
Deborah Norville Profile

  • As the anchor of the top-rated program Inside Edition, Norville is the longest serving female anchor on national television.

  • After outside media put a negative spin on her 1990 promotion at NBC, Norville rebuilt her career and came back swinging as a top journalist with CBS.

  • The author of Thank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work for You, Norville discusses how practicing gratitude and respect are key to professional advancement and raising your bottom line.
  • Since 1995, Deborah Norville has been the anchor of Inside Edition, the longest running syndicated news magazine program, which covers hard news as well as crime and human interest stories. As a keynote speaker, Norville openly discusses the ups and downs of her career and how she built a purposeful life as a reporter, craft enthusiast, and mother through practicing gratitude and respect.

    Driven by her passion for storytelling, Norville was regarded as a rising star in broadcast journalism during the 1980s. She was a correspondent for CBS News and an anchor for Street Stories, 48 Hours, and the CBS Evening News program. Prior to the birth of her first son, she co-hosted NBC’s Today and was anchor of NBC’s News at Sunrise.

    She has anchored the top-rated news program Inside Edition for over 20 years, making her the longest-serving female anchor on national television. Her hands-on reporting has taken her inside the Davidson County, NC jail – the “toughest” jail in the country – where she lived behind bars to give viewers the real scoop on life inside America’s prison system. Another Inside Edition assignment had Norville writing and recording a song and music video as part of an exploration of the American music industry. Norville also made headlines in 1998 when she snagged the first interview with Paula Jones after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke.

    Norville is a bestselling author of several books, including the motivational memoir Thank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work for You, plus two children’s books, I Don’t Want To Sleep Tonight and I Can Fly. Since 2009 she has partnered with Premier® Yarns, one of the largest yarn distributors in the United States to bring the The Deborah Norville Collection to lifelong knitters like herself.

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      Two-time Emmy© Award winner Deborah Norville is anchor of INSIDE EDITION, the country’s top-rated and most honored syndicated newsmagazine. Ratings jumped 15 percent the week Norville joined the program and have remained strong ever since. Under her leadership, the show has consistently ranked in the top 10 television shows in first-run syndication. INSIDE EDITION reaches a daily audience of just under 4.2 million viewers.

      The veteran journalist joined INSIDE EDITION in 1995 from CBS News where she was anchor and correspondent. Norville is the former co-host of NBC’s “Today” and anchor of NBC “News at Sunrise.” She has hosted the primetime “Deborah Norville Tonight” on MSNBC and the national “The Deborah Norville Show” on the ABC Talk Radio Network and been a reporter and anchor for WMAQ-TV in Chicago. Deborah began her career at WAGA-TV in Atlanta, while still a student at the University of Georgia, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and graduated summa cum laude, 4.0, First Honor Graduate.

      Norville is also a best-selling author and lecturer. Her book, Thank You Power: Making the SCIENCE of Gratitude Work for YOU (2007, Thomas Nelson), detailing the connection between gratitude and enhanced cognitive function and energy, was a New York Times best-seller as well as a best-seller in South Korea. She is also a contributor to the popular “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series, and the author of several other self-help books as well as two best-selling children’s books and a number of books featuring knit and crochet patterns.

      A lifelong crafter and seamstress, Norville is the creative force behind the Deborah Norville Yarn Collection, a line of high-quality knit and crochet yarn found in top craft stores. The product has enjoyed exponential growth since its launch in 2009 and sold its sixth millionth skein of yarn in Spring 2014. The line has grown to include knitting needles and crochet hooks.

      Norville is a member of the Board of Directors for the Viacom Corporation and serves on the Compensation Committee. She serves as the Director for the Broadcasters Foundation of America and is a past board member of the Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, the Women’s Committee of Central Park, and the Rita Hayworth (Alzheimer’s) Steering Committee. Married, and the mother of three.

    Deborah Norville Speaking Videos

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    Deborah Norville's Speech Descriptions

    Long-time anchor of one of the country’s most highly regarded news shows, Deborah Norville is a professional storyteller who is passionate about sharing the lessons she has learned throughout her high profile career along with the personal qualities that have made that career possible. Respect and gratitude are common themes throughout her presentations. Norville shows how practicing both have been scientifically linked to higher levels of productivity, creativity, and increased personal and professional achievement. The Emmy-award winning reporter goes a step further, giving you concrete examples of how you can incorporate respect and gratitude into your personal life and workplace on a daily basis.

      The Power of Respect: Benefit from the Most Forgotten Element of Success

      Can "respect" really make a difference in today′s fast-paced world or is it just a quaint-throw back to a less complicated time? Based on her new ground-breaking book, Norville shares with audiences the compelling evidence that adding an element of respect results in measurable, meaningful benefits in almost every area of life. Using peer-reviewed academic literature, Norville discusses:

      • how parents can receive respect from their children and use it to bring calm to chaotic families,
      • how respect can be used as the glue to hold relationships together,
      • how respect can be used in the workplace to improve employee performance and innovation,
      • how respect can save employers thousands of dollars per worker,
      • how respect can combat the ′bullycide′ epidemic in schools, (1 in 3 twelve- to eighteen-year-olds are bullied at school)
      • how respect at school helps teachers ′find′ as many as 17 additional days of teaching time when respect becomes part of the curriculum, and
      • how respect can help displaced workers find a job.

      Thank You Power: The Power of Gratitude
      Thank You Power is the extraordinary force that comes simply from acknowledging the “good things” in life. Beginning with the regular practice of counting one′s blessings and feeling thankful for them, one can become healthier, happier, smarter, more resilient and even able to undo the negative effects of stress.

      Nationally known journalist Deborah Norville brings her reporting skills to bear in her presentation “Thank You Power” to highlight the exciting research proving the life improvements that can stem from the practice of gratitude.

      In “Thank You Power,” you will learn:

      • How to Harness Thank You Power
      • How Thank You Power improves thinking
      • How Thank You Power eases stress
      • How Thank You Power increases resilience
      • How Thank You Power makes one happier

      Back On Track: How to Keep Your Life Together When it Seems Like Everything (and Everyone) is Trying to Pull You Apart
      In a refreshing, lighthearted talk Deborah Norville looks at the challenges we face today in daily life and offers first hand tips on coping with the many responsibilities we have as well as refocusing ones life when it seems one has lost direction.

      An eye opening talk showing how one can improve both their cognitive skills and energy level through what she calls ′Thank You Power′ - based on peer reviewed research.

      The World Today
      From a journalist, a front-row seat to the events making news - whether it is the war in Afghanistan, the oil spill in the Gulf or the latest celebrity scandal- making sense of the event and providing an insider′s perspective on what is behind the headlines.

      Glass Ceilings or Sticky Floors?
      What are the challenges women face today in business and their personal life? Insights from top researchers and personal anecdotes are the basis of this discussion filled with ′take-home′ information for audience members.

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    Books by Deborah Norville:

      The Power Of Respect

      Want respect from others? Scientific research says, try giving it.

      There is power in respect. And it comes with multiple benefits.

      In business:

      • Higher sales
      • Lower employee turnover
      • Less exposure to lawsuits

      At home:

      • A stronger marriage
      • Healthier family dynamics
      • More polite children

      In your personal life:

      • More self-respect and confidence
      • Closer friendships
      • Higher standing in the community

      Respect, a lost value in our world today, is the latest subject of research for Inside Edition anchor and best-selling author Deborah Norville. Citing scientific studies and using stories based on personal interviews, Norville makes a compelling case for the Power of Respect-the simple act of treating people as though they really matter.

      In The Power of Respect Norville details the specific dollar savings in business and dramatic improvements in student test scores that are directly attributable to respect. She says, “Now that I′ve seen the research done by some of the greatest minds in the field, I am stunned to see the impact of being respected and giving respect. I am also mystified. Why wouldn′t someone want to put it to work?”

      Respect tips, sprinkled throughout the text, and Respect Reminders, at the end of each chapter, add to the clarity of the message and help reinforce the personal benefits. Start practicing this most overlooked ingredient of success and find out what it means for you!

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      Thank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work for You

      Deborah Norville′s groundbreaking and persuasive book argues that gratitude is the secret key to unlocking one′s full life potential.

      Thank You. Can such small words hold life-changing power? Yes! Rooted in science, presented from a spiritual perspective, Thank You Power details the surprising life improvements that can stem from the practice of gratitude. In this eye-opening book, Deborah Norville brings together for the first time the behavioral and psychological research that prove what people of faith have long known: giving thanks brings life blessings.

      Beginning with two small words, thank you , Norville shows how anyone can be happier and more resilient, have better relationships, improved health, and less stress. After two years of scientific research, Norville brings it all together with powerful personal stories of thank you power in action and gives specific steps for readers to cultivate thank you power and put it to work in their own lives.

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