To those in the business world, creativity is often viewed as an elusive, even exclusive ability of others to see beyond the conventional and bring forth the new. Yet those who are not in explicitly creative fields are often tasked to provide new ideas and insights in order to progress. How can you ignite that creative spark in your organization and even nurture your own?
The Creativity speakers at believe that all of us possess an innate ability to create, and are experts at awakening the latent talent waiting to spring forth from your team. Our speakers on creativity include Jay Silver, Josh Linkner, Fredrik Haren, Itay Talgam, and Erik Wahl and Victoria LaBalme – renowned creativity experts who will help your entire workforce connect the dots, disrupt preconceptions, expand perspectives, accelerate innovation, increase collaboration and maximize the creative potential in your organization.
A professional jazz guitarist at the start of his career, Josh Linkner has a passionate belief in creativity and innovation, and his career in the business world has been rooted in exploring the power of… Full Profile
Disney University training veteran, Doug Lipp is sought after for his expertise in helping organizations build adaptive, world-class service cultures that fuel growth and long-term success. Since 1995, he has delivered over 2,000 presentations, connecting… Full Profile
A leading light of the contemporary Israeli music scene, Itay Talgam is not only one of the world's most highly regarded conductors; the models for organizational behavior and inspired leadership he has found within the… Full Profile
Twyla Tharp is an entrepreneur, manager, author, accomplished businesswoman and award-winning choreographer. She began working at only 8 years old, when she bagged and served popcorn at the snack counter in her parents’ drive-in theater.… Full Profile
Influential author, Charles Leadbeater is ranked among the world’s top management thinkers. A leading consultant on creativity and innovative strategy, he has advised numerous companies and governments, including Tony Blair’s administration. Charles’s bestselling book We… Full Profile
Jeff Tobe is a Certified Speaking Professional with a background as an award-winning sales and marketing entrepreneur. He is the author of the popular book, Coloring Outside the Lines, and the co-author of The Communication… Full Profile
Having studied the topic of innovation and the world's greatest innovators for over three decades, Robert B. Tucker has been an adjunct professor at UCLA and is currently president of The Innovation Resource, a consulting… Full Profile
Erik Wahl is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, best selling author and graffiti artist. Wahl has also been described as the Picasso of Productivity, the Warhol of Wall Street and the Renoir of ROI. Wahl wrote UNthink,… Full Profile
Leading authority on the practical application of genius thinking, Michael J Gelb is a pioneer in the fields of creative thinking, change management, accelerated learning and innovative leadership. He has been a professional speaker, seminar… Full Profile
Author of the acclaimed book Quantum Leap Thinking, James Mapes is the authority on the psychology of applied imagination. Drawing from his unique background in neurology, psychology, philosophy, and theater, James has helped thousands of… Full Profile
The best-selling author of The Rise of the Creative Class, social scientist Richard Florida is one of the key forces driving urban regeneration. Renown for his cutting-edge research, he has spent more than a decade… Full Profile
Steve Uzzell is one of the top advertising and corporate photographers in the world. His 30 years of experience began with National Geographic, where he served as an assistant to the editor and a member… Full Profile
Jeff DeGraff has over twenty-five years' experience as a leader at the highest levels of corporate America. His views on innovation have been sought by the most highly regarded think tanks while his client roster… Full Profile
President and co-founder of Idea Champions, Mitch Ditkoff is a consultant specializing in creative thinking, innovation, team development, leadership, and the power of storytelling in the workplace. Since 1987, he has been facilitating workshops and… Full Profile
With over three decades of dominion cogitating (aka management consulting), Bill Capodagli (pronounced Cap o die) has opined with many of the largest corporate kingdoms in the world as well as some of the smallest… Full Profile
Jim Carroll is at the forefront of global futurism, helping an array of blue-chip clients to predict the trends and innovations of coming years before they happen. Jim has addressed organizations as diverse as the… Full Profile
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