Meeting of the Minds for Employee Engagement

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The employee engagement survey results are in and they aren’t where you want them to be. Who is responsible for the culture change?

As I travel and work with clients I hear managers complain about direct reports who aren’t on board or taking responsibility for leading positive change for engagement. I also hear from team members who say their manager just doesn’t “get it” – and that they can’t do it on their own.

From my perspective, both groups are right. They just aren’t happy. The way I see it, there needs to be a meeting of the minds (and actions) between team members and managers if wholesale, transformational culture change is to occur to improve employee engagement.

Here’s what you can do if you are team member:

      1) Role model being a Chief Paradise Officer (CPO) every day at work. Don’t let the “Chain Gang” members (those stuck in Professional Prison) bring you down or recruit you to their point of view.


      2) Start a conversation with other CPO’s who work with you. Strategize about how you can stick together to create and maintain a positive work culture.


    3) Support your manager. Ask how you can help in this transformation.

Here’s what you can do if you are a manager:

      1) Role model being a Chief Paradise Officer (CPO) every day at work. Don’t let the “Chain Gang” members (those stuck in Professional Prison) bring you or the team members down or recruit folks to their point of view.


      2) Round daily with your team members. Use the Traffic Light Check-in – found at this LINK.


      3) Conduct regular one-on-one meetings with each team member – a quick overview is found a this LINK.


    4) Hold monthly team meetings to have a two-way dialogue to discuss where you are and where you want to be and the steps you are taking to get there. Celebrate success!

Pointing fingers doesn’t work. Digging your heels in to prove you’re “right” doesn’t work. Open communication, transparency and a plan for change that everyone agrees to works. That’s what I call a meeting of the minds.

Vicki Hess, RN, MS, Certified Speaking Professional is a 4-time TOP 5 HEALTHCARE SPEAKER. Vicki’s purpose is to provide inspirational and evidence-based strategies for workplace engagement, to change thinking and improve outcomes. She works everyday to help employees and leaders shift their thinking to create a positive, productive and effective work environment.

©, published on March 13, 2014

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