Our speakers bureau represents over 150 of the top innovation speakers in the United States and Canada; with speaking fees starting at $5,000 and up for a keynote address. Choosing a great innovation expert will help define the tenor of an event – we can help you choose the best candidates to match your event goals.
Most of today’s leading innovation experts focus on utilizing new technologies or fostering a culture of innovation within organizations. Your keynote speaker needs to mesh with your organization’s mission statement, goals, audience expectations and organizational culture; most will usually incorporate case studies into their presentations and will inspire your team to spark overall innovation in the corporate culture.
Innovation is one of the primary ways to differentiate your products and services from the competition. If you can’t compete on price, you’ll need innovative products and ideas to make your business stand out from the crowd. Some of our top innovation speakers are: Luke Williams, Ray Kurzweil, Jay Silver and Frans Johansson. You might also be interested in joining our Google+ Innovation Forum.
One of the most influential figures in the Digital Age, Sergey Brin is the co-founder of Google. Driven by a desire to organize the world's information so that it could be easily and universally accessed,… Full Profile
Ken Goldberg is the Director of the Berkeley Center for New Media, and Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at U.C. Berkeley. While Goldberg has spent four decades building better and more graceful robots,… Full Profile
MIT Media Lab Founder, Nicholas Negroponte is one of the world's credible authorities on what the future holds. Since the 1970s, he has been researching, developing, and speaking on disruptive technologies, many of which became… Full Profile
As Chief Economist for the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA®), Dr. Shawn DuBravac is at the forefront of the latest consumer technology trends. An internationally sought-after speaker and commentator, he provides crucial economic analysis to association… Full Profile
With 300 patents granted, Lisa Seacat Deluca is one of the most accomplished inventors in IBM history. The IBM engineer draws from her extensive field experience to help others tap into their creativity and master… Full Profile
Named one of the "50 Most Creative People" in the world, Mick Ebeling specializes in using imagination and technology to win small victories for humanity and inspire others to do the same. His non-profit engineering… Full Profile
Bestselling author of the ground breaking book Quiet: The Power of Introverts, Susan started a new conversation worldwide about the unique contributions of introverts and how they are undervalued in a society that caters to… Full Profile
An expert on designing world-class customer experiences, Robert Stephens, Geek Squad Founder & Former CTO of Best Buy, has wowed audiences with new perspectives on advancing technology, smart marketing and thoughtful business strategy, and brings… Full Profile
As the co-founder and founding editor of Fast Company, Bill Taylor has dedicated his career to showcasing companies around the world who are getting ahead by breaking the rules. The best-selling author of three books,… Full Profile
Journalist and digital pioneer, Robert Safian built Fast Company into one of the most trusted sources for what’s next to come. As former editor-and-chief of the award-winning monthly publication, he seeks out business trends and… Full Profile
Innovation methodology expert, Deborah Perry Piscione helps companies optimize their cultures so that they can develop the "next big thing" faster. A serial entrepreneur who has been researching the habits of highly successful companies and… Full Profile
Dr. AnnMarie Thomas works (and plays) to empower, support, and inspire today's innovators, engineers, and inventors, as well as those of tomorrow. A seasoned maker, tinkerer, and educator, Dr. Thomas heads the Playful Learning Lab… Full Profile
Michael Perman’s unique expertise is in facilitating the innovation portion of leadership team events. He combines powerful keynotes with memorable sensory immersions, and actionable innovation workshops as a full package. Also, as a professional Sommelier,… Full Profile
Millennial expert Aaron McDaniel delivers timely aha moments and viable solutions on how to bridge generational gaps in the workplace and marketplace. Drawing from his own experience as a Millennial in the corporate world, McDaniel… Full Profile
A highly respected agent of change, Jay Samit is globally renowned for his expert advice on launching products, building successful businesses, and transforming careers and entire industries. With a fascinating career that spans more than… Full Profile
Deemed "A Tech Pioneer who Will Change Your Life" by Time magazine, Kevin Surace has delivered disruptive technologies across a broad landscape including software, manufacturing, environment and consumer products. With 28 patents, Kevin is the… Full Profile
One of Latin America's most influential leaders in innovation, Roberto Carlos (RöC) is the creator of Factor WOW, a methodology that is revolutionizing the way organizations do business. Twice voted one of Mexico's most promising… Full Profile
Google Ventures design partner, Jake Knapp compressed a 6-month-long product development process into 5 days. To date "Sprint," his accelerated method for taking abstract ideas to the test phase has helped more than 100 start-ups… Full Profile
Humanitarian entrepreneur, Dan Pallotta is one of the world's most forward voices on philanthropy and innovation. A pioneering leader in social enterprise, he invented the multi-day charitable event industry including the Breast Cancer 3-Day walks… Full Profile
Saj-nicole Joni, Ph.D. is a gifted business strategist and confidential CEO advisor, speaker, and author who works with top leaders and boards to solve their most high stakes challenges. Her most recent book Get Big… Full Profile
When leaders want to break team silos, drive exponential growth and innovate through teamwork, they call Erica Dhawan. Erica Dhawan is an internationally recognized leading authority, speaker and advisor on 21st century teamwork, collaboration and… Full Profile
The architect of Netflix's enviable business culture, Patty McCord is innovating leaders' styles of motivating talent, building trust, and creating a vibrant work dynamic. A veteran H.R. professional turned "talent officer," she has a thorough… Full Profile
An unmatched authority on disruptive innovation, John Rossman pioneered Amazon.com’s third-party service business, which now accounts for more than 50% of the multi-billion dollar company's profits. Today he uses his unique insider experience to help… Full Profile
Dr. Todd Dewett is one of the world's most exciting and original voices in the leadership and life skills space. He is consistently the #1 most viewed author at Lynda.com/LinkedIN, where millions of people seek… Full Profile
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