
Andy Boynton Profile

Andy Boynton is the Co-creator of DeepDive, which is the world’s leading methodology for allowing executives to harness the power of teams for enhanced problem solving, innovation and outcomes. Andy is Dean of the Boston College Carol School of Management, one of the premier business schools in the world. A graduate of Boston College himself, he has an MBA and Ph.D. from the Kenan-Flagler School of Business, North Carolina, and he has served on the MBA faculty there. He has also held a post at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia. For a decade he was a professor of strategy at the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland. At this Institute, recognized as one of the top 10 for Executive MBA programs by BusinessWeek, he led a faculty team and was program director.

Boynton’s recent research has involved looking at distinguished experts from a variety of fields and examining how they achieve professional success and employ social networking. His latest book is The Idea Hunter: How to Find the Best Ideas and Make Them Happen, co-authored with Bill Fischer and William Bole, which is based on this research. Previous books focusing on what makes a high-performance team in many different disciplines have included Virtuoso Teams: Lessons from Teams That Changed Their Worlds and Invented Here: Maximizing Your Organization’s Internal Growth and Profitability.

Much sought after for his public speaking and design of powerful executive education sessions and seminars for global companies, Boynton’s articles concerning the construction of more innovative and effective teams have appeared in the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review and The California Management Review.

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    Andy Boynton is Dean of Boston College’s Carroll School of Management, one of the world’s leading business schools, the author of several books and co-creator of DeepDive™, the world’s leading methodology for helping executives harness the power of teams to significantly improve problem-solving speed, innovation and results.

    Prior to joining Boston College, Boynton was a professor of strategy at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland for 10 years. At the IMD he led a faculty team and was program director of one of the world’s top ten Executive MBA programs, as recognized by Business Week.

    Boynton has recently launched new research projects to explore how distinguished experts from a variety of knowledge-domains work with ideas to achieve professional success and improve their effectiveness in social networks. His latest book, The Idea Hunter: How to Find the Best Ideas and Make them Happen (Jossey-Bass), is based on this research and is co-authored with Bill Fischer and William Bole.

    He has also published extensively on factors underlying high-performing teams across a variety of disciplines, including art, science, exploration, and design. His previous books include Virtuoso Teams: Lessons from Teams That Changed Their Worlds (Financial Times-Prentice Hall) and Invented Here: Maximizing Your Organization’s Internal Growth and Profitability (Harvard Business School Press).

    He is a 1978 graduate of Boston College. Boynton earned his MBA and PhD at the Kenan-Flagler School of Business, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He has served on the MBA faculty at the Kenan-Flagler School of Business and at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia.

    In addition to his publishing career and role as Dean of the Carroll School of Management, Boynton has over twenty years of experience speaking and designing powerful executive education sessions and seminars for firms around the world. He is often utilized by organizations looking to build more innovative and effective teams and his articles in this area have appeared in elite management journals such as Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, and The California Management Review.

Andy Boynton Speaking Videos

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Andy Boynton's Speech Descriptions

Andy Boynton offers his expertise across many management and leadership topics in a series of keynotes, workshops and seminars that are fun, highly interactive and provide excellent take-home value.

Based on his book The Idea Hunter, Boynton shows how high levels of creativity and innovation do not depend upon individual brilliance, but in developing the correct behavior patterns which allow innovation to happen. The DeepDive method of problem solving which Boynton has developed allows the employment of available talent in the best possible way for the most effective solutions.

Boynton can also lead sessions on the most effective leadership and teamwork within the organizational context, and offers customized sessions on change management leadership.

Andy Boynton, the Dean of the Carroll School of Management at Boston College, is a recognized expert on a variety of management and leadership topics, excels in keynote delivery, and has deep global experience designing valuable, fun, and highly interactive workshops and seminars for executives and firms across all industries.

The Idea Hunter: Creativity and Behavior trumps Brilliance

The message from “The Idea Hunter” is sure to stimulate, motivate, and instruct professionals and leaders from all fields and industries. Brilliance is not required to achieve high levels of creativity and innovation, and behavior almost always trumps IQ. In this session, Andy discusses how the hunt for valuable ideas can fuel any leader, professional’s or company’s innovative capacity. The discussion will be based on his (and co-author William Fischer’s) recent book which was reviewed at as providing a “step-by-step prescription for turning avid interest in the world beyond one’s cubicle into blockbuster products and services.”

Dean Boynton presents the four key principles for developing the attitudes, habits, skills, and strategies needed to become a great Idea Hunter:

  • Interested – In the Hunt for great ideas, being interested is far more important than being interesting; intellectual curiosity, together with the awareness that valuable ideas can hit you at any time, is essential to the Idea Hunt.
  • Diverse – The best Idea Hunters tap into a broad array of sources and make a point of broadening their intellectual bandwidth by scouting a wider array of people, locations, industries, and specialties.
  • Exercised – All professionals today need to exercise their idea muscles. Idea Hunters don’t wait for a problem to arise or for the monthly brainstorming session to seek out ideas; they search habitually and continually to increase the likelihood that each day, they will collide with a great idea.
  • Agile – Ideas standing still are worth little. Ideas in motion can pay off. Ideas are shaped by shifting in response to fresh data and energetic conversation, and evolve through stages of reflection and routine prototyping. Agility is an idea hunting requirement.

Andy can change the focus of the presentation, vary the interactive elements of the session, and will work with you to meet your particular wants and needs.

High Performance Leadership and/or Teamwork
Boynton’s focus is on leadership and teamwork within an organizational context (vs. political leadership, for example). The emphasis can be on strategic leadership from the point of view of senior executives or leading teams or project-related initiatives.

  • Boynton’s leadership sessions are interactive and can focus on generic leadership and/or teamwork issues, or be tailored to address specific issues facing the client. He is very flexible and innovative in his design of sessions to provide real and specific client value.
  • Boynton has worked with firms in a variety of industries including telecommunications, healthcare technology, publishing, and investment banking. Boynton has written a significant book on this topic (Virtuoso Teams) and has a Harvard Business Review piece.
  • Boynton’s sessions go beyond mere facilitation. He brings in his own intellectual capital and other important ideas from thought leaders, if needed, to help gain the client impact.
  • The sessions can range in size from 20 to over 300 individuals, if the space and choreography are planned carefully. He typically is involved with the planning to help ensure success.

Leading and Managing Change
Leading and managing change is essential for most organizations today trying to keep up with competitor, customer, technological, and other external changes. Boynton can customize sessions on change management-leadership for firms.

  • For large audiences, Boynton can run a session ranging from 30 to 200 people, if the room and logistics allow.
  • The session could be tailored to the firm or audience and glean ideas, gain insights, help identify and break barriers, or provide other momentum to change efforts.
  • Lead a session of senior executives (10-20-30 or more) in planning or leading a change initiative. The length of this session could be a half day to a more extensive planning session of a day or more.

Innovation and Problem Solving
The DeepDive™: DeepDive™ ignites any workshop or conference meeting into a dynamic, high energy, very interactive problem solving or opportunity shaping event. In three hours to one day, the DeepDive™ leverages your talents, brainpower and experience to create tangible solutions to a wide variety of business issues such as planning change, creating a vision, formulating a strategy, redesigning a process, or launching new services. Boynton helped co-create DeepDive™ which has been used hundreds of times with firms around the world to ensure the most successful workshops, meetings, or conferences possible.

  • Do you have an important issue that you want your team or company to resolve?
  • Do you want to have a meeting, workshop, or conference where everyone is engaged in focused, great conversations on the important issues facing your function or firm?
  • Do you want to learn more about DeepDive™ as a way to take your smartest people and create an accelerator event that leverages their insights and IQ to your firm’s best advantage?

If so, learn more about DeepDive™.

What People are Saying about Seeing Andy Speak

Rating Entries

    “Andy Boynton is one of the top speakers and workshop facilitators we have ever had at IMD or that I have ever seen in action. He has exceptional skills and experiences to work with firms to design the perfect speech, bring any workshop to life, and add energy and create an interactive experience enjoyed and valued by all. He is a master among great executive education teachers, speakers, and facilitators.”
    James Pulcrano, Executive Director of Marketing, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland

    “We engaged Andy Boynton to deliver a seminar on innovation. It was fantastic. We then asked Andy to lead an important innovation workshop for a new product line and then lead a two day strategic planning session for one of our business units. In each instance, he delivered a powerful and very valuable experience to our leaders at Sun Life. His insights and ideas have contributed in substantive ways to our strategic thinking and innovation efforts, and his facilitation have been tremendously engaging and energizing.”
    Westley V. Thompson President, Sun Life Financial U.S.

    “Andy’s presentation was spot on. He spurred our group of over 2500 professionals to approach innovative thinking as something important to their every day focus and showed how truly simple it can be. Andy clearly connected with a diverse group of professionals from over 26 countries. His straight forward presentation achieved our objective of encouraging our people to become idea hunters.”

    “When I have a workshop or conference to design and facilitate, I call Andy Boynton first. He’s the guru of creating excellent client workshop or seminar experiences. He is the master. Andy Boynton knows more about teaching and designing a great executive workshop or class than any person I know.”
    Howard Weinberg, Partner at Deloitte in the Strategy and Innovation Practice

    “We engaged Andy Boynton to deliver a seminar on innovation. It was fantastic. We then asked Andy to lead an important innovation workshop for a new product line and then lead a two day strategic planning session for one of our business units. In each instance, he delivered a powerful and very valuable experience to our leaders at Sun Life. His insights and ideas have contributed in substantive ways to our strategic thinking and innovation efforts, and his facilitation have been tremendously engaging and energizing.”
    Wes Thompson, CEO of Sun Life

    “The DeepDive™ got them straight out of their seats, into a few small teams, energetically and passionately coming up with a flow of great ideas. [It] resulted in 
a number of focused prototype ideas and concepts… also obtaining commitment from all levels to progress them. We will definitely be using it again.”
    Human Resources Director, pharmaceutical company

    “The DeepDive™ methodology is innovative, focused, energizing, and hugely enjoyable. The methodology is designed to provoke innovation and original thoughts. [It] allowed our teams to unlock their creativity and to harness it in the formulation of bold and original strategies for dealing with issues. The DeepDive™ has the capacity to make good teams great.”
    Director of Sales, large commercial security printer and papermaker

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Books by Andy Boynton:

    The Idea Hunter: How to Find the Best Ideas and Make them Happen

    A different way of discovering and developing the best business ideas

    Jack Welch once said, “Someone, somewhere has a better idea.” In this myth-busting book, the authors reveal that great business ideas do not spring from innate creativity, or necessarily from the brilliant minds of people. Rather, great ideas come to those who are in the habit of looking for great ideas all around them, all the time. Too often, people fall into the trap of thinking that the only worthwhile idea is a thoroughly original one. Idea Hunters know better. They understand that valuable ideas are already out there, waiting to be found – and not just in the usual places.

    • Shows how to expand your capacity to find and develop winning business ideas
    • Explains why ideas are a critical asset for every manager and professional, not just for those who do “creative”
    • Reveals how to seek out and select the ideas that best serve your purposes and goals and define who you are, as a professional
    • Offers practical tips on how to master the everyday habits of an Idea Hunter, which include cultivating great conversations

    The book is filled with illustrative accounts of successful Idea Hunters and stories from thriving “idea” companies. Warren Buffet, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Mary Kay Ash, Twitter, and Pixar Animation Studios are among the many profiled.

    Order Here

    Virtuoso Teams: The extraordinary stories of extraordinary teams

    Lead a very special kind of team. The virtuoso team.

    At the heart of a great change or creative breakthrough you will often find a dynamic team of inspired individuals who work together to break out of the common place and make something remarkable happen. A team that generates more creativity, more energy and the very best performance. This is a book about those revolutionary teams that are catalysts for big change and breakthrough performances.

    Unlimited by the conventional approach to teamwork Virtuoso Teams are frequently contentious and always less comfortable, but if you can pull together the right people and manage them in the right way, the results can be extraordinary. Virtuoso teams don′t last forever, but their members almost always go on to become leaders in their field′s next generation. The rules of the game are different for virtuoso teams and their leaders.

    This book will show you how to play to the standards of some of the greatest uncompromising, creative and catalytic teams of our times. Andy Boynton & Bill Fisher introduce you to some of the most compelling and wide-ranging stories of remarkable team leadership ever assembled, from Miles Davis, a serial innovator who surrounded himself with virtuoso talent at least three times, to change the face of jazz, to Thomas Edison, The Manhattan Project to West Side Story.

    Find out how these teams set out to revolutionize their worlds, and how you can build and manage a Virtuoso Team of your own. Whether you′re launching an innovative new product or service; entering into challenging new markets or simply trying to transform the way you operate, virtuoso teams can make the difference between achieving a high-impact success and just another modest outcome.

    Order Here

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