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Shannon Whittington, RN, MSN, CCM, LGBTQ+ Health certified, is a bestselling author and certified speaker with the John Maxwell team. Her areas of expertise include LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace and LGBTQ+ patient-centered care. Shannon…
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Ian Khan "The Futurist" is a National Bestselling Author featured on USA Today Bestseller, Publishers Weekly and Amazon Business Bestseller lists. He has also been ranked in the Global Top 30 Futurists worldwide. A Futurist…
Reginald “Reggie” Butler is the Founder and CEO of Performance Paradigm, an executive education, human capital consultancy. Reggie is a learning architect, former adjunct professor, and inclusion champion with an established record of delivering high-energy,…
Dr. Vivienne Ming’s passion for maximizing human potential and fostering personal transformations has been the driving force behind her illustrious career. After completing her PhD, she held a joint postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University and…
The face of business morning news on CNBC, David Faber co-hosts the network’s signature show Squawk on the Street. The investigative journalist has been the first to report on several of the top financial stories…
The first person ever to have reached both the north and south poles on foot, explorer and adventurer Robert Swan knows what it takes to motivate both himself and others. When his extraordinary walks were…
James Lyne is the Director of security research at Sophos, the global security firm responsible for protecting over 100,000 businesses including Pixar, Ford, and Toshiba. A technological virtuoso, Lyne has handled, mitigated, and prevented cyber…
Multi-award winning entrepreneur Zoe Jackson MBE, is proof that a young person with passion and determination can move mountains. At age 16, she launched a performing arts company for young people run by young people.…
The best-selling author of The Rise of the Creative Class, social scientist Richard Florida is one of the key forces driving urban regeneration. Renown for his cutting-edge research, he has spent more than a decade…
No one researches more about change and trends impacting the residential real estate industry than Stefan Swanepoel. He always provides a balanced and objective evaluation of the market, highlighting the key players and facts of…
Business and environment expert, Peter Boyd helps companies accelerate the adoption of business solutions that lower carbon emissions and increase long-term profits. Driven by his personal motto that "There is no Planet B," Boyd has…
Starting from a promise made to her dying sister, Susan G. Komen, Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker has become a leader of the global movement against breast cancer. Shortly after Susan died from the disease at…
Chris Warner began leading groups on wilderness trips when he was 17, and is still doing what he loves, more than 30 years later. He has summited Mount Everest and K2, starred in and filmed…
Entrepreneurial genius, Troy Hazard has founded and nurtured twelve businesses over two decades. He’s taken charge of businesses that are a few days from bankruptcy, turned them around at the last minute, consulted to countless…
Certified Fraud Examiner Pamela Meyer is a leading expert in the science of deception. She uses her extensive training in research into psychology and visual cues to help uncover the truth. She brings this knowledge…
Chris Roebuck is a Visiting Professor of Transformational Leadership at Cass Business School in London and an advisor to major global organizations. He has served in the British Army and held senior leadership roles at…
From health care plans to retirement funds, Suze Orman shows you the smartest ways to move your money. Ranked among the best female motivational speakers in the world by Business Week, Orman has shared her…
A catastrophic moment redefined Warren Macdonald’s life in April 1997 when a one-ton boulder fell on him during an excursion on a remote Australian island. For two days the avid environmentalist lay trapped and alone.…
Cuban-born American singer, songwriter, actress and entrepreneur, Gloria Estefan is best known for being the “Queen Of Latin Pop.” One of the top 100 best-selling artists with over 100 million albums sold worldwide, she has…
Author of the acclaimed book Quantum Leap Thinking, James Mapes is the authority on the psychology of applied imagination. Drawing from his unique background in neurology, psychology, philosophy, and theater, James has helped thousands of…
Braden Kelley is the author of two best-selling books, Charting Change and Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire and has been advising companies on how to increase their revenue and cut their costs since 1996. Braden speaks…
Curt Coffman consults and presents to Fortune 100 and 500 companies, and his work spans the Western Hemisphere, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. A New York Times bestselling author, researcher, business scientist, consultant to…
Known for her integrity and tenacity, Lisa Myers spent 33 years at NBC breaking major stories in U.S. politics and military affairs. As a senior investigative correspondent, she chiefly covered politics and the White House,…
Wide-reaching author and motivational speaker, Michael Heppell has been called the UK’s “number one success coach.” From Microsoft to Virgin, he has helped people at every career stage make the jump from good to brilliant.…
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