be the essential component within marketing. But these days the rules and the tools have changed dramatically and apply to so many facets of any business from sales to PR to industry relations. A mini documentary in YouTube 360 featured your product in unusual ways? Data visualizations or an infographic to complement any product launch? Immersing people in VR to engage with an event? Daniel Sieberg, former technology reporter for CBS, CNN and ABC, author of The Digital Diet and current exec at Google, looks at how every company should fold in cutting-edge storytelling to their arsenal.

    Do you need a Digital Diet?
    Subject area: consumer behavior, psychology, health and well being
    On average, we check our smartphones more than 125 times per day. Per DAY. And what are we doing with that time? Playing Candy Crush? Checking for emails that aren't there? Sharing selfies? How is the world adapting to such a heavy influx of data and personal technology and what's it doing to our relationships, our work/life balance and our sense of self?

    This is relevant for a wide range of audiences from families to businesses to individuals all trying to adapt to our connected age. There’s a lot at stake from productivity to our identity to the next ways we’ll be communicating with each other. Daniel Sieberg, former technology reporter for CBS, CNN and ABC, author of The Digital Diet and current exec at Google, offers ways to better understand the dilemma of today's connected consumers and a plan for coping with it all.

    Why follow the leader?
    Subject area: leadership, business
    Why do the best leaders succeed? What is it about them? And is it possible to emulate their behavior? There's a potential leader in all of us, but it often requires a deep examination of everything from our core values to our ability to relate to others to our ability to emotionally invest in our people. The impact can be felt from the boardroom to the mailroom and even the living room of your clients/customers.

    There’s no silver bullet, but Daniel Sieberg, author of The Digital Diet and current exec at Google, outlines a leadership path for anyone looking to better their skills and lead with heart. Sieberg has interviewed some of the biggest leaders in technology while he was a tech reporter for CBS, CNN and ABC, completed elite-level training courses and leads a growing international team within Google. It’s also about lessons learned from 25 years within the media-tech industry, the psychology of how people respond to direction/guidance and even what coaching youth soccer can tell us about leading the next successful team.

    Understanding Blockchain and Cryptocurrency - How it can Benefit Anyone: Blockchain/Crypto/Bitcoin
    Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain - these terms are increasingly becoming a part of our global conversation about how we improve communications, security, and business models across a wide range of verticals. It's important for any leader or business owner or just a curious third-party to begin to understand the implications and get ahead of this seemingly unstoppable new technology. Daniel Sieberg, former Google spokesperson and marketing executive and now co-founder of Civil (journalism supported by blockchain), is ready to break it all down in ways people can understand and act upon.

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    Books by Daniel Sieberg:

    The Digital Diet: the four-step plan to break your tech addiction and regain balance in your life

    We all know someone who needs a digital diet.

    Technology has overwhelmed our daily lives to the point of constant distraction. Many of us can no longer focus on a single task or face-to-face conversation without wanting to reach out—or retreat—to the virtual world every few minutes.

    Science and technology reporter and recovering digital addict Daniel Sieberg has devised a foolproof 4-step plan to help you regain control, focus, and true connection in your life.

    Step 1//Re: Think:
    Consider how technology has overwhelmed our society and the effect it’s had on your physical, mental, and emotional health.

    Step 2//Re: Boot:
    Take stock of your digital intake using Sieberg’s Virtual Weight Index and step back from the device.

    Step 3//Re: Connect:
    Focus on restoring the relationships that have been harmed by the technology in your life.

    Step 4//Re: Vitalize:
    Learn how to live with technology—the healthy way, by
    optimizing your time spent e-mailing, texting, on Facebook, and web surfing.

    This program will enable families to communicate better, employees to be more productive, and friends to stay in touch. Sieberg teaches us how to manage and use the technology in our lives to our advantage, without letting it control us.

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