
Carly Fiorina Profile

Carly Fiorina obliterated the glass ceiling when she became the first woman CEO of a Fortune 20 company. Regarded as one of the most powerful women in business by Forbes magazine, she was a 2016 Republican candidate for president.

Carly started her career in entry-level positions as a secretary at a small real estate firm and a salesperson at AT&T. She rose through AT&T’s ranks to become an executive, eventually leading its spin-off company, Lucent Technologies. She was recruited by Hewlitt Packard where as CEO, she oversaw the merger with Compaq which created the largest technological manufacturing company in the world.

In addition to her presidential campaign, she currently serves as the Chairman of the American Conservative Union Foundation; the Chairman of Good360, the world’s largest product philanthropy organization; and the Chairman of Opportunity International, the largest non-profit micro-finance lender in the world. In 2014, Carly launched the Unlocking Potential Project, a PAC aimed at engaging women voters. She is a strong advocate of conservative and family values.

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    Named “The Most Powerful Woman in Business” by Fortune Magazine Carly is a true leader and a seasoned problem‐solver. She is a passionate, articulate advocate for conservative policies that advance economic growth, entrepreneurship, innovation, and effective leadership.

    Through extensive experience she has learned that human potential is a limitless and uniquely powerful resource that can be unlocked, inspired and focused on worthy goals and common purpose. She knows that conservative principles, applied in a twenty‐first century context, are the most effective way to unleash this potential for positive change in communities, organizations of all kinds and our nation.

    Carly started out as a secretary for a small real‐estate business. She then joined AT&T in an entry‐level sales position. Fifteen years later she led AT&T’s spin‐out of Lucent Technologies and then Lucent’s North American operations.

    In 1999, she was recruited to Hewlett‐Packard where she would become the first woman to lead a Fortune 50 business. In her six years as Chairman and CEO of HP, she would double its revenues to $90 billion; more than quadruple its growth to 9%; triple the rate of innovation to 11 patents a day; achieve market leadership in every market and product category and quadruple cash‐flow.

    She traveled the globe and made lifelong friends from countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas. Carly has always believed in giving back to the community and has been an active participant in government and politics. She has served in a large number of advisory and policy‐making positions for national and state governments. She currently serves as the Chairman of the American Conservative Union Foundation, which annually hosts CPAC (the largest annual gathering of conservatives) and was founded by William F. Buckley and others; the Chairman of Good360, the world’s largest product philanthropy organization; and the Chairman of Opportunity International, a Christian‐based organization that lifts millions out of poverty through micro‐finance.

    Taking on tough challenges has been a hallmark of Carly’s life. She didn’t shy away from a challenging run for the U.S. Senate when she took on one of Washington’s most entrenched liberals, Barbara Boxer, from the deep blue state of California. She earned more votes than any Republican nationwide that election‐cycle and raised over $25 million dollars in 12 months.

    On the campaign trail, Carly became known for her proud adherence to conservative philosophy and her mastery of the issues. During the hard‐fought battle for votes and ideas, Carly was also battling breast cancer. At the same time, she and her husband Frank suffered the terrible tragedy of the loss of their younger daughter, Lori.

    Throughout these difficult times, Frank and Carly were sustained by the redemptive power of their Christian faith and the strength of their family. Carly has many blessings but the most important are her husband, their oldest daughter Tracy and her two granddaughters. They inspire Carly to make a positive difference every day. In her best‐selling memoir, Tough Choices, Carly credits her parents with providing an unshakable foundation for her life. Her mother taught her: “What you are is God’s gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to God.”

    Her father, a strict constructionist jurist who would eventually sit on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, taught her conservative philosophy and the importance of fighting with integrity and courage for one’s beliefs. Her lifetime of experience has taught Carly that the highest calling of leadership is to unlock the potential in others.

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Carly Fiorina's Speech Descriptions

Carly Fiorina is a powerful speaker who doesn’t shy away from tough topics or voicing her honest opinion. Her unparalleled experience in business, technology, government, and philanthropy position her perfectly to address the current dilemmas challenging U.S. businesses and communities. As an individual who has climbed ladders and broken barriers in internationally known tech companies, her experience, stories, wisdom and advice will make any event memorable.

Most requested programs:

  • Leadership and Change: It Starts with the People
  • Leading Organizational Transformation Through Innovation
  • Keeping America Competitive in the Global Economy
  • Insights on Today’s Political and Economic Landscapes

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Books by Carly Fiorina:

Tough Choices: A Memoir
Behind the headlines-one of the most talked-about business leaders in the world tells her own story

By accepting the CEO job at Hewlett-Packard, an iconic company that had lost its way, Carly Fiorina confirmed her status as the most powerful businesswoman in America. But she also made herself a target for everyone who disliked her bold leadership style and resented her rapid rise.

For six years, as she led HP through drastic changes and a controversial merger, Fiorina was the subject of endless analysis, debate, and speculation. She appeared on the cover of every major magazine and her every word was scrutinized. Yet in all that time, the public never got to know the person behind the persona.

Tough Choices will finally reveal the real Carly Fiorina, who writes with brutal honesty about her triumphs and failures, her deepest fears and most painful confrontations-including her sudden and very public firing by HP′s board of directors.

It’s an amazing life story: Fiorina was a liberal arts major and law school dropout who didn’t even consider a business career until her mid-twenties. But soon she was blazing through big jobs at AT&T and then Lucent Technologies, with a growing reputation as a creative, hardworking, visionary leader. Her career path would have been remarkable for anyone, but in an industry dominated by men, it was unprecedented.

Tough Choices shows what it′s really like to lead a major corporation in a time of great change while trying to stay true to your values. It′s one woman′s inspiring story, along with her unique perspective on leadership, technology, globalization, sexism, and many other issues.

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