
Dan Goldie Profile

Former pro-tennis player, Dan Goldie is an acclaimed financial advisor who has helped hundreds of people with their retirement funds, college savings, insurance, and investments. Currently he manages approximately $700 million for individual investors and their families at his firm, Dan Goldie Financial Services.

Goldie developed an interest in finance as a child when his parents’ divorce caused him and his mother to go from an upper middle class lifestyle to economic instability in which they lived paycheck to paycheck. He dedicated himself to tennis so that he could win an athletic scholarship to Stanford where he studied economics. Going pro in tennis, he used his earnings to put himself through an MBA program at the University of California in Berkley. When bad shins prompted him to trade his tennis career for a financial career, Goldie noticed that many of the firms where he interviewed had mediocre returns despite their smart and talented staff. Doing some independent research he discovered that the old adage of hard work and talent yielding greater results didn’t apply to the world of markets.

Goldie used his newfound knowledge to develop his methodology of passive investing, coauthoring the New York Times bestseller The Investment Answer with the late veteran bond salesman Gordon Murray. The purpose of the book, much like Goldie’s own mission, is to keep information about investments simple and honest so that ordinary people can make educated decisions and achieve their financial goals.

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    Dan Goldie is the President and Founder of Dan Goldie Financial Services. He is a fee-only, independent financial advisor and financial planner. For more than two decades he has devoted his professional career to helping individual investors and their families realize their investment and financial goals.

    Dan is the trusted advisor to a diverse group of individuals and families, including business executives, attorneys, physicians, engineers, professors, retirees, former professional athletes, and many others. His clients are located in the San Francisco Bay Area and across the United States.

    He has built his advisory business by combining a sound asset class investing methodology with holistic financial planning and first-class client service. Dan has co-authored two investment books: The Prudent Investor’s Guide to Beating the Market at Its Own Game published by McGraw-Hill, and the #1 national bestseller, The Investment Answer: Learn to Manage Your Money & Protect Your Financial Future published by Business Plus (Hachette Book Group).

    Jargon-free and written for all investors—experienced, beginner, and everyone in between—The Investment Answer distills the process into five straightforward decisions that can lead to safe and sound ways to manage your money. The inspirational story behind the book and its message has attracted national media attention and inspired thousands to change the way they save and invest.

    A former NCAA singles champion for Stanford University, Goldie began his investment career as an independent financial advisor in 1991 after retiring from the men’s professional tennis tour, where he was ranked as high as 27th in the world and was a Wimbledon quarter finalist.

    Today, Goldie is one of the leading independent advisors in the wealth management industry and a #1 New York Times bestselling author. He has been recognized by the San Francisco Business Times as one of the top 25 Bay Area independent advisors, and by Barron’s nagazine as one of the top 100 independent financial advisors in the United States. Goldie’s media appearances include ABC News, Fox Business News, National Public Radio, Yahoo! Finance, and CBS Moneywatch, and he has been quoted in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, San Jose Mercury News, San Francisco Examiner, and many other business and financial publications.

    Dan holds an A.B. in economics from Stanford University, and an M.B.A. from the Walter A. Haas School of Business, at the University of California at Berkeley. He is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of San Francisco and has earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation, and is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER certificant.

Dan Goldie Speaking Videos

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Dan Goldie's Speech Descriptions

Trusted advisor Dan Goldie has a knack for breaking down the complex and often confusing jargon of financial academics into simple orderly concepts. Dedicated to educating ordinary people in how they can smartly invest their money, he offers easy-to-follow advice and the basic information individuals need to know to secure their financial freedom.

The Investment Answer: The Five Key Decisions Every Investor Must Make
Most people are not good investors. They don’t save enough and their investments usually underperform markets by a wide margin. This is not surprising because we are not taught about personal finance in school, and the media and financial services industry often cause us to make poor investment decisions that lead to subpar results. To make matters worse, because of how our brains are hardwired, we tend to make emotional investment mistakes that are very costly.

From the podium, best-selling author and top-ranked financial advisor, Dan Goldie, inspires audiences to change the way they save and invest and shows them exactly how to do it. He clearly explains the mistakes that most people make, how the financial services industry is failing investors, and why most of us need to save more and invest smarter. Armed with this knowledge and motivated to make a change, we can all be successful investors by making five important, but straightforward decisions.

    1. The Do-It-Yourself Decision—Should you try to invest on your own or seek help from an investment professional? And if so, which type of advisor is best?
    2. The Asset Allocation Decision—How should you allocate your investments among stocks, bonds, and cash.
    3. The Diversification Decision—Which specific asset classes within these broad categories should you include in your portfolio, and in what proportions?
    4. The Active versus Passive Decision—Should you favor an actively managed approach to investing that seeks to outsmart the market, or a passive approach that delivers market-like returns?
    5. The Rebalancing Decision—When should you sell certain assets in your portfolio and when should you buy more?

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Books by Dan Goldie:


The Investment Answer: Learn to Manage Your Money & Protect Your Financial Future
What if there were a way to cut through all the financial mumbo-jumbo? Wouldn’t it be great if someone could really explain to us-in plain and simple English—the basics we must know about investing in order to insure our financial freedom?

At last, here’s good news.

Jargon-free and written for all investors—experienced, beginner, and everyone in between—THE INVESTMENT ANSWER distills the process into just five decisions—five straightforward choices that can lead to safe and sound ways to manage your money.

When Wall Street veteran Gordon Murray told his good friend and financial advisor, Dan Goldie, that he had only six months to live, Dan responded, “Do you want to write that book you’ve always wanted to do?” The result is this eminently valuable primer which can be read and understood in one sitting, and has advice that benefits you, not Wall Street and the rest of the traditional financial services industry.

THE INVESTMENT ANSWER asks readers to make five basic but key decisions to stack the investment odds in their favor. The advice is simple, easy-to-follow, and effective, and can lead to a more profitable portfolio for every investor. Specifically:

    • Should I invest on my own or seek help from an investment professional?
    • How should I allocate my investments among stocks, bonds, and cash?
    • Which specific asset classes within these broad categories should I include in my portfolio?
    • Should I take an actively managed approach to investing, or follow a passive alternative?
    • When should I sell assets and when should I buy more?

In a world of fast-talking traders who believe that they can game the system and a market characterized by instability, this extraordinary and timely book offers guidance every investor should have.

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