
Andrew Winston

Green Business, Sustainability

Travels from New York, USA

Andrew Winston's speaking fee falls within range:
$20,000 to $25,000

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Andrew Winston Profile

  • Combining his decades of corporate business experience with his passion for building a better future, Winston is globally recognized for implementing effective sustainability practices in multinational corporations and industries.

  • Winston is the co-author of the best-selling book, Green to Gold, a practical guide for what works and what doesn't when it comes to making your company good for the environment.

  • Sharing real-life examples, Winston tackles the obstacles businesses face in going green and how your company can bypass them, emerging with greater profits, stronger customer loyalty, and increased employee engagement.
  • Andrew Winston, founder of Winston Eco-Strategies, is the author of Green Recovery, a strategic plan for using environmental thinking to survive hard economic times. He is also the co-author of
    Green to Gold, the best-selling guide to what works – and what doesn′t – when companies go green.

    Andrew Winston is a globally recognized speaker, author and expert on green business, appearing regularly in major media such as The Wall Street Journal, Time, BusinessWeek, the New York Times, and CNBC. Andrew is dedicated to helping companies both large and small use environmental strategy to grow, create enduring value, and build stronger relationships with employees, customers, and other stakeholders. His clients have included Bank of America, Bayer, HP, Pepsi, Boeing, and IKEA. Andrew also sits on the Sustainability Advisory Board of Kimberly-Clark Corporation.

    Andrew bases his work on significant in-company business experience. His earlier career included advising companies on corporate strategy while at Boston Consulting Group and management positions in strategy and marketing at Time Warner and MTV. After these more traditional roles, Andrew pursued his passion to explore the overlap between business and environment. He served as the Director of the Corporate Environmental Strategy Project at Yale′s renowned School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

    Today, Andrew is a highly respected and dynamic speaker, reaching audiences of thousands of people around the world and acting as a practical evangelist for the benefits of going green. He also writes extensively on green business strategy, including a weekly column for Harvard Business Online, regular pieces on Huffington Post, and a monthly strategy e-letter, Eco-Advantage Strategies. For his efforts, Andrew was recently named a “Planet Defender” by Rock the Earth.

    Andrew received his BA in Economics from Princeton, an MBA from Columbia, and a Masters of Environmental Management from Yale.

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    Andrew Winston's Speech Descriptions

    Andrew Winston is an accomplished, engaging speaker. He’s given keynotes and moderated panel discussions in front of audiences of all types and sizes, from small meetings of the top executives at a corporation to large conference keynotes in front of thousands of people. Andrew relies on his real-world business experience and comfort on stage to bring a relaxed (and often humorous) style to his presentations on the overlap of business and environment. He has no boring 5-bullet-point slides and uses mainly visual images that grab the audience′s interest.

    Andrew tailors his examples and ideas to match the audience, but his “regular” talks run from 20 to 60 minutes and…

        • Explore how environmental pressures such as climate change, as well as powerful stakeholders, are all driving companies to go green
        • Describe the strategies and tools the world′s best companies use to innovate and profit in this new, environmentally-sensitive world
        • Illuminate the hurdles companies face when trying to go green
        • Share stories of how leading companies make environmental stewardship a strategic competitive advantage

    Suggested Speaking Topics:

      • Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage
      • The Greening of Business and Society: Why It’s Unavoidable and How Companies Profit From It

    Andrew Winston on Speaking

    I want them to understand the scale of the challenges the world is facing and get excited by how big the business opportunity is to solve these challenges.

    SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn/take away from your presentations?

    WINSTON: Inspiration. Knowledge. Energy. I want them to understand the scale of the challenges the world is facing and get excited by how big the business opportunity is to solve these challenges. At their core, companies exist to solve a customer problem profitably. Global challenges create big problems and thus many customers. I also hope that people are surprised and inspired by how much large companies are already doing.

    SPEAKING.COM: What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How do you prepare for your speaking engagements?

    WINSTON: I’m always doing research, both formally and informally, through a great deal of reading about the world and consistent interactions with clients (multinational companies) to understand the issues they’re dealing with. For a specific engagement, I have at least one preparation call to understand the audience better and ask questions: What do they want people to walk away with and feel at the end of my talk? What else are they hearing/learning during the event? Where do I fit in the agenda? What are the big trends in the company or industry sector – what are they dealing with lately?

    I then focus my presentation to include examples and stories from their sector or region so it’s relatable.

    A last-minute schedule change meant that the quarterback Peyton Manning was going to speak as well, so the room was packed with kids in football jerseys – not the usual audience for me.

    SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

    WINSTON: I’ve given hundreds of keynotes all over the world, including many European countries, multiple stops in South America and China, and visits to Russia and Kazakhstan. Many have been “unusual” in different ways. There was one audience having a sit-down lunch, which would not be unusual, except there were 5,000 people in the room – one very big room in Las Vegas. At that same event, I followed a very famous magician, an odd, fun juxtaposition.

    Another time, I spoke at Walmart headquarters, but a last-minute schedule change meant that the quarterback Peyton Manning was going to speak as well, so the room was packed with kids in football jerseys – not the usual audience for me. Manning arrived near the end of my talk and they had him come on and make a joke about being there to see me and get a signed copy of my book.

    SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

    WINSTON: I’ve spoken to a wide range of groups across nearly every sector imaginable. In recent years, the entire value chain of retail and consumer products, and especially those in the food business, has been a great fit. Those industries are facing deep change brought on by the mega-trends I talk about (climate change, resource constraints, transparency, health & wellness, etc.).

    A fairly common audience for me is the management team of a large company – i.e., the annual meeting of the top few hundred execs in one large enterprise. I also help set the stage for big industry events and trade shows, helping the audience understand the big trends and where the world is headed.

    SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?

    WINSTON: Honestly, I enjoy all the talks I give. Every talk includes some discussion of mega-trends and how they are changing society and business, and I really like that experience of connecting the dots for people. Discussions of the rise of transparency and changing expectations of Millennials are fun, as well. I also especially enjoy talking about the shifts in the energy business; it’s a whole new world now as renewable energy takes over.

    Speaking is an amazing way to get in front of people and start influencing their thinking about tough issues.

    SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

    WINSTON: I wrote a book, Green to Gold, that sold over 100,000 copies in 7 languages. That’s when the speaking began in earnest. Speaking is an amazing way to get in front of people and start influencing their thinking about tough issues. Humor and “a-ha” moments can really move people and organizations in new directions.

    On a side note, one little known fact about me: part of the reason I am comfortable on stage is that I spent years as a singer. I was in a college a capella group (way before Pitch Perfect) and toured the world with them. Later I sang in a semi-pro group in New York City, which is how I met my wife.

    SPEAKING.COM: How do you keep your audience engaged and actively listening during your keynotes? Do you use case studies, personal stories and/or in your speeches?

    WINSTON: On some level, all human communication is based on stories, so yes, I use many stories. “Case studies” sounds too formal, but I do have many examples of companies doing interesting things. I quickly move through a mix of short and longer stories, but mainly keep people interested by incorporating some level of humor. Of course, some of what I’m talking about is serious stuff – climate change and threats to the planet and economy – but there’s still humor to be found in what I do.

    The most rewarding feedback I’ve gotten comes from people I meet who, because of my talks or books, have actually changed careers.

    SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients achieve?

    WINSTON: I’ve worked closely with multinationals as they’ve moved to renewable energy, inspired their own employees, created new products that help their customers be more sustainable, and much more. Much of that work is through consulting.

    The successes from my keynotes are often harder to measure, but I frequently hear from people months or even years later who tell me that my talk “started something” in an organization or individual. I’ve had CEOs or board members start funding new initiatives and change their priorities because of a presentation, but the most rewarding feedback I’ve gotten comes from people I meet who, because of my talks or books, have actually changed careers. The fact that my work’s inspired them to choose their direction in life makes me feel like there are ripple effects from what I do. Exclusive Interview with Andrew Winston
    Thriving as a Sustainable Business, with Strategy Speaker Andrew Winston
    In this interview, sustainability speaker Andrew Winston discusses:
    • The mega-trends changing the way that companies operate.
    • Ways that big businesses are becoming more sustainable.
    • How companies can win by inspiring customers to use less.
    Read the Full Interview

    "...Businesses have to reassess their role in society along with how well they are solving their own, their customers’, and the world’s biggest challenges."
    - Andrew Winston

    What People are Saying about Seeing Andrew Speak

    Rating Entries

      Partial Client List:

      Applied Materials
      Bank of America
      Black & Veatch
      Constellation Energy
      Dean Foods
      Georgia Power/Southern Company
      International Paper
      John Hancock
      Johnson Controls
      Johnson Diversey
      Johson & Johnson
      Jones Lang LaSalle
      North American Van Lines
      Proctor & Gamble
      Spectra Energy
      Columbia Business School
      Conservation International
      Harvard Business School
      Penn State
      UNC Kenan-Flagler B-School
      United Nations
      William & Mary

      “Andrew Winston has a preternatural ability to perform, please, and above all leave everyone cheering. His insight into the industry is incomparable and we were so pleased that he could be a part of making our event so successful.”
      Jigar Shah,
      CEO, Carbon War Room/Founder,
      Sun Edison

      “I just wanted to let you know that Andrew Winston was a HUGE hit at the conference. He was able to stay after his remarks and join our President & COO and the head of our global communications/government relations team. He was so great to work with and so were you. Thanks for everything!”
      Joan M. Wise,
      Select Service and Extended Stay Franchising,

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    Books by Andrew Winston:

      Green Recovery: Get Lean, Get Smart, and Emerge from the Downturn on Top

      When the economy turns rough, many companies sideline their green business initiatives. That′s a big mistake. In Green Recovery, Andrew Winston shows that no company can afford to wait for the downturn to ease before going green.

      Green initiatives ratchet up your company′s resource efficiency, creativity, and employee motivation. They save energy, waste, and money, preserving precious capital-and give precise focus to your innovation efforts and strategic priorities.

      Part manifesto and part how-to guide, this concise and engaging book provides a road map for using green initiatives to deliver short-term gains and position your company for long-term strategic growth. You′ll discover how to:

      • Get lean: Amp up your energy and resource efficiency to survive tough times
      • Get smart: Use environmental data about products and supply chains for competitive advantage
      • Get creative: Rejuvenate your innovation efforts by asking heretical questions such as “How might we operate with no fossil fuels?”
      • Get going: Engage and excite employees to solve the company′s, the customer′s, and the world′s environmental challenges

      Green Recovery is your guide to establishing your competitive positioning in difficult times and emerging even stronger into a vastly changed economy.

      Order Here

      Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage

      The leading guide to driving growth and profits through green strategy—now revised and updated

      The business world and the natural world are inextricably linked. Our economy and society depend on natural resources. Every product comes from something mined or grown. The environment provides critical support to our economic system – not financial capital, but natural capital. And the evidence is growing that we re systematically undermining our asset base and weakening some of our vital support systems.

      Order Here

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