
Andrew Razeghi Profile

Andrew Razeghi is a writer, educator, advisor and adjunct professor at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. He has advised many organizations on creativity, innovation and leadership, including Aurora Healthcare, Brinker International, Darden Restaurants, GE, GlaxoSmithKline, the Houston Texans, Motorola, Novartis, PepsiCo, Switzerland Tourism and World Kitchen.

Andrew has taught an MBA course on strategy and organization at The Graduate School of Business at Loyola University Chicago, and he was one of the first American professors to teach free market economics at The Prague University of Economics in The Czech Republic. Currently he serves as a review panelist for The Wright Centers of Innovation at The National Academies of Science, a Thought Leader with Knowledge Dialogue and an Advisory Board Member of Americans for Informed Democracy.

Andrew has appeared in many media outlets, including ABC-TV, Air America, The Chicago Sun-Times, China Daily, El Norte, FAST COMPANY, NPR, The San Francisco Chronicle and The San Jose Mercury News. Andrew’s latest book, The Riddle: Where Ideas Come From and How to Have Better Ones, was named one of FAST COMPANY magazine’s “Smart Books.”

  • View Extended/Alternate Bio
      • Andrew Razeghi is adjunct associate professor at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. As a writer, educator, and adviser to organizations on creativity, innovation and leadership, his work spans industries, from consumer packaged goods to healthcare, tourism to media, and non-profit organizations to professional sports teams.

    A few of his clients include Aurora Healthcare, Brinker International, Darden Restaurants, GE, GlaxoSmithKline, the Houston Texans, Motorola, Novartis, PepsiCo, Switzerland Tourism, and World Kitchen. Andrew speaks to thousands of people each year at trade association and organization events and has appeared in a number of media outlets including ABC-TV, Air America, The Chicago Sun-Times, China Daily, El Norte (Mexico), FAST COMPANY, NPR, The San Francisco Chronicle, and The San Jose Mercury News.

    Prior to joining Kellogg, Andrew taught the capstone MBA course on strategy and organization at The Graduate School of Business at Loyola University Chicago. Shortly after the fall of communism in Central Europe, he was invited to be among the first American professors to teach free market economics at The Prague University of Economics in Prague, The Czech Republic. In addition to his work as an educator and adviser, Andrew is a review panelist for The Wright Centers of Innovation at The National Academies of Science in Washington, D.C.; a Thought Leader with Knowledge Dialogue; and an Advisory Board Member of Americans for Informed Democracy (AID) – a non-partisan 501(c)(3) organization working to raise global awareness on more than 500 university campuses and in more than 10 countries.

    Andrew’s newest book on innovation is entitled THE RIDDLE: WHERE IDEAS COME FROM AND HOW TO HAVE BETTER ONES (February 2008, Jossey-Bass/Wiley). In THE RIDDLE, professor Razeghi explains how the common pre-cursors to “Eureka moments” can be replicated in order to help people learn to become more innovative. FAST COMPANY magazine selected THE RIDDLE as one of its “Smart Books for 2008.”

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Andrew Razeghi's Speech Descriptions

In his presentations, Andrew uses research from his famous book, The Riddle: Where Ideas Come From and How to Have Better Ones, and his experience as a business advisor and professor, to help audiences discover their imagination and creativity and have their own “Eureka” moments. He motivates audiences to unleash their powers of innovation and leadership so they can improve their performance and achieve the impossible.

THE RIDDLE: Where Ideas Come From and How to Have Better Ones
Have you ever had a problem you couldn′t figure out no matter how hard you tried? Someone likely advised you to "Take a break. Don′t think so hard." And so you did. And then, on waking up, while in the shower, or while stuck in traffic, it happened. "Aha!" you said. "I′ve got it! I′ve figured it out!" Just when you least expected it, you became suddenly creative an instant innovator was born!

In this fascinating keynote presentation, best-selling author and Kellogg School of Management professor Andrew Razeghi will share research from his book entitled THE RIDDLE whereby he takes readers on a journey into the precise moment of creative insight known famously as the Eureka moment. Professor Razeghi will explain why it happens, when it happens, and most importantly - what you can do to make it happen more often. As it turns out, "thinking differently" may be oversold. If you want to learn to be more innovative, you won’t want to miss this talk!

  • Learn why you have your best ideas when you are least likely trying to have them
  • Learn how emotion, knowledge, memory, and ethnicity may help/hinder your creativity
  • Learn how to improve your creativity by practicing common pre-cursors to Eureka!

HOPE: How Triumphant Leaders Create the Future

Whether businesses face uncertainty or meet the challenge of the constant pressure to innovate, leaders must dig deep to keep their focus and stay effective. In his best-selling book and keynote presentation, Kellogg School of Management professor Andrew Razeghi isolates the critical factor that is a core element of successful leadership in any climate.

This presentation sheds new light on an ancient virtue by exploring why some leaders succeed while others fail. Using research from neuroscience and behavioral psychology along with real world stories of leaders across disciplines, Razeghi illustrates the role of belief systems as leadership tools.

This keynote presentation is rich in inspiring stories from business, politics, science, sports, art, religion, exploration, and philanthropy. Professor Razeghi also presents a wealth of thoughtful questions to ponder to help you learn to turn your beliefs into actionable and tangible tools.

  • Learn the science behind the power of your beliefs over your performance and the performance of your team
  • Learn how belief systems have been used by history’s greatest leaders to achieve the impossible
  • Learn how to create a belief system that will improve your capacity to create, make decisions, and solve problems.

What People are Saying about Seeing Andrew Speak

Rating Entries

    First of all, let me congratulate you for such a great conference in Cancun last week!!! Your perspective was fresh and practical. Everybody loved it. In fact, we just received the meeting evaluations and you were one of the speakers with the highest scores (4.8 out of 5!). I think your presentation was excellent!
    Best Regards,”
    Salvador Alva
    Pepsico Latin America

    It was very nice meeting you during our APAF NYC summit last week! Your class on Innovation & Imagination was the best!
    Best Regards,”
    Ed Mohtashemi
    Principal Engineer, EQ Lead
    GE Energy, Nuclear

    “Andrew is a dynamic, entertaining presenter. The content was perfectly paced and funny to boot. Outstanding!”
    Executive Education Program Participant
    Kellogg School of Management
    Northwestern University

    “The CEO Summit gets better and better each year. Andrew Razeghi’s session was particularly valuable because we were able to more clearly reach consensus on the critical issues currently facing the industry.”
    Elly S. Valas
    Executive Director
    North American Retail Dealers Association

    “Great speaker! Motivational and inspirational. Set a good scene for the theme of the meeting.”
    Software Spectrum
    Leadership Summit

    “Once again, thank you! I feel highly motivated and have received great benefit by participating in a bit of the Andrew Razeghi experience!”
    Marc Guerrero
    II Simposio Turistico Participant
    Boletín Turistico

    “I can’t thank you enough for your outstanding presentation. Your comments were on target and the presentation exceeded my expectations. On top of that, you are a pleasure to work with, thanks.”
    Trudy Goldman

    “Thank you for the excellent General Session and especially the Plenary Session. I believe you truly have started a movement in our industry. Thanks again!”
    Amy Stewart
    Research Scientist

    “Fantastic! Insightful and always engaging!”
    Judd Hoekstra
    The Ken Blanchard Companies

    “Andrew Razeghi is fantastic! He really motivated our team and gave us exercises that were helpful and insightful in order to apply his teaching. These exercises pushed our teams outside their comfort zones and resulted in creative, memorable learning. Our team loved not only his interaction with the audience, but also his hands-on participation with the crowd!”
    Cheryl Read
    Dean Foods

    “Excellent discussion! Andrew did an outstanding job stimulating thought – can’t wait to hear him again.”
    Britt Landrum

    “Our Executive Team was greatly assisted by Andrew in developing a strategic road map to our future. Without his guidance I’m sure we would be approaching our future with less certainty.”
    Frank Hudetz
    Solar Communications

    “We at Kisco Retirement Communities have benefited from Andrew’s insight, creativity, and ability to challenge our strategic thinking at all levels of the organization.”
    Andy Kohlberg
    Kohlberg & Company

    “Andrew’s insight and vision greatly added to our knowledge base in evaluation of growth alternatives. His perceptions would add great value to most business applications.”
    Kenneth Hull
    Follett Corporation

    “Masterful! Andrew’s depth of content and method of delivery were a great capstone to a wonderful week.”
    Executive Education Participant
    Kellogg School of Management
    Northwestern University

    “I must tell you…I have NEVER (in 3 years) had so many compliments and thank you from our membership for a specific speaker as I have received since Tuesday. You were absolutely awesome and inspiring. Your stories were inspiring and insightful and our members were the most excited and thankful for your presentation – to such a high level that I have never before seen. We will definitely welcome you back in the future and are very appreciative of your time and knowledge.”
    Juli Bohm
    MENG (Marketing Executives Networking Group)
    Chicago, IL

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Books by Andrew Razeghi:

    The Riddle: Where Ideas Come from and How to Have Better Ones

    Artists, scientists, and entrepreneurs thrive on their ability to be creative. New wealth flows to those who successfully introduce new ideas.

    While organizations claim to value creativity, they are often at a loss when attempting to conjure up novel ideas, particularly in a world where technology has made information readily available to everyone. As a result, leaders ask, “Where will the next big idea come from?” In response, they allocate significant resources for innovation; however the source of creative inspiration has remained a mystery.

    Science has shown that it’s possible to create conditions under which the mind is more prepared to have insights, or “aha! moments.” In this fascinating book, Andrew Razeghi examines the precursors to creative insight and offers clear-cut methods for making “Eureka moments” routine practice rather than lucky accidents. Combining the latest scientific research, interviews with current innovators, and studies of history’s most creative minds, he dissects the creative process and presents a practical approach for inspiring innovation.

    The Riddle illustrates how replicating these precursors – curiosity, constraints, connections, conventions, and codes – can increase your odds of success at innovation. For example, the author reveals how to inspire creativity through controllable and reproducible thoughts and behaviors such as altering your mood, changing the context in which you solve problems, creating metaphors, and even simply writing things down. He also explores the role of sleep, memory, and ethnicity as they pertain to creative insight.

    The Riddle takes the mystery out of the creative process and plants it squarely in the realm of the scientific. Using the techniques outlined in this book, innovators can draw on the “Eureka moment” again and again.

    Order Here


    Whether businesses face uncertainty or meet the challenge of the constant pressure to innovate, leaders must dig deep to keep their focus and stay effective. In this landmark new book, HOPE: HOW TRIUMPHANT LEADERS CREATE THE FUTURE (Jossey-Bass, June 2006), Andrew Razeghi isolates the critical factor that is a core element of successful leadership and business strategy in any climate. The book unveils the answer to a single question, namely, in moments of uncertainty, why do some leaders succeed while others fail? Fundamentally, how do they make hope happen?

    Using research from neuroscience and behavioral psychology, along with real world stories of CEOs, business start-ups, political leaders, groundbreaking scientists, and others, Razeghi shows that hope is a proven tool for competitive advantage.

    In HOPE, Andrew reveals a solid strategy that develops leadership skills and applies them to individuals, teams, and organizations. The book is rich in inspiring stories from business, politics, science, sports, art, religion, exploration, and philanthropy. It also presents a wealth of thoughtful questions to ponder and exercises to help you learn to turn “hope” into an actionable and tangible tool.

    HOPE is receiving rave reviews and has been endorsed by everyone from Cancer Survivor and Tour de France Champion Lance Armstrong to best-selling authors Dr. Ken Blanchard and Dr. Jim Belasco who calls HOPE – “the trail blazing management book of our time!”

    Order Here

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