These are the crowd favorites of users. Vote for your favorite speaker on their listing.
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Peter Kessler is best known as “The Voice of Golf,” after a career on The Golf Channel where he wrote, hosted, and produced over 1,300 hours of live television. Working for The Golf Channel, he…
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Kimberly Wehle is a tenured law professor, book author, opinion journalist, lawyer, and former CBS News legal analyst. At the University of Baltimore School of Law, her teaching and scholarship focus on the separation of…
Curtis Stone is an internationally known chef, restaurateur, TV host and New York Times best-selling author. His philosophy to cook as Mother Nature intended inspires Curtis to cook with local, seasonal and organic ingredients and pay homage…
Allie K. Miller is defining what it means to build and scale a business in the era of artificial intelligence. From enterprise to startups, she uses a renaissance approach to apply creativity and humanization to…
Celebrity speaker Nick Offerman is on the rise as a budding comedic presence in today’s entertainment world. Offerman has created a name for himself with his stern emotionless face that allows him to deliver punch…
Born and raised in the heart of Silicon Valley, Dr. Anhalt has always had an interest in the psychology of the entrepreneur. After studying psychology at The University of Michigan, she attained Masters and Doctorate…
Humanitarian entrepreneur, Dan Pallotta is one of the world's most forward voices on philanthropy and innovation. A pioneering leader in social enterprise, he invented the multi-day charitable event industry including the Breast Cancer 3-Day walks…
Dave Mitchell turned over a decade of managerial and leadership experience in the corporate world into a means of helping people better understand others’ needs. Mitchell is the founder and president of the corporate training…
With more than 3,000 shows performed, comic-magician Matt Marcy has built a successful career on his own terms in a highly competitive field. Matt goes beyond card tricks and disappearing acts, putting a hilarious twist…
Norman Ornstein is one of the nation’s most highly regarded political analysts and experts on Congress. He is the co-author of the 2012 book, It's Even Worse Than It Looks, which dissected the inner workings…
For the past three decades, Charlene Li has been helping people see the future. She’s an expert on digital transformation, disruption leadership and strategy, customer experience, and the future of work. She’s the author of…
Google Ventures design partner, Jake Knapp compressed a 6-month-long product development process into 5 days. To date "Sprint," his accelerated method for taking abstract ideas to the test phase has helped more than 100 start-ups…
Ernesto Zedillo has had a distinguished career in international affairs at the political and educational level. He served as President of Mexico from 1994-2000, and is currently the director of the Yale Center for the…
One of the country’s foremost leadership experts, Phillip Van Hooser has helped over 900 organizations build leadership bench strength, performance, and productivity. Driven by his belief that “Leadership is not a position but the ability…
Richard Hadden is a Certified Speaking Professional, author, and leadership consultant who focuses on the connection between people and profit. He is co-author of the popular Contented Cows leadership book series, including his latest book,…
Barry Posner, Ph.D., is Professor of Leadership at the Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University (located in the heart of Silicon Valley, CA), where he served for 12 years as Dean of the School.…
Co-author of one of the most influential business publications ever written, Renée Mauborgne teaches strategy at the prestigious INSEAD, the world’s second largest business school. Her research-based best-selling book Blue Ocean Strategy centers on building…
Ty Bennett is one of the youngest ever recipients to become a Certified Speaking Professional, the benchmark for the best speakers in the world that only 5% of professional speakers ever receive. Achievement at a…
Swimming champion and one of the first female sports broadcasters, Deborah Gardner is one of the world’s highest rated performance experts. She helps companies and organizations advance to new levels of success by generating and…
After a late spring tornado flattened a third of Joplin, Missouri, killing 161 people, and damaging or destroying 12 out of its 16 schools, Superintendent C.J. Huff led his team of educators to start the…
In 40 short years, Harry Freedman MD, PhD, JD, has been a doctor, consultant, a top stockbroker and motivational speaker. He has been described as an expert in worker safety, bank regulation, health care, and…
Leading innovator and futurist, Rowan Gibson is widely regarded as one of the most important business innovation thought leaders in the world. Among the labels given him by the media are “Mr. Innovation" and “a…
One of the world’s leading scholars and voices on the impact of digital technology – from the Internet of Things to Big Data, to artificial intelligence, cyber threats and security – Jonathan Zittrain employs decades…
Paul Tiffany is an award-winning professor, consultant and speaker with an M.B.A. from Harvard University and a Ph.D. from University of California at Berkeley. He received the Anvil Award from The Wharton School in 1985,…
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