
Scott Duffy Profile

  • A successful serial entrepreneur, Duffy brings extensive experience in launching iconic brands, having been part of the launching teams for, NBC Internet, and

  • Duffy is the founder of Smart Charter, an online booking tool for private aviation, which he sold to Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Group.

  • Named one of the top ten business keynote speakers in the world by Forbes and Entrepreneur, Duffy uses his comprehensive business experience to help both entrepreneurs and larger companies with entrepreneurial spirit launch new products, ventures, and services faster and smarter.
  • Scott Duffy is an entrepreneur and keynote speaker. He is the Founder & CEO of Courus, an AI & Machine Learning platform that helps creators build the most powerful online courses in the world. Prior to Courus, Scott founded Smart Charter, which was acquired by Richard Branson’s Virgin Group. He held leadership roles at, NBC Internet, & CBS Sportsline. He started his career working for best-selling author and speaker, Tony Robbins. Scott is listed as a “Top 10 Speaker” by, spoken at the NYSE and provided commentary in numerous media outlets including CNBC, FOX News, and CBS Radio. He has served as Special Project Editor at Inc, VIP Contributor at Entrepreneur, and Co-Host of a Top Podcast for Microsoft.

    Scott Duffy Speaking Videos

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    Scott Duffy's Speech Descriptions

    Serial entrepreneur, Scott Duffy gives you a holistic look at what it takes to thrive in business today. Working with legends like Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and others, Duffy has had the unique opportunity to learn from some of the most brilliant innovators the best practices for building vibrant businesses in the current marketplace. From a race car track to Richard Branson’s island, Duffy uses his experiences to craft an entertaining road map that makes launching new products and business ventures a simpler, more effective, and more fulfilling process.



    A comprehensive and inspirational look at the future of learning. You will learn how the education landscape is changing, the impact on colleges and companies, the impact of AI and how it affects everything, the most significant problems and opportunities that will emerge, how these challenges are being addressed, and investment opportunities.



    How to think big, launch great companies, and create exponential growth. Scott’s shares his personal experience launching companies as a bootstrapping entrepreneur, as well as inside big brands like VIRGIN, FOX, & NBC. He’ll add insight from his peers and others he’s interviewed for Entrepreneur & Inc. Magazine including Daymond John, Gary Vaynerchuk, Barbara Corcoran, and more. This honest conversation dives deep into the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and strategies required to come out on top.


    A behind the scenes look at how today’s top entrepreneurs think and act differently. You will learn how to combine vision, personal branding, an exceptional business network, and post covid business strategies to keep you on top.



    How to combine hustle, market feedback, and post covid strategies to build great companies. You will learn a go-to-market mindset, systems, and actions to mitigate your risk and identify opportunities every step of the way.


    You will learn how to adopt a growth mindset, remain fast and flexible, and implement systems that help you to innovate, grow, and scale.

    Scott Duffy on Speaking

    I hope my audiences are so inspired that they don’t wait until the end of my presentation to get started. I actually want them to be on their phones making things happen while I’m still speaking!

    SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn/take away from your presentations?

    DUFFY: I started speaking to companies representing best-selling author and speaker Tony Robbins over 25 years ago. Ever since that time, I’ve wanted my audience to walk away highly motivated and equipped with very clear action items that they can put into place immediately to get results. I hope my audiences are so inspired that they don’t wait until the end of my presentation to get started. I actually want them to be on their phones making things happen while I’m still speaking!

    SPEAKING.COM: What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How do you prepare for your speaking engagements?

    DUFFY: I have always been a very hands-on speaker, since that’s how I was trained. Before any engagement I carefully study the industry, event, and/or company. I like to conduct interviews with the event organizers or people inside the company. I always like to get to a venue one day before an event so that I can walk the venue, meet people prior to the event, and gather more information for my talk. The day of the event, I try to be the first person there and meet as many people as I can in order to build rapport with the audience.

    An interesting bit of trivia about me – I always bring a bag of original Lay’s potato chips to a speech. One of the challenges of being a speaker is that the constant traveling tends to dry your throat out. A mentor of mine, the legendary Harvey MacKay, recommended eating a small bag of chips before giving a talk since the oil coats your throat and the salt activates salivary glands, a combination that creates great voice quality!

    Finally, I always say a prayer, asking for God to work through me and help me have a positive impact on everyone in the room.

    When I worked for Tony Robbins, we would speak up to 5 times a day and travel up to 50 weeks in a year speaking and promoting his programs…I’ve spoken on boats, in barns, and on top of tables.

    SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

    DUFFY: I don’t even know where to start! When I worked for Tony Robbins, we would speak up to 5 times a day and travel up to 50 weeks in a year speaking and promoting his programs. Sometimes, we ended up in the craziest places! I’ve spoken on boats, in barns, and on top of tables.

    This crazy experience taught me how to adapt and be comfortable in any environment. As I got older, combining that adaptability with my real world business experience has enabled me to adjust to an audience, think on my feet, and make everyone feel comfortable.

    SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

    DUFFY: SMBs & Entrepreneurs: I have walked in their shoes. The stories I share regarding the business and personal sides of being an entrepreneur are authentic, relatable, and highly engaging. That’s why I am able to have an impact.

    Internet Companies & Technology Companies: I have experience from early stage through exit in technology companies that became big brands like, NBC Internet,, and my last company, which was acquired by Virgin.

    Both Sides of The Digital Divide: When I was in grammar school, the class behind me was required to take typing. When I was in high school, the cohort behind me was required to take “computer class.” When I was a freshman in college, I bought a rockin’ electronic typewriter. The following year’s freshman class entered school with Macs, giving them a HUGE advantage. Due to my life experience, I’ve always felt I lived right on the “digital divide”. As a result, I am just as comfortable talking to Millennials as I am Boomapreneurs, and can relate to both.

    SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?

    DUFFY: Personal Side of Entrepreneurship: I love this subject because nobody talks about it. I share the good and the bad and the highs and the lows. My talk is 100% authentic and based on personal experiences we all have as business leaders. These topics range from inspiration to environment, from managing our personal finances to managing our personal relationships, and from putting the right people around us to what to do when things go sideways.

    Innovation/Taking Products To Market: I love talking about how to take ideas to market and then scaling what works. It doesn’t matter if the business is starting up or if it is well established and looking for growth. I enjoy sharing a step-by-step approach that is customized for the audience and ranges from topics including business planning, team building, raising capital, product/market fit, go to market strategies, leveraging partnerships to scale, marketing and sales tools, how to compete in an entrepreneur driven economy, and building raving fans.

    What makes me unique as a speaker is that I have lived in the trenches both as a struggling entrepreneur starting my own business and as an intraprenuer starting companies inside some of the world’s largest brands.

    SPEAKING.COM: How do you keep your audience engaged and actively listening during your keynotes? Do you use case studies, personal stories and/or in your speeches?

    DUFFY: What makes me unique as a speaker is that I have lived in the trenches both as a struggling entrepreneur starting my own business and as an intraprenuer starting companies inside some of the world’s largest brands.

    My talks are not academic. Instead, they are filled with stories based on my own experience and tied to big brands like Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Howard Shultz, and others. I leverage the stories and brands as metaphors to connect with the audience, keep them engaged, and then tie in a message they can apply immediately. I try to create a sense of “If that person has experienced what I have, then I can get through it also”.

    SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients achieve?

    DUFFY: I have worked with several small companies at an early stage that became big brands like (Lycos/acquired), Sportsline USA (, (NBC Internet/acquired), (NewsCorp), and Smart Charter (Virgin/acquired). For these companies, I have done a variety of things ranging from business planning, team building, raising capital, identifying target customers, product/market, go to market strategies, leveraging technology to scale, leveraging partnerships for distribution and scale, market and sales development, marketing and PR, plus exit.

    Over the years I have helped clients in the same areas. Most of my clients are referred to me by investors or investor groups, who hire me to try and protect their money. They ask me to go into a business that is stuck or is having trouble scaling. I help those companies re-establish their vision, put together a step by step plan, and hold them accountable for execution. Exclusive Interview with Scott Duffy
    Launching a Successful Business, with Keynote Speaker Scott Duffy
    In this interview, entrepreneurship keynote speaker, Scott Duffy discusses:
  • Why small businesses have the upper hand in today's economy.
  • The number one mistake that start-ups make.
  • What every entrepreneur should know about switching industries. Read the Full Interview
  • "It’s not just one entrepreneur that big companies need to watch out for. There are literally millions of entrepreneurs nibbling at their feet."
    - Scott Duffy

    What People are Saying about Seeing Scott Speak

    Rating Entries

    “Scott Duffy is a talented entrepreneur who created a whole new model for private aviation.”
    – Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group

    “Scott’s passion is infectious. His ability to connect is unparalleled. He’s a true leader teaching entrepreneurs how to breakthrough to their next level.”
    – David Meltzer, CEO, Dave Meltzer Enterprises

    “Scott inspires you to Launch! And take your life to a whole new level.”
    – Les Brown, National Speaker Association “Hall of Fame”

    “Scott Duffy’s insights, hard-hitting stories, and power-packed strategies will propel your business forward.”
    – Kedma Ough, Innovation Director SBDC and Author of Target Funding

    “Scott’s teaches you how to build the foundation for a great company and live the life of your dreams.
    – Brian Smith, Founder of Ugg

    “Scott is the perfect speaker for anyone who wants to achieve more in their life. He provides a perfect roadmap for you both personally and professionally.”
    – Randy Garn, Randy Garn, 2x Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, New York Times Best-Selling Author

    “One of the most impactful speakers you will ever hear.”
    – Gene Landrum, President and Creative Force Behind Chuck E. Cheese

    “It’s not just about starting strong; it’s about finishing even stronger. Scott Duffy shares how to Breakthrough at every stage in your business and build winning companies!”
    – Jennifer Rulon, MS, Owner and USA Triathlon Level I Coach at

    “The perfect solution for anyone who’s ever asked “How do I succeed in business?”
    – Greg Reid, Best-Selling Author

    “Scott Duffy demonstrates that it doesn’t matter how big your dream, you can go from underdog to leader of the pack.”
    – Rudy Ruettiger, Notre Dame Football Player & Inspiration for the Movie RUDY

    “Real life principles that actually work.”
    – Frank Shankwitz, Creator and Cofounder of the Make-A-Wish Foundation

    “Taking your business to the next level requires a whole new set of skills. If you have plateaued and you’re ready to crush it, Scott Duffy will show you exactly what you need to reach that level, scale any new venture, and keep climbing.
    – Summer Felix-Mulder, Cofounder of The Draw Shop

    “Scott shares how to combine the right mindset, the right team, and the right resources to create the business of your dreams.
    – Myles Kovacs, Co-Founder of DUB Magazine

    Scott Duffy is a natural storyteller. His entertaining style of delivering a message ignites the “aha” moments needed to break through to the next level.
    – Alan Taylor, TV and Radio Host at Entrepreneur Media

    “Scott is one of the most positive, dynamic, and creative people I have had the good fortune to know. No one is better at helping entrepreneurs achieve breakthroughs—both personally and professionally—than Scott Duffy!”
    – Doug Brignole, Mr. Universe & Mr. America Winner, Author, Speaker

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    Books by Scott Duffy:

    Launch!: The Critical 90 Days from Idea to Market
    WANT TO GET YOUR BIG IDEA TO MARKET? In 90 days, you can successfully launch a new business, product, or service by following the steps in this playbook.

    Ninety-seven percent of a rocket’s fuel is used in the first three feet of its launch. The same is true when launching a new business. These first few steps are absolutely critical and help determine which ventures will take off and which will fail.

    Scott Duffy has developed a practical approach for turning your big idea into a thriving venture by focusing on the crucial period of 90 days immediately before, during, and after starting your business. Based on his own experiences as a successful serial entrepreneur who has worked with Richard Branson and Tony Robbins—and true stories of other big names in business—Duffy has collected all of the lessons you need.

    Duffy also emphasizes the personal side of entrepreneurship, including balancing finances, relationships, and your health. Successful business endeavors depend on preparation and execution of these two key sides—and Duffy provides real-life examples and practical guidance for both.

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