Are you Promoting Effective Meetings?

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We all attend meetings. Some are boring, ineffective and others are a pleasure to attend. Let’s commit to providing the latter to our colleagues and clients. Here are some tips that will have your meetings running smoother:

  • Be punctual. Post either a flyer or e-mail reminder with the start and ending times of your meeting. Start your meeting promptly as stated even though there are only two people attending! Do not allow latecomers to state an excuse or interrupt you. Simple put your hand up or put your index finger up to your lip to signal them to be quiet. Stop the meeting when promised… The skill here is to honor peoples time.
  • Provide agendas so you can stay on track. Leave the agenda materials on a table near the door so the latecomers can pick up quickly or place at an assigned seat. Prior to meeting ask (via e-mail) if your members what to speak at this meeting. If yes, place them on your agenda accordingly. This shows respect and appreciation. Any other comments are distracting and can be handled outside of this meeting, at the next meeting or though e-mail.
  • Pay attention at the meeting by using good eye contact at the people who are speaking. When people see that they are being heard they feel respected and admire the people who give them this courtesy. Have good, relaxed posture while sitting with your arms not folded. Give your fullest attention. Don’t play with your clothing or hair, doodle on the agenda. When listening nod acknowledgment of good ideas or ask quick clarifying questions.
  • Provide some water at each seat. Place a small bottle of water and a crystal glass with no ice for every attendee. For early meetings, coffee and herbal tea can be individualized with tiny pots of hot water (reg. coffee, decaf coffee or herbal tea all provided in tea bag format. This can be bought in any store. Provide all (3) choices in front of an attendee. Gather up the unused selections after meeting and save. Any food can also be placed at each seat. This eliminates a lot of interruptions and most importantly, makes everyone feel special.
  • ©, published on September 4, 2018

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