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Eva Saha is a professional host, emcee, and moderator. She is best known for having worked as a TV personality on the Emmy Award winning entertainment show, 190 North, on Chicago’s ABC7. Her natural, warm,…
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Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences Myron Scholes’ research has focused on understanding uncertainty and its effect on asset prices and the value of options, including flexibility options. He has studied the effects of tax policy…
Actor, director, author, singer. Born on March 22, 1931, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Perhaps best known for his roles on Boston Legal and Star Trek, William Shatner is one of the most recognizable stars working…
From harvesting crops across California to collecting data in space, astronaut and motivational speaker Jose Hernandez has led a remarkable life. Now a highly popular speaker, Jose Hernandez inspires audiences with his story of resourcefulness, self-purpose, and…
Dr. Pamela Peeke is one of the most sought-after and trusted authorities on healthy living and preventive/integrative medicine. As a senior research fellow at the National Institutes of Health Office of Alternative Medicine, Dr. Peeke…
Alden Mills is on a mission to help 100 million people Be Unstoppable. With more than 40 years of experience failing and succeeding in a vast array of different environments from sports, military, and business…
One of the world's most reputable economic forecasters, Jason Schenker ranks #1 in his outlooks for 12 out of 28 different categories measured by Bloomberg News. He is the founder, president, and chief economist of…
Linda Ellerbee's astonishing career has taken her from highly regarded journalist to award-winning television producer to bestselling author. Along the way she has become a mom, a grandmother, survived breast cancer and become one of…
Futurist and visionary journalist, Zoltan Istvan is one of the most prominent voices of Transhumanism, a growing global movement that believes harnessing technology to enhance human capacities in the next evolutionary leap forward in human…
One of the most influential philanthropists and human rights activists to come out of media, Tavis Smiley is a driving force for political justice, youth empowerment, and the end of poverty. He is the author…
President and co-founder of Idea Champions, Mitch Ditkoff is a consultant specializing in creative thinking, innovation, team development, leadership, and the power of storytelling in the workplace. Since 1987, he has been facilitating workshops and…
Bruce Tulgan is a best-selling author, business advisor and internationally recognized expert on leadership, management and young people in the workplace. He has worked with tens of thousands of leaders and managers in hundreds of…
Always a woman with a plan, Catherine Kaputa has helped people from all walks of life to brand and market themselves effectively. She has proven her expertise over the years with clients ranging from Madison…
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld is the Senior Associate Dean for Executive Programs at Yale University’s School of Management and The Lester Crown Professor of Management Practice as well as the Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer of…
The architect of Netflix's enviable business culture, Patty McCord is innovating leaders' styles of motivating talent, building trust, and creating a vibrant work dynamic. A veteran H.R. professional turned "talent officer," she has a thorough…
Caitlyn Jenner has perhaps had the most publicized gender transition in the world. An “all-American hero” who broke the world record for the grueling decathlon in the 1976 Olympic Games, Caitlyn had already spent decades…
One of the science world’s most successful and influential CEOs, Tan Le started her incredible life journey as a refugee facing a high probability of death on a treacherous trip across the pirate infested China…
Ben Stein (Benjamin J. Stein) was born November 25, 1944 in Washington, D.C., (He is the son of the economist and writer Herbert Stein) grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland, and attended Montgomery Blair High…
A quote from Jay’s celebrated TED talk: "My idea of a perfect world really can′t be designed by one person or even by a million experts. It′s going to be seven billion pairs of hands,…
Blake Masters inspires entrepreneurs and Millennials to take on the world’s problems rather than simply accepting them. He has co-authored the book Zero to One with PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel in which the two discuss…
Author of the book, Anyone Can Grow Up: How George Bush and I Made It to the White House,Margaret Carlson is a highly sought political insider, the Washington editor of THE WEEK, and a widely…
One of the Arab world's most highly regarded economists, Dr. Florence Eid-Oakden is the Founder, CEO, and Chief Economist of the Arab Monitor, a leading research and strategy firm. Dr. Eid-Oakden helps companies understand the…
One of the few women to be inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame, Kathleen Passanisi has been researching, presenting on, and demonstrating the power of humor for over 20 years. She is the founder…
Dr. Robert Wachter is an innovative medical professional who first coined the now widely accepted term “hospitalist" to refer to a physician specializing in the care of hospitalized patients. His preeminence in this field has…
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