
Bowen White Profile

Dr. Bowen F. White has the distinction of being one of only two medical students who were founding members of the American Holistic Medical Association. His holistic approach to wellness and health is the cornerstone of his speaking engagements.

Among his many talents, Dr. White is an author, consultant, physician, speaker and clown. He travels the world with his clown character – Dr. Jerko – speaking to public and private organizations, conducting seminars and consulting for businesses.

Dr. White has successfully captivated audiences with his management retreats, training programs, keynote speeches, spouse programs, seminars and executive mentoring. His seminars have had immediate positive effects on major corporations such as Hallmark Cards, American Express, Sun Microsystems, The Foreign Service Institute, New York Life Insurance, Georgetown University Law School, Sprint, Mobil, Medtronic, Duke University Medical Center, Solomon Brothers… to name just a few.

Through his many years as a physician and seeing thousands of patients, Dr. White discovered that what is usually considered normal isn’t necessarily healthy. This discovery is what prompted him to write the book Why Normal Isn’t Healthy: How to Find Heart, Meaning, Passion, and Humor on the Road Most Traveled. Dr. White’s prescription for life is easy to swallow but effective: to discover great potential for healing, health, and wholeness through laughter, misbehavior, and a willingness to make mistakes.

As a speaker, Dr. White not only emphasize the need for individuals to be responsible for their own well-being and health. He also helps organizations learn how to provide healthy and productive work environments.

Dr. White is a close associate of Dr. Patch Adams as part of the Gesundheit growth development. When not on speaking engagements, he still volunteers at The Gesundheit Institute.

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    Doctor, Speaker, Consultant, Clown

    Bowen F. White, M.D. combines the talents and expertise of a medical doctor, teacher, executive coach, speaker, consultant, and author. He travels the world conducting seminars, consulting and speaking to public and private organizations.

    In 1983, Dr. White founded the Department of Preventive & Stress Medicine for Baptist Medical Center in Kansas City, Missouri and the Department of Wellness and Health Promotion before leaving to pursue a private practice and a career as a consultant and speaker. He has given hundreds of keynote addresses and some highlights of his consulting experience include a six-month team building project at NCAA headquarters, three years as corporate medical consultant to the Hazelden Foundation, multiple presentations for Medtronic, Inc. (including their Medtronic Leader program), is the graduation speaker for MFS leadership training programs, multiple presentations for the Institute for Management Studies and lectures at Stanford University′s Graduate School on design thinking, creativity and innovation.

    With a practice in organizational medicine, he is interested in the “people piece” of the workplace puzzle: Leadership, Team Building, Coaching for High Performance, Balance and Well Being, Stress, Managing Change, Sales, Ethics, and Communications. His programs emphasize the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own health and well being as he helps organizations create suspiciously healthy workplaces.

    Dr. White’s training programs, seminars, keynote speeches, management retreats and executive coaching sessions have had an immediate, practical application for such organizations as: St. Luke’s Health System, Yarco, Sprint, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, New York Life Insurance, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 3M, DuPont, Duke University Medical Center, Mercury Marine, Inc., the Foreign Service Institute, Hallmark Cards, Federal Reserve Bank, Ameriprise Financial, Hydraulic Institute and Georgetown University Law School.

    His message is international. In addition to presentations throughout the US, he has presented at conferences in Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Germany, Austria, India, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Panama and Israel. He has spoken to educators and business leaders in the UK (London, Manchester, Edinburgh), and to staff members stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Budapest, Hungary. The International Management Center in Budapest asked Dr. White to share his expertise with managers studying their emerging market economy. He has also discussed aspects of executive training and quality programs with industrial managers in Osaka, Japan.

    In addition to appearing on the front page of the Wall St. Journal and on national television programs such as CBS This Morning, Desmond Morris’ The Human Animal and the PBS series The Promise of Play, Dr. White is often interviewed by radio, newspaper and magazine journalists. He has eight years of experience as a weekly TV health commentator for Kansas City’s CBS-TV affiliate and also had a three-year stint writing a weekly newspaper column, entitled “Patient Potential,” for the Kansas City Business Journal.

    Dr. White is married with four daughters. He contributes his time to The Gesundheit! Institute and the National Institute for Play and is the author of two books: Why Normal Isn’t Healthy and with John MacDougal, A Clinician’s Guide to Spirituality. In addition he created two audio tape series: The Cry of the Heart and Dr. White’s Complete Stress Management Kit.

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Bowen White's Speech Descriptions

Dr. Bowen F. White’s prescription for life is easy: laugh, make mistakes, misbehave, and discover your potential for healing, health, and wholeness. His character Dr. Jerko brings an element of lightheartedness that perfectly lines up with Dr. White’s philosophy that although what’s considered “normal” isn’t necessarily healthy, laughter and a willingness to relax and let your inner child come out to play is.

Why Normal Isn′t Healthy

Doing what comes naturally - what millions of years of evolution have programmed us to do -may be perfectly normal, but it′s not necessarily healthy. Where, in the headlong "progress" of the human race, do you really fit in? This program is devoted to the proposition that a whole, healthy, heartfelt life is something that each of us must and can learn-and earn-anew. Funny, incisive, and persuasive, this doctor′s prescription is as easy to swallow, as it is effective: laugh, misbehave, make mistakes, and through it all discover your very own potential for health, healing, and wholeness.

Creating a Healthy Workplace

What is funny? Take a moment and think about this. When you look over the breadth of your life, aren′t some of the funniest moments that involve pain, a problem or some kind of discomfort? You may encounter pain and problems daily with co-workers, family members or strangers. Perhaps you were the one with the pain or the problem. But right where you are, humor waits like a jewel to be discovered. What are the impediments to discovery? What is the true value of this jewel, psychologically and physically? You will see why going a little crazy may be absolutely necessary for sanity.

Leadership vs. Sqeezership

Leadership involves getting people to do or try something they may not think they want or can do. Squeezership has to do with forcing people to do something they don′t have any choice about. Leadership is about engaging people in a process, giving them credit for choosing to participate, joining them, encouraging them in the quest. Leadership is about recognizing that anything′s possible if you′re willing to not take credit for it.

Servant Leadership

To lead is to serve. The maxim sounds good but what does it mean to you as you strive to manage your organization? How do your attitudes as a manager towards power, responsibility, honesty and control shape the workday environment and influence each employee′s contribution to your organization? This presentation revels the meaning behind the maxim. Come find out how you can move beyond your perceptual boundaries to become a leader who not only serves the common good but honors the individual as well.

Communications & Team Building In A Time Of Change

Life isn′t fair. That should be no surprise. We all heard it′s a jungle out here. The question is: Is there a way that we can relate to each other that will compensate for that unfairness and seek to heal it at the same time? You see it isn′t just that people treat us unfairly; we also do the same thing. Owning that, we recognize that we are part of the problem. Being part of the problem, of necessity, we must be part of the solution.


Core Values in Action
Humor in the Workplace
Managing Change
Relational Selling
The Joy of Service
Using Stress to Power Peak Performance

What People are Saying about Seeing Bowen Speak

Rating Entries

    Partial Client List:

    3M, Inc. – St. Paul
    Hallmark Cards, Inc
    Sun Microsystems, Inc – several locations
    Applebee′s International, Inc
    DuPont – Wilmington, DE
    The Pillsbury Company – Minneapolis
    Long John Silvers, Inc – St. Louis, Kansas City
    Payless Shoesource – Topeka
    McCormick Distilling Company
    US West – Denver
    AVEDA – New Orleans, Atlanta
    Bristol-Myers Squibb Headache Advisory Bd – New York
    Duke University Medical Center – Durham, NC
    National Assn. Of Renal Administrators-Washington,DC
    Brigham & Women′s Hospital – Boston
    Beth Israel Hospital – New York
    National Conferences on Psychology of Health, Immunity & Disease – Orlando, Hilton Head
    The Foundation For Human Science – San Francisco
    Department of Defense – Washington, DC
    Department of Agriculture – Washington, DC
    Social Security Administration
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Federal Reserve Bank
    Federal Highway Administration
    United States Patent Office – Washington, DC
    CBS – This Morning Show – New York
    Meredith Broadcast Corporation – Des Moines
    Media General – TV – South Carolina
    Jewish Times
    Kansas City Star, Inc

    New York Life Insurance – St. Louis, Chicago
    The Baron′s – New York Life – Dallas
    Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
    Zurich Insurance – Chicago
    Farmers Insurance Group
    American Express Financial Advisors – Minneapolis Boston, Charlotte, Tennessee, Orlando
    Re/Max Realtors – 12 States
    Century 21 – Saratoga Springs, NY

    “By the time you concluded they were invigorated, energized, inspired and smiling! And ready to take on the new challenges they will face. Since this is exactly what I was looking for, I am, of course, quite pleased!”
    Sue Klepac, Lucent Technologies

    “You faced a demanding audience and you performed with distinction. We are grateful.”
    Reginald Rabjohns, Million Dollar Round Table

    “At the end of the conference, after the participants were networked out, partied out and ′seminared′ to their limits they still talked about your presentation. They left the conference with a newfound energy and smile on their face because of you! Thank you for adding so much to our conference!”
    Lisa Dansie-Daley, Washington State Pharmacists Association

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Books by Bowen White:
    Why Normal Isn′t Healthy written by Dr. Bowen White

    Bowen White takes you to the ultimate place, your inner self. His insight into the human mind is incredible. If you are seeking to find more about yourself, and why you live the life you do, this is the book for you. I have heard this wonderful man speak live and have read his book twice. It is incredible to walk a trail of the world with him and look at yourself.

    Order Here

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