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Two-time ESPN Espy winner, Kyle Maynard did not let a birth defect deter him from becoming a gifted athlete. The Mixed Martial Arts competitor, who was born without arms or legs, has inspired millions worldwide…
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The most recognized action sports figure in the world, Tony Hawk was just nine-years old when his brother changed his life by giving him a blue fiberglass Bahne skateboard. By 14 he’d turned pro, and…
Darin Kidd is a best selling author, global keynote speaker, executive trainer, and business growth consultant. He’s been featured in top magazines and publications like Success from Home and spoken alongside gurus like Grant Cardone,…
“Public opinion guru”, Frank Luntz is “the premier man” in explaining the behind the scenes of politics and why people do what they do. The respected communication professional is an American political consultant, pollster, and…
Jack Andraka (Stanford B.S/B.A in Electrical Engineering with Honors and Anthropology with Honors) is a National Geographic Explorer who speaks to audiences of youths and adults all across the globe about his personal story, research,…
Since the 1980s, Gary Null has been one of America’s most outspoken and respected advocates of alternative and natural medicine. He holds a Ph.D. in human nutrition and public health science and has conducted over…
Retail industry expert Michael Dart has been monitoring and researching the fundamental changes in the retail markets over the recent decades. As we move into a more technological global future with saturated markets, consumers have…
While other travel agencies were succumbing to the advent of online search engines and post-9/11 woes, Tammy Levent grew her company, Elite Travel, into a 100-million-dollar business. But economic setbacks are just a fraction of…
Thought leader and one of the most respected psychometricians in the USA, Joe Folkman's keynote speeches on leadership, employee feedback and managing change are in demand around the world. Joe has developed a database that…
Known as “The Inspirational Nurse,” RN, Donna Cardillo travels the world helping women and health care professionals gain the respect and recognition they deserve while reaching their full potential and happiness. Donna has dedicated over…
Futurist and visionary journalist, Zoltan Istvan is one of the most prominent voices of Transhumanism, a growing global movement that believes harnessing technology to enhance human capacities in the next evolutionary leap forward in human…
One of the most influential philanthropists and human rights activists to come out of media, Tavis Smiley is a driving force for political justice, youth empowerment, and the end of poverty. He is the author…
President and co-founder of Idea Champions, Mitch Ditkoff is a consultant specializing in creative thinking, innovation, team development, leadership, and the power of storytelling in the workplace. Since 1987, he has been facilitating workshops and…
Bruce Tulgan is a best-selling author, business advisor and internationally recognized expert on leadership, management and young people in the workplace. He has worked with tens of thousands of leaders and managers in hundreds of…
Always a woman with a plan, Catherine Kaputa has helped people from all walks of life to brand and market themselves effectively. She has proven her expertise over the years with clients ranging from Madison…
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld is the Senior Associate Dean for Executive Programs at Yale University’s School of Management and The Lester Crown Professor of Management Practice as well as the Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer of…
The architect of Netflix's enviable business culture, Patty McCord is innovating leaders' styles of motivating talent, building trust, and creating a vibrant work dynamic. A veteran H.R. professional turned "talent officer," she has a thorough…
Caitlyn Jenner has perhaps had the most publicized gender transition in the world. An “all-American hero” who broke the world record for the grueling decathlon in the 1976 Olympic Games, Caitlyn had already spent decades…
The Washington Post says that, “If you're looking to laugh and think, you can't do much better than Chris Bliss." Following in the footsteps of the great American satirists, Chris delivers thought-provoking humor that takes…
“Everyday, create the world you want to live in.” That has been visionary Robin Chase’s approach to addressing the greatest dilemmas of the 21st century. An authority on transportation with a background in business, Robin…
Ray Kurzweil is one of the world’s leading inventors, thinkers, and futurists, with a thirty-year track record of accurate predictions. Called "the restless genius" by The Wall Street Journal and "the ultimate thinking machine" by…
For over three decades, Lenora Fulani has tirelessly crusaded against social injustice and political corruption. The spirited development psychologist is perhaps best known for her political career as an independent candidate, including two runs for…
Martha Stewart has always drawn inspiration from her surroundings. Raised in Nutley, New Jersey, in a family with six children, she developed a passion for cooking, gardening, and homekeeping in her childhood home on Elm…
The recipient of CRM Magazine's “Influential Leader Award", Lior Arussy is known as a man who gets results in the fields of customer experience and customer-centric transformation. His knowledge of how to help organizations stop…
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