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Peter Kessler is best known as “The Voice of Golf,” after a career on The Golf Channel where he wrote, hosted, and produced over 1,300 hours of live television. Working for The Golf Channel, he…
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Karl Lillrud is known as one of the world’s TOP 30 Ecommerce and Online Business experts, generating 300% increased sales. The world’s best speakers on future, innovation and leadership for business growth online, Karl Lillrud educates your audience on…
The numbers never told John Elway's story. His overall statistics are impressive, but his true measure as a player ran straight to his heart. It took two championships at the end of his career to certify…
Riaz Meghji is a human connection expert and author of the book “Every Conversation Counts: The 5 Habits of Human Connection That Build Extraordinary Relationships”. His insights have been featured in Fast Company, Harvard Business…
Mike Tyson is a larger-than-life legend in and out of the ring. With nicknames such as “Iron” Mike, Kid Dynamite, and The Baddest Man on the Planet, Tyson’s legacy is undisputed. One of the most…
Jacques Spitzer’s 4x Emmy® award-winning, eight-figure agency (Raindrop) has made a name for itself growing brands with marketing people love. After multiple Super Bowl campaigns and over a billion dollars in sales, he was recently…
Kevin Mitnick was once listed as one of the FBI's Most Wanted for hacking into the systems of forty major corporations as a challenge. Nowadays he uses his extraordinary IT skills to help Fortune 500…
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