
Futurists Speakers

WTF?! It’s a phrase heard across all disciplines and sectors of business these days. Everyone wants to know – What’s the Future? Fortunately, we have a roster of forward-thinking Futurist Speakers with proven track records of seeing what’s over the horizon and preparing organizations to not only withstand but seize and harness the opportunities that arrive with rapid future change.

Many of our Futurist Speakers are authors, consultants, and organizational leaders including Daniel Burrus and James Canton, who engage in interdisciplinary and systems thinking and are hired to advise organizations on such matters as global economic trends, forecasting possible scenarios, emerging market opportunities and risk management.

Others like Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis are noted visionaries, scientists, trend-spotters and strategists, relentlessly exploring the boundaries and furthest reaches of emerging and breakthrough technologies, and delivering insights on concepts never thought possible.

Our Futurists are motivated by change. Not content merely to describe, predict or forecast, they desire an active role in global transformation and see their role as liberating the future in each person, audience and organization. When your team is ready to get back to the future, contact our speakers bureau!

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Futurists Speakers

Lisa Bodell

FEE CATEGORY * $50,000 to $75,000

Lisa Bodell is a globally recognized futurist and innovation expert. She sparks new and creative thinking at every turn. She is the CEO of futurethink, a firm that trains businesses in how to become world-class… Full Profile

Eythor Bender

FEE CATEGORY * $15,000 to $20,000

CEO of Berkeley Bionics, developer and maker of wearable robots, Eythor Bender works at the forefront of the new industry of bionics that aims to merge man and machine to enhance individual abilities. Eythor has… Full Profile


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