
Chris Skinner Profile

Chris Skinner specializes in the future of financial services and shares his findings on his popular blog, The Finanser. He chairs the European networking group The Financial Services Club where he presents high quality and in-depth research, analysis, commentary and debate.

Chris is the author of several books focusing on finance, economic outlook, and the future of banking and insurance. His Financial Services Club brings together futurists, regulators, and practitioners who meet to discuss current trends in finance and economic trends.

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    Chris Skinner is best known as an independent commentator on the financial markets through his blog the Finanser. Here he regularly discusses key issues and opportunities in banking and financial services, summarising research, white papers and other analysis that is topical for the day.

    When he’s not travelling and delivering keynote speeches, Chris chairs the Financial Services Club, which he founded in 2004. The Financial Services Club is a network for financial professionals, and focuses on the future of financial services through the delivery of high quality and in-depth research, analysis, commentary and debate. The Club has regular meetings in London, Edinburgh, Dublin and Vienna, providing a critically independent platform for practitioners, regulators and industry leaders to meet, network and discuss the future of our industry. Chris is also Chief Executive of Balatro Ltd, and a co-founder of the website Shaping Tomorrow.

    He is the author of several books including The Future of Banking, The Future of Finance after SEPAand The Future of Investing after MiFID; and regularly appears on news media including the BBC, Sky, Bloomberg and print media such as the Banker with his informed views.

    Chris is known for his regular speaking and keynote presentations at leading industry forums. Through these keynotes, he has presented alongside many other leading world figures including Gary Hamel, Michael Porter, Richard Branson, Lou Gerstner, Meg Whitman and Bill Gates. He has also been a Judge with the Card Awards, the TradeTech Awards, the Banker’s Awards, the Asian Banker’s Excellence in Retail Financial Services program, and a contributor to the World Economic Forum.

    Prior to founding Balatro, Chris was Vice President of Marketing and Strategy for Unisys Global Financial Services and Strategy Director with NCR Financial Services. These roles sparked Chris’s specialization in the future of financial services after he created the Global Future Forum in Unisys and the Knowledge Lab in NCR.

    He studied at Loughborough University in the UK, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Management Sciences alongside a Diploma in Industrial Studies. He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society, a Fellow of the Institute of Management Services, an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute and a Chartered Insurance Practitioner.

Chris Skinner Speaking Videos

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Chris Skinner's Speech Descriptions

Chris believes we are about to see a dramatic shift in the function of banking due to social technology. In his eye-opening talks, Chris tells shares with his audience the impact politics, economics and social media will have on the future of banking. He asks, “Is a branchless, cashless future a myth or a reality?”

The Bank of 2020

Banks need to focus upon two numbers: one and 2020. The bank of 2020 will also be the Bank of One. One person has always had the power to change the world – but in a highly social, highly networked world, that one person no longer needs to be a President or a Nobel Laureate. By way of example, Molly Katchpole was just a 22-year old college graduate working two jobs when Bank of America announced that they would introduce a $5 monthly fee on debit cards. She started an online protest that resulted in hundreds of thousands of people joining her within days. Result: the bank had to perform a policy U-turn. Molly is an example of one person taking a stand through social media, and changing the policy at one of America’s largest banks. In this presentation Chris will:
Shine the light on social media and how it is changing banking.
Show How the bank of 2020 will look.

Why banking will disappear but banks will not ... well, not all of them

Over the next decade, a radical shift will take place in the role and function of banking. It’s already started and it’s all about BIG DATA. But it’s more than that. It’s to do with the value shift in society from seeing money to seeing virtual money; from seeing technology to seeing social technology; and from seeing government to seeing self-governance. These shifts have been seeded in smartphones, social networks and the global linkage of every person on the planet to wireless media, and this shift will accelerate over the next decade. What this means for banks is that they will become hybrid keepers of money and data, and anything else their customers believe to be of value. They might even be keepers of cloud secure Facebook photo albums... why not? Chris will explore:
The impact of the key political, economic, social and technological forces of the next decade.
Bring together these themes and outline the vision for the bank of 2021.

Branchless Banking and a Cashless Society: fact or fiction?

For years, banks and industry pundits have bet that cash and bank branches will disappear, yet they are still as strong as ever. Sure, cash and branches are reducing in number, but cash in circulation is still increasing as are the number of bank branches in some countries. Chris will explore:
Is a branchless, cashless future a reality or a myth?
What this means for banking.

The Next Major Global Financial Crisis Will Be in 2045

Regulators have a problem. The problem is that they are always following, never leading. Right now, they are shaping a new financial market that should be robust for decades to come. Yet based upon historical extrapolation, the likelihood is that the next global financial crisis will occur around 2045, thirty-three years from now. Chris Skinner, a leading commentator on global financial markets, will explain:
What is going to happen? And How?
Why is this the likely outcome and where will the issues occur?

What People are Saying about Seeing Chris Speak

Rating Entries

“Thank you again for a truly terrific presentation at our SAP Banking Summit event here in The Hague. The event was overall a great success and your participation was really one of the highlights of the entire three days.”
Global Head of Financial Services Industry Solutions, SAP

“The audience couldn’t stop raving about your presentation”
Partner and Head of Europe, Polaris Software Labs

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Books by Chris Skinner:

Digital Bank: Strategies to Launch or Become a Digital Bank

Digital Bank tracks the innovations in banking and how the mobile internet is changing the dynamics of consumer and corporate relationships with their banks. The implication is that banks must become digitized, and that is a challenge as becoming a Digital Bank demands new services focused upon 21st-century technologies. Digital Bank not only includes extensive guidance and background on the digital revolution in banking, but also in-depth analysis of the activities of incumbent banks such as Barclays in the UK and mBank in Poland, as well as new start-ups such as Metro Bank and disruptive new models of banking such as FIDOR Bank in Germany. Add on to these a comprehensive sprinkling of completely new models of finance, such as Zopa and Bitcoin, and you can see that this book is a must-have for anyone involved in the future of business, commerce and banking.

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