
Daniel Levine Profile

  • As director of the Avant-Guide Institute and its worldwide network of "Trendspotters", Levine is one of the world's foremost experts on how companies can build their products, services, and marketing around the social trends that are driving their customers' behavior.

  • Levine and his team extensively research every audience and their customers to provide a one-of-kind presentation for each event packed with relevant information, inspirational ideas, and viable techniques that attendees can put into practice as soon as they get back to the office.

  • Consistently one of the world's top-rated speakers, Levine is as entertaining as he is informative.
  • One of the world’s leading trends analysts, Daniel Levine heads an international team of over 9,000 trend spotters who research and chronicle the latest ideas, products, and experiences from around the globe. Worldclass businesses such as Mastercard and Intel rely on his spot-on insights and expertise to shape their product development and marketing.

    As director of the Avant-Guide Institute trends consultancy, Daniel gets to the heart of what’s driving consumers and guides companies in building their industry around those motives and mindsets. While he is a specialist in the travel and leisure sector, Daniel holds authority in an array of markets. He has served as a consultant for HBO, NBC, Samsonite, and The New York Times, among many other organizations.

    In addition to being among the best in his industry, Daniel is one of the world’s top-rated keynote speakers, consistently delivering cutting-edge information about the latest trends and what it means for his audience.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Daniel Levine is one of the world’s best known trends experts and a professional keynote speaker with over 10 years’ experience delivering compelling presentations worldwide.

      He is a respected crowd-puller as a conference speaker at association congresses and other events, including the UNWTO, American Express, Intel, The New York Times, MarketWatch, Mandarin Oriental Hotels, World Travel Market, Carlsberg Breweries… and many more.

      Daniel Levine has an uncanny ability to help destinations, brands and businesses be more relevant, innovative and profitable.

      By revealing what customers are thinking and feeling, Daniel unmasks the values and attitudes that underpin purchasing behaviors, and offers practical ways in which businesses can use social trends to benefit customers and increase sales.

      Daniel is:

      • Director of The Avant-Guide Institute, the global trends consultancy for travel and consumer marketing, based in New York City.
      • Global Editor of WikiTrend, where entrepreneurs, innovators and marketers discover trendsetting ideas for insight and inspiration.
      • Leader of a huge international Trend Spotting Network that tracks the latest ideas and experiences from around the globe.
      • Trusted consultant to major companies and retail brands in a wide range of consumer-oriented industries.
      • Best-selling author of over 20 books.
      • One of the world’s top-rated keynote speakers.

    Daniel Levine Speaking Videos

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    Daniel Levine's Speech Descriptions

    Consumer trends keynote speaker, Daniel Levine zooms in on the biggest social trends influencing your customers today. Levine shares real life examples of how different businesses across various industries are using these trends to grab people’s attention, secure the loyalty of customers, and grow profits. Finally, he guides your group in developing creative ways that you can build your products, practices, and marketing to fit your customers’ mindsets and motives.

    What Your Customers Really Want… And How to Give It to Them
    Why do some people choose to buy from you… while others choose to go elsewhere? Understanding social trends is a critical part of your sales process and if you want to thrive – and not just survive – you need to be able to pinpoint exactly why your customers do what they do. In this thrilling presentation, global trends expert Daniel Levine will take you on a deep dive to reveal what your customers are actually thinking and feeling. You will discover the real values and attitudes behind why they buy, understand trends that are quickly changing the consumer landscape, and learn from organizations, brands, and products that are embracing trends and change with spectacular results. In the space of an hour, Daniel will arm you with powerful tools your business can use to ride these same trends, attract more customers, and increase sales – in ways your competitors simply can’t. New trends and fresh rules are creating new winners and losers every day. Which will you be?

    Killer Customer Service: Trends With Benefits
    Is your next customer a hair-trigger away from abandoning your business… forever? What your customer expects from you is increasingly set and shaped outside your industry, which means your customer experience has probably fallen behind. If you don’t know how to meet these mysterious demands – let alone what they even are – your customers will go elsewhere. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this mind-blowing presentation, Daniel Levine will tear aside the curtain and reveal the new trends and expectations that are raising the bar on customer care. Clearly see the real ways your customers are researching, trying and buying, and discover how the world’s best companies are serving their customers in ways you can replicate – and exceed. While this presentation is inspirational, funny and packed with amazing visuals, the emphasis is on the practical: Daniel will equip you with the real-world tools and strategies you need to surpass customer expectations, stay ahead of the trends, and generally up your game.

    5 Trends Shaping the New World of Business
    As a business leader, knowing what is now isn’t enough – you also need to know what will be, or you’re gone. Tomorrow’s world will look vastly different from today’s, so strap on your jetpack and get ready for an exhilarating “advance preview” of the most spectacular and useful tech-driven trends that are guaranteed to shake up your world. In a rollicking presentation packed with keen insights, you will get a “sneak peek” into the contemporary culture of tomorrow – and the changes that are revolutionizing the way you work, live and consume. Daniel will treat you to a glimpse of everything that matters – from the future of ecology, technology, transportation and medicine, to communications, business, and human relationships. And he will put it into perspective and connect the dots so you know what it means for your business. If you aren’t ready for tomorrow’s world you’ll be swallowed up by more nimble competitors. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the game.

    Luxury Trend Secrets: How to Sell Stuff To Rich People.

    Trends Intensive: Hands‐On Masterclass
    You can learn a lot by attending a presentation. But true working knowledge comes from rolling up your sleeves and putting it all into action. Now that you have experienced one of Daniel Levine’s world-class trends presentations, this is your opportunity to open your mind, explore possibilities and put your new-found expertise to work. In this intensive interactive workshop you’ll get hands‐on experience creating real, actionable products, services and marketing initiatives – all inspired by the innovative power of trends. With personal supervision from the world’s most respected trends expert, you will learn exactly how embracing trends can lead to higher consumer engagement and more revenue for your company. Then you will discover a simple methodology to create trends‐based initiatives – and walk away with the confidence to implement them. Some of the world’s highest-ranking CEOs have made huge changes in their business as a result of what they learned from Daniel. Don’t pass up on your chance to get that same expertise for your business.

    Daniel Levine on Speaking

    I don’t presume to know more about any industry than the very professionals who are in that business sitting in my audience. What I do know more about is their customers, what is motivating them to buy stuff, and what you can do to attract them.

    SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn/take away from your presentations?

    LEVINE: I don’t presume to know more about any industry than the very professionals who are in that business sitting in my audience. What I do know more about is their customers, what is motivating them to buy stuff, and what you can do to attract them. In my presentations I show audiences which trends are relevant to them and how they are motivating people to buy goods, services and experiences. Then, as both inspiration and education, I offer compelling examples of innovative things that businesses in other industries are doing to draw those same customers. Finally, I help attendees come up with their own effective ideas to attract customers, strengthen loyalty, be more relevant, and increase sales.

    Since the majority of businesspeople have small businesses with limited budgets, staffing and resources, I make sure to focus on easy, low-cost ways of embracing trends in creative and powerful new ways.

    Each of my presentations end with a very specific list of things that members of the audience can do to benefit from trends and hit the ground running when they return to their offices on Monday morning.

    SPEAKING.COM: What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How do you prepare for your speaking engagements?

    LEVINE: My staff and I do extensive work prior to each presentation so that we can tailor my talks to each event. We employ the full resources of the Avant-Guide Institute to create completely up-to-date and inspiring programs. We start by canvassing our global network of Trend Spotters to spotlight the latest and most innovative business and consumer trends, along with specific ways in which audience members can take advantage of them. For McDonald’s I showed the audience how to benefit from social trends related to food, nutrition and changing global tastes. At Tourism Futures in Australia, I helped travel industry stakeholders understand what is driving leisure travel around the world. At the International Franchise Association Annual Conference I helped entrepreneurs get up-to-date on tech trends for business. Finally, at BMW I shared our research and vision about the future of retail.

    SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

    LEVINE: I’m not really one for pomp and circumstance, nor do I get too excited about meeting celebrities, but some situations do stand out. At IBTM in Cannes I shared the stage with the iconic astronaut Buzz Aldrin, which was very cool for me. In Northern Ireland I was privileged to be seated as the guest of honor between the two power-sharing First Ministers, Martin McGuinness and Arlene Foster. In Australia, Colombia and several other countries I have been the warm-up act to their respective prime ministers.

    I’ve definitely found myself in some surprising situations as well, like when I arrived for an event in the Bahamas and was escorted by a police motorcycle motorcade, leap-frogging ahead of my car to block cross-traffic as we rolled through. In Slovenia I was picked up from the airport in a car emblazoned with a huge picture of me, an advertising vehicle which I was told was one of several driving around the capitol for a few weeks.

    Some of my most memorable engagements, though, are the pro bono speaking engagements I do each year for students or charitable organizations that I care about. For example, I’ve been to Barcelona three times to present at an annual event for Business with Social Value, a terrific organization that connects companies with mentally- and physically-challenged workers.

    The greatest benefit I bring to audiences comes from helping them look outside of their own industry to what’s trending with their customers, and why. Then I inspire them to come up with their own ideas to embrace these trends and innovate in ways they never thought of before.

    SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences most benefit from your message?

    LEVINE: Social trends are not specific to any one industry. Trends reflect what people are thinking and feeling, and customers are looking for those same needs to be answered in all parts of their lives: in the cars they drive, the foods they eat, the clothes they wear, the electronics they use, and more. It’s about lifestyle. For this reason, understanding trends is important for every business.

    As a trends expert, I think of myself as a generalist in a world of specialists. Most businesspeople know an awful lot about what they themselves do, but they are less familiar with what other people in other industries are doing to tackle the same challenges and attract the same customers. The greatest benefit I bring to audiences comes from helping them look outside of their own industry to what’s trending with their customers, and why. Then I inspire them to come up with their own ideas to embrace these trends and innovate in ways they never thought of before.

    SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

    LEVINE: There is no better way to really understand other people than to roll up your sleeves and work with them, so I decided to turn that passion into a career. When I’m giving speeches and running workshops I get to help people from around the world create new ideas and build their businesses, which brings me so much satisfaction. Of course it also helps that I get a charge from being on stage as both an entertainer and a teacher.

    For me, the study of trends is the study of human nature and the world in which we live. It’s an intriguing mix of psychology, business, science and many other disciplines, with the useful purpose of creating value and bettering people’s lives. I believe strongly in the power of trends to create and grow businesses, and I love to share all the amazing examples of products, services and experiences that the world’s most inventive people are creating. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to speak so often to people around the world about a topic I feel passionately about.

    As a keynote speaker, the most effective way to thrill audiences (and please clients!) is by being as entertaining as you are informative.

    SPEAKING.COM: How do you keep your audience engaged and actively listening during your keynotes?

    LEVINE: As a keynote speaker, the most effective way to thrill audiences (and please clients!) is by being as entertaining as you are informative. I would even go as far to say that when I’m on stage, I consider myself to be in the entertainment industry. In addition to being amazingly and extraordinarily funny, I have spent a lot of time learning how to engage audiences using body language, voice modulation and other tricks of the trade. I wear a headset mic so I can exploit the entire stage and, importantly, my visuals are all powerful images, each selected for their ability to elicit visceral responses from audiences, ranging from surprise to laughter to awe. So far no one has ever fallen asleep!

    SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients achieve?

    LEVINE: I’ve work directly with numerous clients on projects. For instance, I helped Intel create a cool new product designed to showcase their big data capabilities, and I did consulting for Jumeirah Hotels while they were developing a new brand for Millennials.

    What really gets me excited, though, is when my keynote audiences come up with ways of making my creative ideas their own. Many people who attend my presentations contact me afterwards to tell me about innovative moves they were inspired to make, from a major new marketing initiative undertaken by an American bank, to an experiential resort hotel that actually got built by an Icelandic hospitality group. However, success doesn’t always have to be so grand. More times than I can count, triumph came simply as a result of attendees learning how to communicate with their customers more effectively. Exclusive Interview with Daniel Levine
    Harnessing the Power of Consumer Trends, with Futurist Speaker Daniel Levine
    In this interview, consumer trends keynote speaker Daniel Levine discusses:
  • How to tell the difference between a trend and a fad.
  • Why your business' success hinges on understanding and responding to trends.
  • His proven methodology helping companies come up with creative ways to tap into trends so that they can capture customers' attention, business, and loyalty. Read the Full Interview
  • "Companies spend tons of resources trying to capture consumer attention and generate buzz about their products or services. Now imagine how effectively you could do this if you actually knew what was motivating your customers to act."
    - Daniel Levine

    What People are Saying about Seeing Daniel Speak

    Rating Entries

    “In over 19 years of organizing events — in which I’ve booked more than 250 keynote speakers — Daniel Levine is without a doubt one of the top four or five we have ever had…. Audiences can’t stop talking about his presentations. He really makes us look good.”

    —Terrence Williams, President, Event Services

    “I feel really excited, proud and lucky to have hired Daniel Levine. He was instrumental in helping us create our most colorful and successful event ever.”

    —AmEx National Summit

    “Almost all the ratings Daniel received on our delegate Exit Survey were all 5 out of 5. Except for several which rated him even higher! I think his program is the highest rated we have ever had. I know it was the best attended.”


    “The response to Daniel’s high-energy presentation was phenomenal. He is like a whip-smart double shot of espresso. There’s always attendees who find something negative to say about a speaker, but not this time. Each and every comment about Daniel’s keynote was enthusiastically positive.”

    —Harney and Sons Teas

    “Daniel is Levine is a master of the “a-ha!” moment. I can’t believe how many delegates came up to me gushing about Daniel saying that he alone was worth the price of the conference.”

    —Caribbean Marketing Conference

    “Daniel Levine’s presentations are dynamic, inspirational and thought provoking. He offers essential information about the latest social trends and has great examples to illustrate them… This kind of presentation makes EIBTM meaningful”

    —Reed Exhibitions

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