
Catriona Wallace Profile

  • Dr. Wallace has been recognized by the Australian Financial Review as the Most Influential Woman in Business & Entrepreneurship.

  • Dr. Wallace is an entrepreneur in the artificial intelligence field, a specialist in the metaverse and an adjunct professor.

  • Dr. Wallace is an expert in digital transformation, the future of work, responsible technology and women in leadership.
  • Dr. Catriona Wallace is an expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse and is an Adjunct Professor, keynote speaker and Founder of the Responsible Metaverse Alliance. Catriona is also the co-author of the book Checkmate Humanity: the how and why of Responsible AI.

    As the founder of one of the first Artificial Intelligence companies to list on the Australian Securities Exchange, Catriona has truly lived the life of an entrepreneur and CEO in the emerging technologies field. Indeed, Flamingo AI was the second only woman-led (CEO & Chair) business ever to list on the Australian Stock Exchange.

    Based on her extensive experience in AI and emerging technology Catriona delivers keynote speeches globally on topics including Artificial Intelligence, Web3 and the Metaverse, Digital Transformation, Responsible Technology, the Future of Work and Diversity and Inclusion.

    Catriona’s experience as one of the rare women leaders in advanced technology means that she is ideally suited to present on these important and topical subjects and does so in a way that is highly accessible, informative, non-technical, engaging and inclusive.

    This unique skill set has also seen Catriona invited to Co-Chair Sir Richard Branson’s B Team’s AI Coalition and is a Director of the Garvan Institute, Gradient Institute and to Chair an AI VC Fund, Boab AI.

    Catriona has achieved Advance Australia’s highest award in Technology & Innovation for Australians working abroad and has been recognized by Onalytica as one of the top AI speakers and Metaverse commentators, globally. Catriona was inducted into the Royal Institution of Australia acknowledging her as one of the country’s most pre-eminent scientists.

    With a burning passion for and deep knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and emerging tech such as the Metaverse, Catriona believes that sharing knowledge about the responsible use of technology and is her true path and purpose. Catriona is also a Mum of five.

    Catriona Wallace Speaking Videos

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    Catriona Wallace's Speech Descriptions

    Web3 and the Metaverse - New Virtual Worlds

    We have seen 5 years of tech advancements in the last 12 months, and we now are on the verge of entering new virtual worlds, driven by the emergence of technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, internet of things, AI, machine learning, cyber security, blockchain, crypto and NFTs. Web3 will bring a decentralised semantic web and the Metaverse, a fully immersive usually 3D experience, made up of virtual worlds, may overcome problems and scarcity and accessibility for humans.

    In this highly engaging and interactive presentation Dr Catriona Wallace discusses the characteristics, benefits and risks of Web3, and the Metaverse.

    Key takeaways:

    - Market Status update for Web3 and the Metaverse
    - Why organisations should have a Metaverse strategy
    - Commercial models for Web3 and the Metaverse
    - Risks and harms of the Metaverse
    - How to get Web3 and Metaverse ready

    Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation

    AI is the fastest-growing tech sector in the world, driving the digital transformation of both public and private sector organisations. Leaders are asking what is the best way to transform operations to leverage AI and other emerging technologies such as blockchain, IoT, cybersecurity, 5G, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality? And what role do humans play in a digitised business and economy? The need for this knowledge has been exacerbated by the pandemic. Dr Wallace presents the state of the market for AI and emerging technologies and shares how organisations should think about the Digital Transformation of their current operations and people.

    Key takeaways:

    - State of the emerging technology market
    - Briefing on the AI sector
    - Models for Digital Transformation
    - How to manage Humans, processes and ethics
    - Expected benefits and costs of technology-led transformation
    - Future-proofing

    Responsible Technology & the AI Ethicist

    As evidenced in the hit film, ‘The Social Dilemma’ big tech is controlling much of what we consume, read, like and do. But does the technology sector have our best interests at heart? Are the commercial drivers for technology not aligned to individual and society’s values? And who is regulating this largely uncontrolled sector and what can we do about it? In this presentation, Dr Wallace discusses the role of big tech, the good and the bad, and how models of Responsible Technology with Ethics and Human Rights at its core and the rise of the ‘Ethical Leader’ must be the way forward.

    Key takeaways:

    - The role of Big Tech, AI and Algorithmic Decision Making
    - Regulation and control of AI and emerging tech
    - Models of Responsible Technology
    - Ethics & Human Rights technology Frameworks
    - The attributes of the Ethical Leader

    The Future of Work

    - Human + Machine
    - The Dangers of Gender Bias
    - Educating for the Future

    AI is now the fastest growing technology sector globally, expanding in investment 12-fold over the next 5 years. AI is expected to replace 1.8 million jobs and it will generate 2.3 million jobs in the next 12 months. But whose jobs are these? And how do organisations gear up for having digital employees as well as human employees? Dr Wallace presents a discussion on the Future of Work that is AI-driven where machines augment human workers and automate work functions. Is this all going to be good? What could go wrong? Dr Wallace presents the skills and capabilities that leaders and organisational designers, operations, HR professionals and Educators need to know about the coming of the human+machine era.

    Key takeaways:

    - State of the AI market
    - The changing nature of jobs: AI-augmented and automated work
    - Workplace risks through gender bias
    - Skills needed for managing the new era of human+machine
    - The attributes of an AI & digital savvy leader
    - Characteristics of an Ethical Technology Leader

    Diversity & Inclusion

    - Women in Leadership
    - Gender Bias in Code
    - Women in STEM
    - The Heroine’s Journey
    - Learning Consent (teaching sexual consent and other consent models)

    Dr Catriona Wallace shares her story of being a leader of an Artificial Intelligence company in the US and Australia, seeking investment and being one of the few women leading a Listed technology company. Catriona, using humour and real-life examples, will share her experiences and unconventional ways of navigating difficult environments in order to achieve her goals, including raising her five children along the way.

    Dr Wallace draws on the broad field of Diversity and Inclusion to create bespoke presentations that will align with your brief, audience and organisation.

    Key takeaways:

    - Models for Women in Leadership and in STEM
    - How to program and/or code ethically
    - The Heroine’s Journey model – navigating women’s career experiences
    - Models for Women of Power and the Good Men who support them
    - Technical training in sexual consent and other consent models

    What People are Saying about Seeing Catriona Speak

    Rating Entries

    Catriona acted as an agent to elevate student voices at the school leaders conference, students felt comfortable in sharing their views on the impacts of future technologies on their learning experience in schools. Catriona is an amazing speaker and highly recommended by Conference delegates.
    – WA Secondary School Executives Association

    Dr Catriona Wallace was a drawcard for our Conference. She had the full room engaged from the start and it was clear from all of our feedback the topic resonated with our delegates.
    – Chair APIG National Conference Committee

    Catriona is the real deal in innovation and business today. She provides invaluable insights and brings her real-life experience and intelligence to the discussion.
    – Australian Financial Review

    A highlight of the afternoon. We were all inspired by Catriona’s wisdom on so many issues. Australia needs hundreds more inspirational leaders like Catriona for our future.
    – Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute

    One of the best presentations that I have seen. Dr Wallace used audience participation and her own personal story as a woman to highlight the challenges and opportunities in the tech industry.
    – UNSW Business School and Director, AGSM UNSW Business School

    Dr. Wallace provided a memorable experience for our first AI Masterclass, engaging the audience from start to finish.
    – Upward, Hartford

    Dr. Wallace is among the most dynamic speakers that have graced our stage at the Auto Insurance Report National Conference in our 22 years.
    – Chairman, Auto Insurance Report National Conference

    Catriona has made a valuable contribution to CUA as both as a partner and as an educational speaker.
    – CUA Health

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    Books by Catriona Wallace:

    CHECKMATE HUMANITY: The how and why of Responsible AI

    AI is the fastest growing technology sector in the world, valued at US$59.67 billion in 2021 and is estimated to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 39.4 percent to reach US$422.37 billion by 2028. AI is changing the way individuals, organisations, governments and society work and live. But will AI be ethical and how responsible will it be? And what does this even mean? Checkmate Humanity: the how and why of responsible AI sets out to answer these questions and maps the potential harms that AI may cause from individual harms right through to full existential risk. We introduce the world’s first taxonomy of AI harms and then offer solutions and recommendations so that we can build a Responsible AI future.

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