
Amy Myers Jaffe Profile

One of the world’s most knowledgeable experts on the energy industry and geopolitics, Amy Myers Jaffe is the chair of the Future of Oil and Gas at the World Economic Forum (Davos) as well as the Executive Director of Energy and Sustainability at the UC Davis Graduate School of Management. She is a widely published and quoted expert on oil and energy policy, a highly sought consultant by the international media, and frequently at the forefront of fossil fuel and alternative energy related research.

Co-author of the landmark Oil, Dollars, Debt and Crises: The Global Curse of Black Gold,
Jaffe is associate editor (North America) for the academic journal Energy Strategy Reviews and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Economics and Energy and Environmental Policy. She recently edited a Special Issue on Emerging Issues for U.S. Energy Independence for Energy Strategy Reviews.

Jaffe is a member of the U.S. National Petroleum Council. She currently serves as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and was the recipient of the Senior Fellow Award from the U.S. Association for Energy Economics in 2015 for her career contribution to the organization and to the field of energy economics.

In the past, Jaffe served as founding director of the Baker Institute Energy Forum (now called the Center for Energy Studies) and Wallace S. Wilson Fellow in Energy Studies at Rice University’s James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy.

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    Expert on the Geopolitics of Oil, Energy, Security and Risk

    Amy Myers Jaffe is a leading expert on the geopolitics of oil, energy, security and risk. Associate Director of the Energy Program at Rice University′s James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, she is a frequent keynote speaker at major energy industry and investment conferences. A contributor to Foreign Policy magazine′s “21 Solutions to Save the World” and recipient of the Award for Excellence by the International Association for Energy Economics, Jaffe was among the 2004 “Key Women in Energy-Americas” honorees and was named to Esquire′s annual 100 Best and Brightest. She is the co-author of Oil, Dollars, Debt, and Crises: The Global Curse of Black Gold.

    A Widely Quoted Commentator on Oil and Energy Policy

    A regular consultant to various national and international organizations, Jaffe is one of the preeminent sources of information and critical thought on oil and energy policy today. She is a widely quoted commentator on oil and energy policy in the international media, and has provided testimony on Capitol Hill on energy matters. Jaffe appears regularly on a variety of television news stations and programs including CNN, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, FOX, MSNBC, and National Public Radio. Her writings have been featured by The New York Times, Dow Jones International, and the Mideast Report.

    Addressing the Energy-Related Challenges Facing Society in the 21st Century

    As leader of the Baker Institute Energy Forum, and Associate Director of the Rice University Energy Program, Amy Myers Jaffe promotes, oversees and participates in a wide range of groundbreaking energy research and discussion. Under her guidance, these institutions support projects that address current energy science and technology policy, as well as the energy-related challenges that face society in the 21st century. Jaffe is a principal author of the Baker Institute′s numerous energy studies that cover energy trends in the Middle East, Caspian Basin, China, Russia and Japan, as well as emerging technologies in the nuclear, nanotechnology, and natural gas sectors. Jaffe is currently organizing a major study on oil, the US dollar, national debt and market crises as well as a major initiative on global poverty and energy.

    Jaffe′s long list of accomplishments include serving as a member of the reconstruction and economy working group of the Baker/Hamilton Iraq Study Group and a major contributor to the recent joint Baker Institute/CFR task force on Guiding Principles for U.S. Post-Conflict Policy in Iraq. She has also served as an advisor to the U.S. National Intelligence Council Study on Energy to 2015 and as a principal advisor to USAID′s project on Options for Developing a Long Term Sustainable Iraqi Oil Industry.

Amy Myers Jaffe Speaking Videos

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Amy Myers Jaffe's Speech Descriptions

Amy Myers Jaffe untangles the complex web of policies, economic outcomes, climatic consequences, and societal problems that stem from how we harness and use energy. Her unparalleled knowledge, relevance, and presentation style have made her a crowd favorite. For numerous committees and event planners, she is their number one choice to address the global energy shift and its implications for business, politics, and global relations.

    Amy Myers Jaffe Speech Topics:

    • The Energy Future: Transformational Trends in the Oil and Gas Industry
    • Sustainability and Risk in the Energy Sector
    • Global Climate Policy and Energy Investing: Is the Carbon Bubble Real?
    • The Unconventionals’ Challenge to OPEC
    • US Energy Independence: Possibilities and Global Implications
    • Climate Change, Alternative Fuels and Transportation

Books by Amy Myers Jaffe:

    Oil, Dollars, Debt, and Crises: The Global Curse of Black Gold

    Oil, Dollars, Debt, and Crises studies the causes of the current oil and global financial crisis and shows how America’s and the world’s growing dependence on oil has created a repeating pattern of banking, currency, and energy-price crises.

    Unlike other books on the current financial crisis, which have focused on U.S. indebtedness and American trade and economic policy, Oil, Dollars, Debt, and Crises shows the reader a more complex picture in which transfers of wealth to and from the Middle East result in a perfect storm of global asset and financial market bubbles, increased unrest, terrorism and geopolitical conflicts, and eventually rising costs for energy.

    Only by addressing long-term energy policy challenges in the West, economic development challenges in the Middle East, and the investment horizons of financial market players can policy makers ameliorate the forces that have been causing repeating global economic crises.

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