
Amanda Gore Profile

  • Amanda Gore is a top emotional intelligence keynote speaker and best selling author.

  • She uses the principles of emotional intelligence to transform the spirit of people and cultures by changing perceptions, improving relationships, connecting people, managing change, leadership, innovation, and team dynamics.

  • Her programs will have people laughing and connecting by breaking down barriers, or sending attendees off on an emotional and inspired high.
  • Amanda Gore is an Australian living in the USA. An author, USA Hall of Fame speaker, business woman, CEO of The Joy Project and a Huffington Post Columnist, she has won many awards, including Educator of the Year and Keynote Speaker of the Year from the National Speakers Association.

    She works with organizations of different sizes to help boost engagement of teams, create cultures of joy and joyful people, manage change fatigue and bring humanity back into leadership and work.

    With the rise of mental health issues, Amanda believes that joy is the antidote to burnout and has been shown to increase productivity, sales, and well-being. In her presentations, she blends humor, science, and life experience to teach practical tools and skills for personal and organizational growth. She focuses on helping people feel good about themselves which leads to positive changes in all areas.

    Originally a physical therapist with a major in psychology, Amanda blends research in neuroscience, epigenetics, positive psychology, quantum physics and emotional intelligence with funny stories to help organizations achieve better performance by aligning with values and mission and creating joyful workplaces and people. Through her funny, interactive and engaging presentations, Amanda breaks down barriers, opens hearts and minds, and inspires people to action.

    Her presentations are funny, energetic, entertaining, and engaging, and she is dedicated to inspiring and facilitating lasting change while people laugh and learn.

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    Amanda Gore's Speech Descriptions

    From Burnout To Joy (OR Reimagining Joy - How to Re-Inspire, Re-Focus and Re-Store meaning)

    The last two years has taken its toll on everyone! Bathed in uncertainty about EVERYTHING, our physical, mental, emotion and spiritual wellbeing has been seriously impacted. Many of us are living with fear, unmotivated, anxious, stressed and feeling burnt out.
    This keynote or training is geared around the new skills required to rise up out of the exhaustion and fear and rediscover the joy of living. Simple, easy to do activities and ways to change our mindsets and perceptions will help your team build resilience and leave them with an inner compass! This inner compass will be the way people can navigate their way back to feeling energised and enthusiastic about life again.

    Our inner compass can help us:
    • Re-calibrate relationships and re-imagine joy
    • Re-energise and re-align your team
    • Re-inspire, re-focus and re-store meaning
    • Re-ignite confidence and enthusiasm
    • Reconnect hearts - virtually and physically
    • Stay sane and even thrive while navigating an uncertain future

    We have never experienced a time like this before. Mental health issues are skyrocketing. Fear and uncertainty are undermining people's health, work and relationships - We are re-examining what JOY (and living) actually looks and feels like - and what really matters to us.

    Now, more than ever, we need to re-consider everything that is going on and educate people about different perspectives and give them the skills to deal with the 'uncertain and constantly changing new normal’. And also to give them a good laugh! Which in itself changes physiology.

    To keep teams connected, motivated and maintaining a sense of purpose and belonging is challenging in good times when everyone is physically present.

    It's a whole new world working these days, returning to work, hybrid offices, work life balance, burnout, juggling children and working from home and being disconnected physically from others.

    I designed this material to address all the above issues and re-store some sense of control in people no matter where they are. And to establish the deep connections people are craving.

    This whole experience can be seen as a time of devastation and depression - or it can be seen as an opportunity to do many things that can make positive changes in our lives, and the choice is ours. This keynote gives you the tools and mindset to choose wisely.

    Other Aspects Amanda Can Incorporate…
    - Re-activate our full human potential and our humanity
    - To fill us with life force
    - To fully engage in life and living
    - To re-create the life we really want
    - To re-engage us with our passion, meaning and purpose at work
    - The choice is ours. This keynote gives you the tools and mindset to choose wisely

    The Power of Joy – How Joy Changes Cultures and Performance

    You were born with the capacity for joy! Science shows us that by the time you were 7, your pure ‘operating system’ of love and joy was infected with viruses, malware, apps and other people’s programs! Joy at work boosts sales by 37%, increases productivity 31%, reduces errors 18%, burnout 125% and boosts chances of promotion 40%. Joy matters.

    Your brain can be rewired for joy. This session teaches you how. It includes how to stop stress killing you; how to be resilient; how to be your best version; how to re- focus on what matters and take responsibility for your choices and behaviour.

    Everything in business is about feelings. Trust, empathy, confidence, cooperation, collaboration, leadership, responses to change - these are just some of the elements (feelings) that create a great culture and team.

    This keynote is aimed at helping people feel good about themselves - which changes the way they interact with everyone else - colleagues, clients and family.

    Amanda presents profound concepts, in an entertaining way that:

    - Changes people's perceptions of themselves and others
    - Engages and energizes
    - Gives them specific strategies to bust stress, lead more effectively, fear less, deal with change and collaborate effectively.

    Amanda will cover the latest new sciences of stress, epigenetics, emotional intelligence and neuroscience - which will not only show you how to reduce the impact of stress, but also how to change your reactions to it permanently.

    Did you know that what people believe about stress or stressful situations is the 15th biggest killer of humans in the USA? But it is potentially a source of great resilience, productivity, engagement and courage when handled correctly. It's time to get real about what is really causing our stress.

    Neuroscience of Sales – How to Develop a Buyers Mindset

    People have not fundamentally changed for a thousand years but science has. The 'operating system' of a human is not binary based! It's more like quantum computing and runs on feelings. Learn new, neuroscience based practical skills and strategies to re- engage your sales force in a way that leaves everyone feeling recharged and resilient.

    Using Amanda's signature experience creating, humor loaded yet fact filled style, people will walk away thinking differently about sales and how they interact with others.

    Transforming sales results begins with transforming our thinking, perceptions, actions and choices. Knowing precise ways to interact with others to prove that we are competent, trustworthy and safe (a feeling) is required for top performance. Learn new, science- based ways to:

    - Be resilient and keep yourself motivated and enthusiastic
    - Develop a modern sales mindset
    - See customers as partners in business
    - Listen properly (hardly anyone does)
    - Connect non verbally (instantly)
    - Establish life long relationships (in a short time) that create advocates not just customers

    Joyful Leadership and The Joyful Team – How a Growth Mindset, Engages, Motivates and Changes Cultures

    Did you know that science shows us 95- 99% of the time we are literally UN- conscious of our thinking and beliefs? Only 5% of the time are we present and really aware of what is going on inside us! The stories we tell ourselves i.e. What we are thinking literally creates our life, performance and relationships. This session teaches how to change your thinking/story - which changes the life you create - at work and home.

    The major disruptor to collaborative teams, joy filled workplaces and high- performance sales and service is ‘stinking thinkin’ as Zig Ziglar used to say.

    One energy sucker will bring the whole group down.

    Beliefs, the stories we tell themselves about ourselves, our colleagues, customers, bosses and the company determine our feelings and behaviour. Our beliefs control our nonverbal communication which affect all relationships. Our beliefs determine the culture we create around us and the unconscious choices we are making every moment.

    It's time to remember we control our thinking and we choose to make conscious choices or not.

    This session can change perceptions, relationships, personal accountability, enthusiasm, engagement, energy and culture. But wait - there’ s more! It can also help people adopt a more positive approach to change. While they laugh.

    The Joy of Mindsets – 3 Must Have Skills for Change

    You are not your mindset - but your mindset creates your life.

    Understanding mindsets and mindfulness literally changes your brain and improves performance, leadership, decision making, creativity; reduces anxiety, stress, depression and reactivity; they increase energy, wellbeing and makes you happier. This session will show you simple ways to stop being mindless, be more present, more effective - and more joyful.

    Being mindful is ‘waking up’ - about becoming more conscious - and living more consciously - which is one of Amanda's core themes. Most of us are running on habits and patterns of thinking from our past! We don’t even know those patterns are subconsciously programming our present.

    Think driving a car. How mindful were you in your first few lessons? Now, how often do you arrive home and you don’ t even know how you got there - yet you were driving the car! This is a common theme with anything we learn - we are mindful in the beginning and then we become mindless.

    The difference between a growth mindset and a fixed one is the difference between a joyful life and a stressed, unhappy one; between a joyful team and a dysfunctional one; a great culture or a toxic one.

    Here are 3 things you can do to be mindful not mindless:

    1. Observe your thinking
    2. Question rather than assume
    3. Reframe and find gratitude.

    This is one of the practical skills discussed - Observe your ‘mind state’ all day today - with the goal in mind of becoming aware every time you are mindless! Every time you are not present. Every time you are trapped in a pattern of thinking from the past that creates fear. Then STOP - OBSERVE - QUESTION to become mindful again. Be the one who is mindful of their mindset!

    The Joy Formula – 7 Ways to Build Resilience and Restore Work Life Balance – It is Possible

    As you may have read above, new research shows us what we believe about stress decides if our bodies react negatively or not.

    Our perceptions rule our reality and in part, create our environment. How we think about life balance also determines the physiological and psychological impact.

    The Joy Formula is a simple and easy way to review important aspects of our lives and become aware of imbalances that then allows us to make a plan to improve that balance - or at least, make us feel we have a sense of control over our lives!

    'Busy-ness’ is the new ‘disease’ impacting almost everyone. Rushing and having the perception (and reality) of ‘too much to do’ can destroy mental clarity and physical health. Constant social media comparisons and addictions don't help.

    Understanding the 3 possible stress responses and channeling them in the right way changes everything! How we feel, how we respond to those events and how others in turn respond or react.

    Amanda will discuss The Life Pizza which is a simple and easy way to review important aspects of our lives and become aware of imbalances in areas that are most important to us, and what areas we put most of our attention on - which then allows us to make a plan to improve that balance.

    This is an engaging experience that sends people out of the room laughing and determined to balance their 'life pizza’

    What People are Saying about Seeing Amanda Speak

    Rating Entries

    “Amanda is a wow of wows of speakers. She’s enchanting, captivating, brilliantly funny, tenderly charming, heartfelt, genuine, sincere and poignantly authentic and yet she delivers a powerful message that we each want and need to hear. She’s unforgettable with her innovative audience involvement techniques…that will give you skills to take home, tell others and start using immediately to better your life, your relationships, your future and finances.”
    – Mark Victor Hansen, Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

    “When Amanda Gore was suggested as a speaker for our sales meeting, I had serious doubts. What could a woman with a physiotherapy background do with a male-dominated, demoralized, fragmented capital equipment sales team coming off a bruising competitive year?… We’ve used every type of speaker in the past, from star athletes to big-name motivational speakers. Inch for inch, pound for pound and dollar for dollar, Amanda Gore was the best speaking investment we ever made!”
    – CEO, Hobart Kitchen Supplies USA

    “Amanda Gore was an inspiring, uplifting, informative delight that our members were discussing the entire remainder of the meeting. I cannot impress upon you enough how well she was received. Amanda’s presentation was the most audience – inspiring performance we have ever witnessed. I would extend my highest recommendation to Amanda Gore.”
    – Executive Director, Aluminium Extruders Council

    “Meeting planners have to ask themselves if the speaker that they are looking to hire is worth what they paid. I am here to tell any meeting planner who wants to know, the answer is YES. Amanda is worth every penny and about $60,000 more! I have hired speakers who charge $40,000 and more and they did not leave the audience with a fraction of what Amanda did.”

    – Business and Professional Women USA

    “You made such a difference. I spent most of this week out visiting the branches. Wow – it’s catching on! Everyone is using the tools you gave them. I make financial decisions every day about how to use our budget wisely. You were the best investment we have made yet. We will earn ‘dividends’ for a long time.”
    – VP Wells Fargo Bank

    “Amanda Gore is without question the best investment our organisation has made in the last few years, and her message helped connect all attendees with the vision of our hospital. She has an inherent ability to reach a wide variety of people, and this has had a profound impact on the culture of our hospital. We literally had employees wanting to attend her session on all three available days, as many of them said that Amanda’s session was the best thing they had ever attended.”
    – SSM Health Care

    “You will recall that at the Business Managers conference in the beginning of the year as part of the change mindset objectives was to have the Business Managers sell more of the Insurance products . It is pleasing to note that your presentation had a major impact on the improvement and growth in Insurance sales this year . For the 1st quarter of 2010 compared to the same period in 2009 our Insurance income is up 36%, which is very pleasing particularly in a mature market. We are also pleased to let you all know that we have just had a record month for Ancillary Insurance sales. For the first time ever, we have surpassed 1000 ancillary policies in a single month. May has just recorded 1047 new ancillary units!”
    – BMW Group, Financial Services, June 2010

    “Amanda was the most dynamic and insightful relationship speaker I’ve either hired or listened to. I would not have our first meeting of the Northeast Consulting Partners at Deloitte without her. We changed our dates so she could be with us.”
    – Director, Deloitte USA

    “Amanda Gore proved to be the best speaker we have ever brought in to speak to our organisation’s leadership group. Her very motivational and uplifting style has a way of communicating her message, even to those who are difficult to reach. By the end of the session, she had everyone laughing and truly enjoying the “Amanda Experience”
    – Reading Hospital

    “As always, Amanda was a huge hit!! Her important message was delivered with humour and she totally engaged the audience. One of our most cynical delegates said it was ‘almost a life changing experience’ for him!”
    – Howards Storage World

    “What a fabulous presentation you gave to our group to close our first day of conferencing !! We need that every time as it was such an energy booster for the night ahead. I still can’t believe you had a whole audience of men hugging and singing!! I would never have thought it possible.”
    – Genesys

    “I’m just sorry I waited so long to book you for a meeting. Only once in a rare while does a speaker come along who actually affects real change from their 90 minutes on stage. You breathe that rarified air!!”
    – McDonalds

    “Amanda Gore brings a level of energy, enthusiasm, humor, and intelligence far above the conventional ‘motivational speaker’ you may be seeking for your next meeting. If you want to make your meeting memorable, and I do mean memorable (attendees are still talking about her presentation and message), and send people home on a high note, Amanda is the speaker for you.” 

    – American Association of Diabetes Educators

    “After seeing Amanda inspire our top performers at a recent rewards function, we thought her energy, passion and zest for corporate harmony would be just the recipe to get 120 leaders motivated about the future of our business. Amanda sent the group off on a high, ready and willing to embrace our business strategy and take it to their people. Amanda had the hardest to please leaving the forum with a better understanding of how important perceptions are, more skills in emotional intelligence and committed to changing their own, and their teams behaviours. The feedback from our leaders has been overwhelming with comments like “This was the best forum I have ever attended.” Amanda is a fantastic corporate speaker and highly recommended.”
    – Westpac Group, Chief Operating Officer

    “I have been a member of MDRT for 29 years and have seen some of the best speakers in the world. None has ever received 3 standing ovations like Amanda Gore.”
    – President, Million Dollar Round Table

    “Amanda, I know we have had many occasions to work together and i look forward to many more opportunities in the future. My personal thank you for the impact you have had on my development as a leader and for the seed you have helped me plant to inspire general managers and owners to success.”
    – Global Head Focused Service, Hilton Hotels

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    Books by Amanda Gore:

    Joy is an Inside Job: 12 Timeless Secrets for Abundance, Radiant Health and Lifelong Happiness

    Joy is an Inside Job is the ‘gateway’ into your awareness of the joy inside you. You will learn to live from the wisdom of your heart. You will learn how to stop being controlled by your old habits, patterns, fears or emotions. You will learn to feel love for yourself – which changes everything else around you.

    Most of us have been looking for happiness in all the wrong places. We look outside ourselves for things to happen that will make us happy. True happiness is joy, and Joy is an Inside Job.

    Do you feel as happy or joyful as you want to be?
    Are you as healthy, wealthy and enthusiastic as you would like?
    Do you feel great about yourself?

    The good news is that you can be joyful right now. This book shows you how to unwrap and master all 12 of your Secret Gifts with simple daily JOY-ercises. It’s your guidebook to creating the life you want – and are meant to have.

    Whether you read this book by yourself, your family or with a tribe of joy buddies, you will learn secrets that will change your life including how to:

    •Discover the fears that are holding you back.
    •Love yourself – all the time. (How you feel about yourself is the most influential thing in life!)
    •Drop to your heart to receive your heart’s wisdom.
    •Change old habits the easy way by FARCing.
    •Share the secrets of joy with your children.
    •Find gratitude every day and in every situation.
    •Attain inner peace.
    •Feel a sense of connection and belonging.

    But wait – there’s more! You’ll also learn the secrets to health, abundance and success!
    In other words, this book will teach you how you can feel truly alive, JOYful and in love with yourself and your life.

    Joy is an Inside Job book teaches you how to discover your joy, share it with others – and help them to find their own joy.

    Stress Busters

    Stress is a fact of life, but it doesn’t have to be a way of life!

    Do you drink too much coffee? Is your cholesterol so high it’s off the charts? Do you feel overwhelmed? Or is the weight of always having to perform your best at work, as a spouse, or as a parent too much to bear sometimes? The doctor says eat better, exercise more, slow down, cut out the stress in your life… before these factors have a real consequence on your health. But that’s easier said than done. Until now.

    Let Amanda Gore show you how it’s the little alterations and improvements in life that can have a real impact on lowering your stress level. In “Stress Busters”, her 118-page eBook, she shows you how to feel terrific by putting mind over matter. Start by having a good attitude. Help other people. Laugh at yourself and with others. And try her set of simple yet effective stretches you can do at work without even leaving your desk. These ideas and lots more will help to keep you calm and in control!

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