
Rich Diviney Profile

  • Rich is a bestselling author, leadership and human performance expert, and retired Navy SEAL commander.

  • Director of Outreach, Barry-Wehmiller Leadership Institute.

  • Rich’s most popular program teaches the five secrets to high-performing teams.
  • Rich Diviney draws upon 20+ years of experience as a Navy SEAL Officer where he completed more than 13 overseas deployments – 11 of which were to Iraq and Afghanistan. Throughout his career, he has achieved multiple leadership positions – including the Commanding Officer of a SEAL Team Six Command.

    During his military career, Rich was intimately involved in the world-renowned SEAL selection process, which whittles exceptional candidates down to a small cadre of the most elite optimal performers.

    But Rich was often surprised by which recruits washed out and which succeeded. Someone could have all the right skills and still fail, while recruits he might have initially dismissed would prove to be top performers. The seemingly objective criteria weren’t telling him what he most needed to know: What does it take to be one of the highest-performing teams in the world?

    Eventually, he cracked the code. Through years of observation, Rich learned to identify a successful recruit’s core Attributes, the innate traits for how a person performs as an individual and as part of a team. As well as understand once you build a high-performing team you must understand how to move through stress and uncertainty to become resilient. That same methodology can be used by anyone in their personal or professional lives.

    Upon retirement in early 2017, Rich started working as a speaker, facilitator, and consultant with the Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute and Simon Sinek Inc. to teach corporate teams how to become high-performing.

    In 2021, he launched his first book: The Attributes, 25 hidden drivers of optimal performance. He also launched his own consulting business, The Attributes Inc, and developed the revolutionary selection technique, The Attributes Discovery, to help organizations select and assess the right people and form the best teams.

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    Rich Diviney's Speech Descriptions

    Keynote speech (30 to 60 minutes):

    “Leading Superheroes: The 5 Secrets to High Performing Teams”

    ● Learn the difference between "peak" performance and "optimal" performance and why it matters.
    ● Unpack trust as the vital factor in maintaining optimal performance, and how to build it.
    ● Unlock a critical key of enabling better performance by throwing out the age-old "task organization chart"
    ● Recognize that "resilience" is only one sided of the equation and why simply being ableto "bounce back" is not enough.
    ● Discover the critical mistake of hiring for "top talent" and, instead, focus on hiring andcultivating the right talent.
    ● Explore the concept of becoming "Masters of Uncertainty" and why it is critical these days to train for certainty and educate for uncertainty.

    What People are Saying about Seeing Rich Speak

    Rating Entries

    “Not your typical Navy SEAL rah, rah speaker… Rich is the combination of part neuroscientist and part professor who built and tested his theories in the most elite special forces. My team was blown away.”
    – Dan Briscoe, President for BuildWitt

    “We had Rich speak at our annual franchise convention and his message surrounding grit attributes really hit home with our franchisees! His talk was inspiring, thought provoking and I loved how he incorporated the fireside chat to his talk where it allowed us to have some in depth conversations regarding specific challenges, we face in our organization around optimal performance. If you’re looking for someone to inspire your audience, give some tangible takeaways on how they can improve performance in business but also in life then Rich is the speaker you’re looking for!”
    – Mark Spzak, CFE, Vice President Field Operations for Tutor Doctor

    “The hour went by so quickly! Rich deftly navigated us through attributes vs. skills using storytelling and experiences. Rich was able to explain what a high-performance team looks like and how to measure it in a business setting that resonated with our audience and left them wanting for more.”
    – Susan Walker, Executive Vice President for Walker & Dunlop

    “Rich shared deep insights that will change the way your organization performs. He blew us away!”
    – Tyler Chesser, CEO for Quantum Mastermind

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    Books by Rich Diviney:

    The Attributes: 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance

    During his twenty years as a Navy officer and SEAL, Rich Diviney was intimately involved in a specialized SEAL selection process, which whittled a group of hundreds of extraordinary candidates down to a handful of the most elite performers. Diviney was often surprised by which candidates washed out and which succeeded. Some could have all the right skills and still fail, while others he might have initially dismissed would prove to be top performers. The seemingly objective criteria weren’t telling him what he most needed to know: Who would succeed in one of the world’s toughest military assignments?

    It is similarly hard to predict success in the real world.

    It happens often enough that underdog students accomplish exceptional achievements while highly skilled, motivated employees fail to meet expectations. Dark-horse companies pull away from the pack while dream teams flush with talent and capital go under. In working with and selecting top special operators for decades, Diviney saw that beneath obvious skills are hidden drivers of performance, surprising core attributes—including cunning, adaptability, courage, even narcissism—that determine how resilient or perseverant we are, how situationally aware and how conscientious. These attributes explain how we perform as individuals and as part of a team. The same methodology that Diviney used in the military can be applied by anyone in their personal and professional lives, and understanding these attributes can allow readers and their teams to perform optimally, at any time, in any situation.

    Diviney defines the core attributes in fresh and practical ways and shares stories from the military, business, sports, relationships, and even parenting to show how understanding your own attributes and those of the people around you can create optimal performance in all areas of your life.

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