Ian Khan "The Futurist" is a National Bestselling Author featured on USA Today Bestseller, Publishers Weekly and Amazon Business Bestseller lists. He has also been ranked in the Global Top 30 Futurists worldwide. A Futurist… Full Profile
Brad Berens is a futurist and a historian, or “futuristorian,” and this means that he is a digital strategist, consultant, editor, writer, critic, public speaker and thinker: mostly about media and technology (new and old),… Full Profile
Bonin Bough is one of the foremost-awarded marketing executives in the world, the host of CNBC’s Cleveland Hustles, and the author of Txt Me (646) 759-1837. As one of the youngest-c-suite executives at a Fortune… Full Profile
Logistics innovator, Alan Amling has been working to keep companies’ supply chains on the right side of disruption for over 23 years. As VP at UPS Ventures and UPS Corporate Strategy, Amling has been working… Full Profile
Jeff Fromm is one of nation's leading authorities on Millennials and how to market to them. As President of the marketing consultancy, FutureCast, he's spearheaded some of the most cutting-edge research in the last ten… Full Profile
Rohit Bhargava describes himself in three terms: "Trend Curator, Marketer, and Nice Guy." The best-selling author of Likenomics and the Non-Obvious series on innovative thinking, he easily sets himself apart from the pack of business… Full Profile
Business advisor and futurist, Jerry Michalski helps organizations navigate the transition from the consumer mass-marketing economy to the Relationship Economy, the new economic model driven by trust and conscious capitalism. Drawing from decades in the… Full Profile
After a medical misdiagnosis put her through multiple unnecessary surgeries as a teenager, Robin Farmanfarmaian made it her mission to empower patients through a tool she did not have during her sickness: modern-day technology. For… Full Profile
Katie Linendoll is the go-to expert for the latest innovations in technology. Best known as the TODAY show's fun and savvy tech contributor, Katie travels the world to cover the latest gadgets and inventions before… Full Profile
From 4D printing to the reinvention of agriculture, Erica Orange pinpoints and explores future possibilities, translating the practical implications to Fortune 500's, trade associations, and public sectors. She is the Executive Vice-President and COO of… Full Profile
Industry analyst and pioneer, Susan Etlinger teaches audiences how to contextualize data and use it in a smart way whether their company’s going through a crisis, disruption, or looking to take their business and employees… Full Profile
Two-time Thinkers50 recipient, Rita McGrath guides CEOs and senior executives to success in the “Transient Advantage Economy.” The long-time Columbia Business School professor is globally recognized for connecting the dots between management theory and practical… Full Profile
Writer of Socialnomics, an Amazon.com #1 bestseller across the globe, including in the US, Japan, the UK, China and Germany, Erik Qualman is an expert in social media and Internet marketing. Fast Company magazine nominated… Full Profile
The world’s premier Futurist Faith Popcorn has mesmerized audiences for decades and her Consultancy, BrainReserve, is responsible for adding incremental billions to her clients’ C-suite portfolios. Her uncanny ability to identify and apply emerging cultural… Full Profile
One of the new stars in creativity and innovation, Fredrik Härén has been invited to deliver more than 1500 speeches and workshops in more than fifty countries. A Swedish “Speaker of the Year," Fredrik uses… Full Profile
Patrick Schwerdtfeger is an industry-leading expert on game-changing technology trends and how to harness them. As Founder of Trend Mastery, he specializes in advising businesses on artificial intelligence, demographic forecasting, big data and digital marketing.… Full Profile
CEO of Tomorrow, a global consultancy for business design, Mike Walsh is in great demand from leading companies worldwide, both as a consultant and a keynote speaker. A former senior strategist at News Corporation and… Full Profile
Described by The Daily Telegraph as “America's most influential trend spotter," Michael Tchong has been at the forefront of internet, social media and computer innovation throughout his career. His start-up companies have been at the… Full Profile
A world expert in economics, finance and global affairs as well as innovation and social issues, Ian Goldin is currently Director of the Oxford Martin School at Oxford University, as well as being a Professorial… Full Profile
The best-selling author of The Rise of the Creative Class, social scientist Richard Florida is one of the key forces driving urban regeneration. Renown for his cutting-edge research, he has spent more than a decade… Full Profile
Known as “the Dean of Futurists,” Thomas Frey has built a solid reputation for his uncanny ability to accurately forecast future trends and describe the opportunities ahead. As a speaker, best-selling author, and executive director… Full Profile
Born in Zürich, Switzerland, Dr. Marc Faber was educated in Geneva and Zürich, completing his educational career with a degree in economics at the University of Zürich followed by a magna cum laude Ph.D. in… Full Profile
The best companies and leaders win by confronting reality faster than the competition. GEOFF COLVIN of Fortune delivers valuable insights to help them do just that. His unique perspective stems from unparalleled access to top global business… Full Profile
CEO of business strategy firm Female Factor, nobody is better placed than Bridget Brennan to explain the customer service women want and how to gain their loyalty. Her ideas on marketing strategies appealing to women… Full Profile
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