
Brian Solis Profile

Principal analyst at Altimeter Group, Brian Solis has conducted deep research on the effects of emerging technologies on business, marketing and consumer trends. His expertise as a digital analyst, anthropologist and futurist is in great demand to guide brands, celebrities and start-ups through the strategies they need to maximize their market presence in the digital age.

Solis has written three books: Engage, which is regarded as required reading for social web marketing; The End of Business as Usual (named a Top 10 Business Book by Publisher’s Weekly), which examined Generation C, the new digitally driven consumers and employees; and his latest publication, What’s the Future of Business (WTF) which explores just how business and customer relationships function in an era of connected consumerism.

With a notable online presence, Solis’ blog is ranked in the Top 100 Business Blogs by Technorati and in the top 10 marketing blogs in the AdAge Power 150. His popular online video series, Revolution, concerns new technologies and trends and also features interviews with some of the most important figures in the new commerce. Among those who have appeared on the show are Katie Couric, Mark Burnett, Shaq, Billy Corgan and Guy Kawasaki.

Solis’ work appears regularly in such publications as USAToday, Wired, FastCompany, VentureBeat and Harvard Business Review among others. His keynotes and conference presentations are invaluable for organizations wishing to comprehend the realities of connected consumerism and digital lifestyles; he also hosts the annual Pivot Conference for experts in the field to meet and share their knowledge and best practice.

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    Brian Solis is globally recognized independent digital analyst and anthropologist. He is also an award-winning author, prominent blogger/writer, and world renowned keynote speaker.

    Brian Solis has been called “one of the greatest digital analysts of our time.” Brian is also a world renowned keynote speaker and an award-winning author of seven best-selling books including, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design, What’s the Future of Business and The End of Business as Usual.

    In his new book, Lifescale: How to live a more creative, productive and happy life, Brian tackles the struggles of living in a world rife with constant digital distractions. His model for “Lifescaling” helps readers overcome the unforeseen consequences of living a digital life to break away from diversions, focus on what’s important, spark newfound creativity and unlock new possibilities.

    For almost 30 years, Solis has studied and influenced the effects of emerging technology on business and society. His research and books help executives, and also everyday people, better understand the relationship between the evolution of technology and its impact on people and also the role we each play in evolution. As a result of his work, Solis also helps leading brands, celebrities, and startups develop new digital transformation, culture 2.0, and innovation strategies that enable businesses to adapt to new connected markets from the inside out.

    With a loyal online audience of over 700,000 people online, his work makes him a sought-after thought-leader to leading brands, celebrities such as Oprah, Shaq and Ashton Kutcher and over 1,000 startups around the world.

    Brian also hosts (r)evolution, a popular online video series that examines technology, trends and best practices and introduces viewers to the thought leaders who are blazing the trail. Guests have included Katie Couric, Mark Burnett, Shaq, Billy Corgan, and Adrian Grenier.

Brian Solis Speaking Videos

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Brian Solis's Speech Descriptions

Brian Solis has a huge range of fascinating expert keynote speeches from which to choose. In terms of business leadership and transformation, he can explain just what is happening in the digital world and how your company should adapt to it to remain at the forefront of your market.

One of Solis’ specialty areas relates to Generation–C, the connected customers that every company must engage with to succeed in the digital age. Solis’ presentations show just how marketing has to undergo a complete sea of change if it is not to lose touch with this new demographic.

Working at the cutting edge of the new media, Solis is ideally placed to explain how innovation and disruption works in the modern world and what it means for your company. He examines the new and very different ways in which forthcoming generations will interact with the world and the cultural and anthropological changes they will experience.

Recently named a “Top Futurist Speaker” by ReadWrite and called “one of the greatest digital analysts of our time,” Brian Solis is an engaging and inspiring speaker who makes our digital future approachable and meaningful. Brian features an extensive portfolio of 2020 topics that explore:

The Cure for Shortermism and Out-of-Touchness: Upgrading legacy management mindsets to next-level digital business leadership
The Race from Digital Darwinism to Digital Transformation: How to thrive in a digital economy by building out an infrastructure of leading technology, vision and human-centered value
Disruption-Proof: Shifting from rigid processes and risk averse cultures to agile and high performance cultures of innovation
Digital Customer Experience and Service Innovation: Designing brands, experiences and services for Generation-C (Connected Customers)
Innovation Theater: The real reasons why innovation fails and how to think and act like Silicon Valley disruptors
Hey Mr. Futurist: What’s the Future of…[insert your industry]?
The Change Agent’s Manifesto: Empowering the innovators and disruptors from within your organization to unlock future possibilities
Digitally Distracted Customers and Employees! Exploring the effects of digital distractions on work and consumerism and how to deliver more meaningful and productive experiences
Trust in the Digital Era: In a world where social networks have become media and digital literacy is now a luxury, here’s how we shape the future of truth and trust.
Future Trends: An entertaining and motivating review of disruptive technologies, their impacts on markets and what to do about it

Brian is not a believer in generic, “one size fits all” presentations. He tailors these important topics at various levels necessary to connect with each audience. As one of the world’s leading analysts, he also studies how the evolution of technology, business, and culture impact specific industries based on the needs of each event. His ability to connect the dots for hosts and attendees provides tangible value and direction. And, his motivational approach leaves audiences feeling empowered.

His approach to talks are designed to serve 3 purposes:

1. Educational – Help participants understand what’s different about now, the opportunity before them, what they need to do moving forward, and how to be successful in new endeavors.
2. Inspirational/Motivational– Turns audiences into stakeholders by motivating participants to embrace new opportunities and pursue new possibilities.
3. Communal – Bring leadership teams and organizations together around a new or renewed vision, mission, and purpose.

A Collection of Brian’s Other Popular Topics

1. Business (R)evolution and New Leadership
Digital Darwinism: How incumbent companies are making mistakes that are sealing their fates and how to do to survive and thrive in an era of digital Darwinism.

Digital Transformation: The State and future of digital transformation and how it’s changing businesses at the very core.

New Leadership: Rally your change agents and business mavericks to inspire change from within!

2. Customer Experience and Service Innovation
From CX to DCX to X: How integrated and frictionless digital customer experiences will revolutionize the entire customer experience.

Introducing Generation-C: See the world through the eyes of modern customers. Meet Generation C, your connected customer and why Millennials and kids aren’t the only customers changing the world.

Experience Design as the New Brand: An experience divide exists between your brand promise and what people experience and share. Learn how to create experiences that engender fans and builds wildly successful relationships throughout the customer lifecycle.

3. Silicon Valley and Disruptive Innovation
Hey Mr. Futurist, What’s the Future of…?: What is it about Silicon Valley that drives innovation and disruption? What’s the next big disruption? What’s the future of my industry? How can legacy businesses think and act like startups?!

A Prelude to Innovation: Before every game-changing idea or every incredible story of innovation, there are moments that set the stage for greatness. Brian shares life lessons from being on the front lines of Silicon Valley for 20 years and the common steps that lead to personal transformation and ultimately ideation and innovation.

4. The Future of Work
Cultivating a Culture of Innovation: Now’s the time for Culture 2.0 and a new era of leadership (over management). Learn about the 12 pillars of innovation and how companies are investing in new cultures to nurture innovation internally.

Robots Need Not Apply: How to design the future workforce. Workforces and intellectual capital are aging. New expertise is in demand. AI and RPA (robotic process automation) are taking jobs. Learn how to identify and train/hire for the jobs of the future.

5. Marketing Innovation
CX and the A.R.T. of Engagement: Customer experience is the sum of all interactions a customer has with your brand throughout their journey and lifecycle. As such, experience is the new marketing and marketing is the new CX. Brian shares how to redesign touchpoint to meaningfully engage people through the modern customer journey.

The P2P (People to People) Manifesto: There is no more B2B or B2C when it comes to engaging customers and stakeholders. It’s now about P2P…people to people. Brian shares the pillars of his “P2P Manifesto,” key insights and case studies help CMOs, CDOs and CX and marketing executives reimagine human-to-human engagement.

6. Lifescale: Self-Innovation and Exponential Growth
The Great Hack (Behind the Screens): Our favorite apps and devices have changed our lives for better and also for the worse. It’s the latter where the story gets interesting. Attention is a currency. The more of it that we give something, the more it can be monetized. But it’s just a matter of time before our attention moves on to something else. Using what’s called Persuasive Design, many of the biggest networks and device manufacturers continue to invest in changing our behaviors to engage us, lock us in and keep us consumer and sharing more and more every day. Brian shares the secrets of what’s happening “behind the screens” to reveal how we were hacked, what it’s doing to us and how to take control.

Defeating Digital Distractions: Social media, notifications, alerts, scrolling, the constant tugging of our devices, we are not only always-on, we are always distracted. Those distractions speed up our lives, thin our presence and stifle our capabilities. Over time, distractions take a deep (and deepening) toll on us, namely loss of creativity, memory, focus, productivity, originality, happiness and more. In this important session, Brian shares how to gain new skills, change our behaviors and live everyday toward a more creative, productive and happy life.

What People are Saying about Seeing Brian Speak

Rating Entries

“Brian Solis is one of the more creative and brilliant business minds of our time.”

“Brian Solis is one of the great media analysts of our time.”

“Brian Solis is one of the leading influencers in the business technology world.”

“Brian Solis is on the vanguard of modern thought when it comes to the intersection of technology and human nature.”

“When Solis speaks, the market listens.”

“Brian’s session was hugely successful and the audience walked away with a fresh perspective and full of inspiration.”

“Our group absolutely cannot stop talking about Brian and how fantastic he was. He’s a rockstar!”

“The best keynote in years. His message really resonated with our group!”

“Brian’s presentation on the future of customer experience was phenomenal at NextCon. Survey feedback had him as the highest rated speaker across all three days!”

“Brian’s in-depth analysis of the state of retail, as well as his predictions for the future, earned a 10 out of 10. He brought an amazing amount of expertise, polish, and patience. I felt extremely proud of our work together.”

“According to Brian Solis, Customer Experience is the next battlefield for brands. Those that get it right will not only create long-lasting customer relationships, but will also earn a significant competitive advantage over those that solely compete on product, price or promotion. On the other hand, companies that do not master the art of customer experience, will lose relevance and market share over time.”

“What I loved about Brian’s presentation was the data driven perspective. There were a lot of people with wide eyes. It was totally fearless about the potential radical disruption that is clearly upon us. His book, and calm, yet exciting presentation, gave me both professional insight and continuing inspiration to teach and lead.”

” The information was well received from the entire audience and the style of your presentation was very engaging. I know from talking with my colleagues after the Conference and this morning back in the office, we all did not want your presentation to end.”

“The feedback from the audience was through the roof, with a lot of people saying Brian was our best speaker ever. I can’t say I am surprised. He’s truly a once in a generation mind.”

“His talk on Defining Digital Transformation was spot on, and the audience was completely engaged. He was able to humanize the topic that made it relatable and relevant to our industry. Brian created a lot of buzz after the presentation and we received excellent feedback from our attendees, both internal and external.”

“Brian Solis took Idaho by storm with a message of ‘disrupt or be disrupted’. There are new rules to getting your message out—rules that engage young and older (connected) people differently. Brian lent his vast expertise to Idaho’s key creatives and helped them understand how to use the power of social media more effectively to mobilize grassroots efforts.”

“Brian is so easy to work with. When he speaks, he is approachable, while being so smart and accomplished, We haven’t seen this in years past with speakers.”

“Brian’s presentation at the Acosta Retail Leadership Symposium was absolutely thought provoking! Great insight into ways brands and retailers can increase Millennial connectivity, as well as helping manufacturers understand how to better relate to the evolving consumer.”

“Brian delivered a compelling keynote at our customer summit. I was inspired by his passion for how customer-centric companies can build customer journeys with meaningful and shareable experiences in every micro moment.”

“Brian is at the forefront of the digital economy – we have worked together for over 5 years and he is the first person I turned to when I founded the Australian Digital Summit in 2012. Much more than a fly-in keynote, Brian has helped us bring some brilliant thought leaders to Australia and created incredible value for our events and inspiration for Telstra’s Digital transformation”

“Our annual company meeting leveraged the enthusiastic presentation by Mr. Solis to challenge each attendee to commit to our path to disrupting our industry with our visionary ideas. His content was A-grade, and his presentation style was A+! What an inspiring presentation! Brian’s content was incredibly stimulating.”

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Books by Brian Solis:

Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive, and Happy Life

Somewhere along the way, we got distracted. As much as we multitask, love our devices and feel like we’re in control, deep down we know that something is off. Shortened attention spans, declines in critical thinking, lack of sleep, self-doubt and decreased creativity are just some of the effects coming to light in an age of digital distraction.

It’s time to reclaim our lives. It’s time to take control.

Lifescale is a journey of self-discovery and growth. It’s about getting back into balance and remastering our destinies. Author Brian Solis knows first-hand. He struggled with distraction and all of its ill-effects. To get his life back, he developed a set of techniques, exercises, and thought experiments designed to tame the chaos, and positively and productively navigate our day-to-day lives. Instead of falling victim to the never-ending cycle of newsfeeds, Likes, addictive apps, and boredom scrolling (aka the endless scroll), we can learn to manage our time and inspire our own lives in a way that will bring meaning back―without sacrificing the benefits that our devices bring us.

In Lifescale, Brian has done the legwork to pull together scientific findings and practical tools into one book. Readers―especially those who are distracted―will connect with the humor, pathos, and inspiration inside. Using this book’s simple but powerful lessons, we can:

– Identify sources of distraction and turn attention toward creativity and productivity
– Understand and resist the manipulative techniques that turn us into digital addicts
– Find meaning and purpose to guide our time in more meaningful ways
– Visualize future success to successfully dive into deep work and stop procrastinating
– Break bad habits, establish rituals, and establish routines that help you achieve goals
– Nurture imagination and learn to express ourselves more artistically
– Maximize productivity with simple but effective strategies
– Focus for extended periods and make breaks more restorative
– Foster a strong sense of purpose in life and identify the steps needed to bring it to life every day
– Smile more and build self-esteem

With the renewed perspective Lifescale offers, we can finally learn to prioritize what matters, and live our digital and physical lives with intention and true happiness.

What’s the Future of Business: Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences
Rethink your business model to incorporate the power of “user” experiences

What’s the Future of Business? will galvanize a new movement that aligns the tenets of user experience with the vision of innovative leadership to improve business performance, engagement, and relationships for a new generation of consumerism. It provides an overview of real-world experiences versus “user” experiences in relation to products, services, mobile, social media, and commerce, among others. This book explains why experience is everything and how the future of business will come down to shared experiences.

    • Aligns the tenets of user experience with the concepts of innovative leadership to improve business performance and engagement and to motivate readers to rethink business models and customer and employee relationships
    • Motivates readers to rethink business models, products and services, marketing, and customer and employee relationships with desired experiences in mind
    • Brian Solis is globally recognized as one of the most prominent thought leaders and published authors in new media, and is the author of Engage! and The End of Business as Usual!

Discover how user experience design affects your business, and how you can harness its power for meaningful revenue growth.


Engage!, Revised and Updated: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web
The ultimate guide to branding and building your business in the era of the Social Web—revised and updated with a Foreword by Ashton Kutcher
Engage! thoroughly examines the social media landscape and how to effectively use social media to succeed in business—one network and one tool at a time. It leads you through the detailed and specific steps required for conceptualizing, implementing, managing, and measuring a social media program. The result is the ability to increase visibility, build communities of loyal brand enthusiasts, and increase profits.

Covering everything you need to know about social media marketing and the rise of the new social consumer, Engage! shows you how to create effective strategies based on proven examples and earn buy-in from your marketing teams. Even better, you’ll learn how to measure success and ROI.

    • Introduces you to the psychology, behavior, and influence of the new social consumer
    • Shows how to define and measure the success of your social media campaigns for the short and long term
    • Features an inspiring Foreword by actor Ashton Kutcher, who has more than 5 million followers on Twitter
    • Revised paperback edition brings the book completely up to date to stay ahead of the lightning fast world of social media
    • Today, no business can afford to ignore the social media revolution. If you’re not using social media to reach out to your customers and the people who influence them, who is?

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