
Brett King Profile

Considered the foremost global expert on retail banking innovation, Brett King is also a three-time bestselling author and founder of the mobile banking startup “Moven.” King was voted American Banker’s “Bank Technology News Innovator of the Year.” In 2013 he was nominated by Bank Innovation as one of the “Top Ten coolest brands in banking,” the only individual to make that list. He is also on the board of the Centre for Financial Services Innovation.

King’s first bestselling book was Bank 2.0, which received widespread industry acclaim and topped category lists in the UK, USA, Germany, Japan, Canada, France, Russia and Asia. The second book, Branch Today, Gone Tomorrow, achieved bestseller status in its first week on Amazon. Bank 3.0 topped charts in nineteen countries, while the latest book Breaking Banks: The Innovators, Rogues and Strategists Rebooting Banking debuted in the top ten on Amazon’s bestsellers list for eight countries.

As an industry thought leader, King has delivered keynotes at conferences in more than 40 countries for organizations like Google, Forbes and Oracle. He has served as an international judge for The Asian Banker Retail Banking Excellence Awards, the GSMA Global Mobile Awards, the Middle East Business Achievement and Retail Banking Awards.

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    Brett King is a three times bestselling author, well-known futurist and speaker, and founder of a breakout new retail banking and lifestyle concept “Moven.” King was voted as American Banker’s Innovator of the Year, and was nominated by Bank Innovation as one of the Top 10 “coolest brands in banking.”

    King has been featured on CNBC, Bloomberg, BBC, Financial Times, The Economist, The Asian Banker Journal, The Banker, Wired magazine and many more. He contributes regularly as a blogger on Huffington Post.

    King initially achieved recognition for his bestselling book BANK 2.0, which received widespread industry acclaim and topped category lists in the UK, USA, Germany, Japan, Canada, France Russia and Asia. Branch Today, Gone Tomorrow – King’s second book achieved bestseller status in its first week on Amazon. His current book BANK 3.0 is currently topping the charts in the US, UK, China, Canada, Germany, Japan and France and has been published in English, Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), Korean, Russian and Polish to-date.

    He is widely considered the foremost global expert on retail banking innovation today and has been appointed to the board of the Centre for Financial Services Innovation based in the US with offices in Chicago, New York and Washington.

    As an industry thought leader, King has delivered keynotes at conferences in more than 40 countries for organizations like Google, Forbes, and Oracle. He has served as an international judge for The Asian Banker Retail Banking Excellence Awards, the GSMA Global Mobile Awards, the Middle East Business Achievement and Retail Banking Awards.

Brett King Speaking Videos

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Brett King's Speech Descriptions

Brett King offers an exceptional and interesting view into the future of retail financial services. His presentations are based on his best selling book, Bank 2.0. They entertain, engage and educate audiences about the ways in which technology and consumer behavior are changing the way we think about banking. Brett’s unique perspective on the future of banks, banking and the financial world at large can be seen in different ways through each of his offered programs.

“The Big Shift: How Customer Behavior & Technology will Change the Future of Retail Financial Service” deals with the ways in which banking is changing, rapidly, and how to deal with “The Big Shift” from in-branch to online transactions. In “The Future of Retail Financial Services” Brett looks at the latest trends redefining financial services and payment, including the idea that banking is no longer somewhere you go, it’s something you do. “The Battle for the Bank Account: And Why the Banks Will Probably Lose…” explores the new world of mobile banking, and whether or not new technology is superseding the need for a bank account.

Based on his best selling book BANK 2.0, Brett King′s presentations entertain and educate audiences on how consumer behavior and technology are changing the way we do banking and how significant changes in the future will change your view of customer interactions forever.

The Big Shift: How Customer Behavior & Technology will Change the Future of Retail Financial Service

Ten years ago, no one could have predicted that 90 per cent of daily transactions would be electronic, that Internet banking would provide more revenue than branches, that social media would drive your brand, and that growth in mobile banking would be the final nail in the coffin for the dominance of branch banking. Brett King explains:

  • Why customer behavior is so rapidly changing, including the four phases of disruptive change
  • How branches must evolve
  • Why checks are rapidly disappearing and cash is next
  • Why your mobile phone will replace your wallet in the next 2-3 years
  • How financial institutions must reinvent themselves or become irrelevant

Brett King has appeared on Bloomberg TV, CNBC, been featured in the Financial Times, Washington Post, and has spoken at events for Google, Oracle, plus some of the world’s biggest banks and corporations - explaining "The Big Shift."

The Future of Retail Financial Services

Brett King looks at the latest trends that are redefining financial services and payments. From the global scramble for dominance of the mobile wallet, the expectations created by Tablet computing, the operationalizing of the Cloud and the explosion of Social Media. He explores:

  • How Social Media has exposed pricing, over-regulation, outdated processes and poor policy;how mobile technology is completely changing the context of banking
  • How customer advocacy is killing traditional brand marketing
  • The growth of the ′de-banked′ consumer who doesn′t need a bank at all
  • Why Banking is no longer a place you go, but something you do

The Battle for the Bank Account: And Why the Banks Will Probably Lose…

In this new topic for 2012, Brett explores the end-game in the emergence of the mobile wallet and what it means for the humble bank account. With more than 60% of the world’s population without a bank account, with the ubiquitous nature of mobile phone handsets and the increasingly pervasive pre-paid ‘value store’, will you need a bank at all in the future?

When you can get your salary paid directly onto your phone, when your iTunes account doubles as a prepaid debit card and when you can use Facebook to send money – will banks still be able to compete?

Advocacy, Behavior, Context – The New Rules of Engagement

In this session designed for marketers and digital channel professionals, Brett King explores how social media, mobile marketing, daily deals, geo-location, advocacy, gamification and behavioral psychology are working to change the rules of engagement for financial service brands.

This shift has far reaching implications for the organization, including rebuilding the marketing team, defining new metrics, delivering true 1:1 propositions and creating an open brand dialog.

Movenbank and the Reboot of Banking

Movenbank is a revolutionary new bank that will launch in 2012. This is the story of how Movenbank will revolutionize retail banking on multiple fronts. Brett King tells the story of why Movenbank decided on a card-less, paper-less, transparent model of banking and how the CREDSCORE™ engagement model is going to change the way we think about engagement, value and lending in the banking arena. If Movenbank achieves what it is aiming for, it will change the way people think about banking forever.

What People are Saying about Seeing Brett Speak

Rating Entries

“Brett understands the threats facing banks today and offers a clear message on what is needed to be competitive and relevant in the future. Great speaker who is truly ′bringing Awesomeness to Banking!′”
Jared Riley, Software Engineering Manager of CSI

“The examples King brought into the room were captivating. His perspective on the importance of customer behavior, in particular choice and the control customers want around how they interact, is critical. Financial institutions can not dictate how customers should connect with us. Organizations must instead listen and adapt to customer behavior.”
NAB Australia

“Brett delivered extraordinary insights to Google’s clients and partners in his BIG SHIFT presentation. At Google we are used to some big ideas and even bigger names, but Brett delivered a unique view that was truly surprising.”
Head of Finance of Google, Australia & New Zealand

“Just wanted to say a big Thank You for your very inspiring sessions in Abu Dhabi. The whole bank is now talking about the imperative to change and face the future.”
National Bank Of Abu Dhabi

“Brett King presents a formidable challenge for banks to change their way of thinking underpinned by hard facts and powerful arguments. The call for action is indisputable.”
Cicero/Bank of Norway

“We truly appreciate your insights about the bank and customers of today and the future…their changing behavior and lifestyles, their attitudes towards new technologies, and their role in changing the future of financial services. It was indeed an honor and a rare privilege to have you as our guest speaker gracing our 20th Anniversary event.”

“Brett delivered a Master class for our board, executive and senior management. He accomplished more in opening our eyes to the opportunities in multi-channel, social media, mobile engagement and customer experience than I would have ever thought possible in such a short space of time. We are still riding on the buzz from his BANK 2.0 session weeks later. He delivered an extraordinarily insightful session for our team…Truly enthralling!”
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank

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Books by Brett King:

Bank 2.0: How Customer Behaviour And Technology Will Change The Future of Financial Services (NOOKBook)

The financial crisis is just beginning for retail institutions. Ninety to ninety-five per cent of bank transactions are executed electronically today. The Internet, ATMs, call centres and smartphones have become mainstream for customers. But banks still classify these as ′alternative channels′ and maintain an organisation structure where Branch dominates thinking. Continued technology innovations, Web 2.0, social networking, app phones and mobility are also stretching traditional banking models to the limit. BANK 2.0 reveals why customer behaviour is so rapidly changing, how branches will evolve, why cheques are disappearing, and why your mobile phone will replace your wallet-all within the next 10 years.

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