
Conflict Management Speakers

Whenever you have a group of people with divergent backgrounds and interests working together, conflict is sure to arise. There is nothing wrong with minor conflict, and it can even be healthy – as long as it helps move relationships and ideas forward and dealt with properly. But allowing conflict to turn into a crisis, or festering resentment, can be a major problem. Our conflict management speakers can help your employees learn the tools and skills they need to avoid crises and keep the business on track toward success.

When a conflict arises within an organization it can divide those involved, or it can lead to greater dialogue and a resolution that could have wide-ranging benefits. Our conflict management experts will help your team develop best-practice communication skills which will help increase employee morale and the bottom line. Conflict management training is one of the best soft-skill tools you can provide team members.

Each of our speakers has extensive crisis management, communication and employee relations training. Many have advanced degrees in psychology, communications and/or management. Their programs address topics from listening skills to team building collaboration. Some of our favorite conflict management speakers include: Ron McMillan,Vicki Hessand Joseph Grenny.

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Conflict Management Speakers

Emily Anhalt

FEE CATEGORY * $20,000 to $25,000

Born and raised in the heart of Silicon Valley, Dr. Anhalt has always had an interest in the psychology of the entrepreneur. After studying psychology at The University of Michigan, she attained Masters and Doctorate… Full Profile

Patrick Houlahan

FEE CATEGORY * $10,000 to $15,000

Patrick Houlahan is a top motivational speaker and is the Founder and CEO of Strategic Leadership Consulting, LLC. He rose to the rank of Colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserve as an award-winning… Full Profile

Daniel Gilbert

FEE CATEGORY * $30,000 to $50,000
TRAVELS FROM Massachusetts, USA

Harvard psychology professor Daniel Gilbert is famous for his intriguing research on how humans often misjudge what will make them happy and his animated way of presenting his findings to the public. A three-time TED… Full Profile

Thomas Kolditz

FEE CATEGORY * $15,000 to $20,000

Retired Brigadier General Tom Kolditz is an internationally recognized expert on crisis leadership and leadership in extreme contexts. His time as a Leader Development Expert spans four decades in the public, private and social sectors.… Full Profile

Ichiro Fujisaki

FEE CATEGORY * $15,000 to $20,000
TRAVELS FROM District of Columbia, USA

Having served as Japan’s top diplomat for issues concerning economy, trade, politics, and security, the honorable Ichiro Fujisaki is one of the most well connected individuals to Japan’s political and bureaucratic circles. He is respected… Full Profile

Jeanne Meserve

FEE CATEGORY * Contact for fee schedule
TRAVELS FROM District of Columbia, USA

Award-winning journalist Jeanne Meserve has been on the frontlines of natural disasters, sniper attacks, and mass shootings. The veteran reporter combines top-notch communication skills with a rare in-depth knowledge of national security issues, vulnerabilities, and… Full Profile

Connie Podesta

FEE CATEGORY * $10,000 to $15,000

Connie Podesta is a game-changing, idea-generating ball of fire whose rare blend of humor, substance, style and personality have made her one of the most memorable, in-demand speakers in the world today. 25 years. Two… Full Profile

Jake Poore

FEE CATEGORY * $10,000 to $15,000

Healthcare customer service expert Jake Poore spends most of his time in the trenches of hospitals. Equipped with a first-hand understanding of the demands and pressures placed on medical employees from all departments, he is… Full Profile

Bernard Kouchner

FEE CATEGORY * $30,000 to $50,000

Former French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and co-founder of Doctors Without Borders, Bernard Kouchner is one of the most admired people in Europe and influential humanitarians of the last 50 years. The physician… Full Profile

Meagan Johnson

FEE CATEGORY * $5,000 to $10,000

Turning a problem into a passion-driven career, Meagan Johnson has become the go-to generational expert. Her research keeps pace with today’s fluctuating workplace dynamic as she teaches clients how to communicate successfully with individual generations… Full Profile

Judy Smith

FEE CATEGORY * $30,000 to $50,000
TRAVELS FROM District of Columbia, USA

America’s Number One Crisis Management Expert Judy A. Smith is the founder and President of Smith and Company, a leading strategic and crisis communications firm with offices in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles. Over the… Full Profile

Joseph Grenny

FEE CATEGORY * $30,000 to $50,000

Social scientist Joseph Grenny uses his cutting edge research on leadership practices, influence, and human behavior to boost business productivity and foster high performing work environments. The four-time New York Times best-selling author’s work has… Full Profile

Kare Anderson

FEE CATEGORY * $15,000 to $20,000

It doesn't get much higher-level than a presidential campaign, and Kare Anderson created over 208 issues-formation teams for President Obama's first run for office. She is an expert in getting a message across, connecting with… Full Profile


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