
Colleen Francis

Marketing, Negotiation, Sales

Travels from British Columbia, Canada

Colleen Francis's speaking fee falls within range:
$15,000 to $20,000

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Colleen Francis Profile

Seasoned sales pro, Colleen Francis has helped businesses around the world boost their sales numbers and optimize their performance. Sales and Marketing Management magazine has called Colleen and her company, Engage Selling, “one of the top 5 most effective sales training organizations in the market today!”

Over the last 15 years, Colleen has helped organizations of all shapes and sizes, from Fortune 500 companies to small and medium-sized businesses, apply a common-sense process for working with, listening to, and tending to the needs of their customers. She has studied the habits of the top sales performers to complement conventional sales wisdom with proven strategies that get results in today’s tough economy.

Author of three books, Colleen’s work covers every step of the “buying process”, equipping audiences with effective strategies for both the short and long term. Her most recent book, Nonstop Sales Boom,shows companies how to broaden their focus so that they can achieve strong and steady results across all quarters.

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    Colleen is driven by a passion for sales – and results. A successful sales professional for over 20 years, she understands the challenges of selling in today′s market and how traditional sales techniques from decades ago often fall short.

    Colleen has studied the habits of the top 10% of sales performers from organizations of all sizes and shapes – from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. She has complemented conventional sales wisdom with proven sales strategies that get results in today′s tough economy.

    Through her company, Engage Selling Solutions, Colleen has condensed this winning formula into an internationally acclaimed sales training system, helping sales professionals everywhere to make an immediate and lasting impact to their results.

    Through sales training for teams and sales coaching for individuals, Colleen delivers her savvy, no-nonsense approach to sales, rooted in the belief that there really isn′t a single magic formula to success. Rather, her researched, field-tested approach is about consistently applying a common sense process for listening to, working with, and tending to the needs of customers.

    And unlike conventional hit-and-run training, Colleen′s approach includes follow-up and accountability to ensure that each and every participant implements these proven strategies and any road-blocks are quickly identified and surmounted.

    Ask any of Colleen′s clients about why they call on her services – again and again – and you′ll hear a common refrain: she delivers results! Her refreshing candor, her genuine, sincere message, and the personal experiences she relates as a top ranked sales executive all are inspiring motivators for sales professionals who strive to get to the top…and stay there. Just as important, Colleen is unwavering in her commitment to sales training that makes a lasting and meaningful impact on the corporate bottom line. That′s why her services are regularly sought by leading organizations throughout the world including RBC, Adecco, Bell, Dow Chemical, HelmsBriscoe, Wilhelmsen and many others.

    Colleen has been distinguished by the Canadian Professional Sales Association as a Certified Sales Professional (C.S.P.) and is a past President of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers. Sales and Marketing Magazine has called Colleen and Engage Selling: One of the top 5 most effective sales training organizations in the market today!

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Colleen Francis's Speech Descriptions

    Colleen is driven by a passion for sales - and results. A successful sales professional for 20 years, she understands the challenges of selling in today′s market and how traditional sales techniques from decades ago often fall short.

    Colleen′s speaking programs engage and inspire results. Her programs are content rich, providing details not only on what to do to sell more in less time - Colleen also lays out how. Along the way, Colleen challenges the audience to do more, with an emphasis on results and accountability.

    Colleen′s techniques are based her study of the habits of the top 10% of sales performers from organizations of all sizes and shapes - from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses. She has complemented conventional wisdom of the sales process with these proven techniques for a sales approach that gets results today.

    Colleen′s no-nonsense, field-tested approach is proven to build lasting and measurable success for sales teams. Clients report that she has helped them increase voice mail call-backs by 80%, reduce discounting by up to 80%, decrease customer defection rates by up to 95% and make sales cycles 30% faster. That′s why Sales and Marketing Magazine calls her "One of the Top Five Most Effective Sales Trainers in the Market Today."

    Colleen′s Speaking Programs

    In Pursuit of More
    The New Rules for Sales Success from Cold Call to Repeat Customer

    The rules have changed. The market is different and a new economy is emerging. Buyers have responded to these changes quickly and dramatically. Have your selling models evolved to profit from this change?

    Too many sales people rely on sales tricks recycled from years ago. Out-dated tactics such as overly aggressive or persistent cold calling, too-polished canned presentations, flashy corporate brochures, and insincere, over-inflated or manipulative tricks to try and close business. In today′s new economy these approaches are not only sorely out of date, they′re woefully ineffective.

    Today′s savvy buyers are looking to develop trusted, long-term relationships with their suppliers by demanding a new approach to sales that puts client results first, builds trust and loyalty, and ensures consistent success and profits for both the buyer and the seller.

    If you′re unhappy with your sales productivity and are not converting enough of your prospects into repeat customers, this will be the most important seminar you attend this year. With her internationally acclaimed training approach and no-holds-barred focus on results, Colleen demonstrates The New Rules of Sales Success for enhancing sales productivity that leads to consistently flawless sales results in today′s new economy. With the strategies and tactics Colleen presents, you′ll learn how to sell more, in less time, at a higher profit.

    Get Results! Sales and Marketing Magazine has called Colleen and Engage Selling: One of the top 5 most effective sales training organizations in the market today!

    • Reduce sales cycles by up to 30% by learning why people are afraid to buy and how to overcome these objections
    • Increase your average order size by 46%; by moving your clients from satisfied to emotionally connected and loyal
    • Implement the top 7 activities of high performers to reduce sales cycles by 30%
    • Use the fine line between persistence and stalking to achieve an instant 80% increase in call-back ratios.

    Pipeline or a Pipe Dream?
    Prospecting Skills to Increase Your Productivity – and Profits!

    Ask any successful sales person and they′ll likely admit to you that one of the cold, hard facts about this profession is that you can′t sell to everyone. There is always going to be somebody who, for some reason at some time, either will not or cannot buy from you. That′s why on-going, effective prospecting is absolutely vital. And yet prospecting remains one of the most misunderstood and poorly executed aspects of selling.

    In today′s economy Cold Prospecting has become increasingly difficult. Increasing competition, voice-mail and assistant barriers and recent do-not-call legislation mean that it is almost impossible to get through to new potential customers. Instead, the key to success is spending your time selling to warm or hot prospects. They are eager to meet, ready to listen and accepting of you as an expert advisor…with price resistance off the table. Is such a life in selling possible?

    Yes! And it is now more vital than ever. Making quota through mindless, hunt-‘em-down prospecting with a thick-skinned immunity to rejection and brute force closing just isn′t possible in this tough market. In fact, in the new, emerging economy, it is the wrong skill-set altogether.

    If you can be open-minded to a fresh new prospecting approach that increases income exponentially with fewer struggles – then Colleen can totally change your prospecting success. Armed with her 10 pipeline building techniques, proven to work in today′s economy, Colleen can make your prospecting more productive and your results more profitable.

    Get Results! Sales and Marketing Magazine has called Colleen and Engage Selling: One of the top 5 most effective sales training organizations in the market today!

    • Turn time into money and wealth by doubling your prospecting productivity in just five minutes a day
    • Fill your sales pipeline so it over-flows with highly qualified buyers
    • Become instantly credible in your own business and industry
    • Learn the one idea that will improve your closing ratios from 75:1 to 5:1
    • Learn how to stop Prospectus Interuptus - once and for all
    • Shorten your sales cycles by up to 50% by transforming your pipeline from cold to warm prospects with 10 pipeline building techniques

    Where′s the Profit in That?
    Five Steps for Negotiating Based on Value - Not Price

    In today′s highly competitive marketplace, closing the sale on your terms and with balanced profits showing for you and the customer is no longer negotiable, it′s a requirement. To succeed today, every salesperson needs to know how to negotiate and close a sale without giving in, without losing a potential customer, all while answering the question on every customers mind: where′s the win for me?

    Especially in today′s emerging new economy, there is not a single sales profession who can afford not to be selling value rather than price. Regardless if you sell $10 items to homeowners, $1 million IT services to the Fortune 500 or executive recruiting, to the government.

    Colleen′s 5 Steps Model for Selling Value Not Price will totally transform your entire experience of selling –and your income. With her dynamic presentation style, wealth of front line sales experience and unwavering focus on getting results, Colleen shares her guaranteed method for maximizing your results each time you present your solutions to a buyer. Through her unique 5-Step Process for Selling Value – Not Price you′ll learn how to defend against objections, keep your price firm, your customers loyal - and permanently increase your bottom line by easily closing the most profitable deals.

    Everyone can convert their sales pitch into a value proposition, and Sell Value Not Price using Colleen′s model, but you′d better be ready for different, provocative, challenging ideas – that are proven to work in today′s new economy. This is NOT the ‘run-of-the-mill′ decade′s old selling information." These are Colleen′s exclusive 5 steps for making any sale at your price and eliminating the competition:

    • Obtain unprecedented sales success through negative planning
    • Why Pollyanna positive thinking will limit your income
    • The crucial distinction between rejection and refusal and how it can make selling agonizingly painful or a walk in the park
    • How to close 80% of negotiations without dropping your price.
    • Find out why "no money" "no power" and "no time" are about priorities, not resources, and how to brush them aside.
    • Learn why the buyer can′t say "no need" if you′ve done your job.
    • How to be firm, without appearing inflexible.
    • Learn how to control the language to control the negotiation.

    Client Retention Strategies:
    6 Steps to a Steady Flow of the MOST PROFITABLE Sales All Year Long

    In today′s economy companies are complaining of reduced client spending and heightened competition. The result? Longer, drawn out sales cycles to secure new clients. And while that may be true for net new client acquisition, your current clients are ready and willing to buy from you with less struggle.

    Your database is your most valuable asset in this current sales economy and managing it correctly can dramatically increase sales and profits. Yet, your current clients are only as valuable as the quality of the relationship you have with them–quality judged by that client′s perception of your relationship. Selling more to your existing client requires a transformation from thinking, from "client list" or "client management" to "building a relationship with my client."

    To achieve repeat client success, one question must be clearly answered: Why would my client buy from me again given all the other choices, including the choice to do nothing?

    On going sales to your existing clients are profitable, easier and up to 15 times faster. Regardless of whether you are a business owner a sales leader or an individual sales rep – this statistic should excite you! After all, faster sales cycles mean more profits, more commissions, more freedom and more overall prosperity.

    In the Client Retention Strategies: 6 Steps to a Steady Flow of the MOST PROFITABLE Sales all Year Long program Colleen′s reveals her system for leveraging your database profitably – proven with her many active clients in today′s tough market. Be warned, Colleen does not deal in cliché, glib, or eye rolling techniques for account management – those techniques from the past that leave organizations looking and sounding like everyone else, including their competition! Instead, let Colleen share the 6 steps to building long lasting, loyal and profitable client relationships.

    Get Results! Sales and Marketing Magazine has called Colleen and Engage Selling: One of the top 5 most effective sales training organizations in the market today!

    • Turn customer success into a permanent increase in profits without sacrificing new business development.
    • Learn the top reasons why customers leave and what to do about it
    • Create loyalty (and more sales) with 6 attention-getting tactics that get inside the client′s mind and stay there.
    • Discover the worst experience you can give your customer
    • Learn how to be heard above the 8000 marketing and sales messages clients hear each day by delivering the right unique sales message, and the most profitable medium, at the right time.
    • Have contacts beg to communicate with them up to 200 times a year.
    • Increase profits 15X by increasing repeat sales.

What People are Saying about Seeing Colleen Speak

Rating Entries

    “You, Colleen and the Engage brand stand out head and shoulders from your competitors and from the general business community. Colleen′s understanding and recognition of the fiscal struggles small companies face is heartening. I would recommend Colleen and Engage Selling to any business people hoping to increase their competitive advantage. Her sincerity and desire to help small businesses and sales people be the best they can be is clear and very welcome!”
    Jan Vincent,
    JV Consulting

    “I just wanted to take a moment to thank-you for the very informative and refreshing sales strategies you presented. I gained some new knowledge, and was reminded of a few things I had forgotten over time. I think virtually any business could benefit from your common-sense approach to sales.”
    Steve Milcik,
    Business Development,
    Orion Software

    “Having worked with Colleen and Engage Selling, her style, approach and innovative way of presenting sales results has enhanced the selling skills of many of our sales associates. With over 1,000 associates worldwide, Colleen has had the opportunity of working with many of them over the past 4 years. On many occasions, she has produced great results and continues to mentor many of our associates. It is this relationship with Colleen that has dramatically helped our sales understanding and altered our approach. Engage Selling is an integral part of our ongoing sales training.”
    Peter Shelly,
    Executive Vice President,

    “It is with such joy that I send you this email… the big news is, I made President′s Club with HelmsBriscoe!!! This accomplishment was achievable with the help of your regular reminders and sales support throughout this last year. The sales support, suggestions, assistance, reminders and ideas that you and your Engage Selling team have provided to me this past year is the ′secret weapon′ that I feel helped me achieve my aggressive goal.”
    Brenda Howes,
    Regional Director,

    “I selected Colleen as I desired to get someone to ′engage′ the team to think about how they develop their business within the 122 markets globally. Her presentation kicked off the conference and kept 130+ sales & marketing professionals entertained and enlightened. Response has been positive as the team appreciated hearing Colleen′s perspective. Thank you for contributing to a very successful conference!”
    Kevin Kirby,
    Senior Director of Sales,
    Hard Rock International

    “Colleen′s Negotiation Keynote offered new ideas and reasons why we should change some of our older sales tactics. We were able to learn from Colleen′s real life sales experience as she shared with us many things that have and do work and many things that don′t!”
    Mike Cutrone,
    Etobicoke Ironworks

    “I just wanted to tell you about my success yesterday using your voice mail technique. I was getting frustrated trying to reach this potential client, and David reminded me to keep trying, and I left a message yesterday morning advising her I would call her back at 3pm, and sure enough she answered the phone (finally) and I got the search from her.”
    Helen Lightfoot,
    Regional Sales Director,

    “Colleen′s energetic and invigorating style kept the audience entertained while imparting invaluable ideas and information. The attendance for her presentations was excellent. Here are just a few of the comments we received from the attendees, ′Excellent presentation, easy to understand.′ ′Practical ideas, great seminar – could easily be much longer.′ She is professional, upbeat and specific in her references to customers and their behaviour and she really understands the true-to -life challenges of the retail environment.”
    Margo Warren,
    Special Events Manager,
    Canadian Gift and Tableware Association

    “I feel like I am brimming over with action items and am already starting to implement some of the things I learned. I cannot wait to be able to report on the success of some of the new techniques my sales team and I will be implementing!”
    Autumn Shirley,
    FundRaiser Software

    “I was extremely impressed with Colleen′s presentation. Because of her enthusiasm and breadth of experience, she could engage and teach sales executives and sales professionals alike. The entire audience was actively participating and learning from her experiences and innovative sales techniques.”
    Alison Evans,
    Anna Communications

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