
Todd Huston Profile

For 20 years Todd Huston has turned a personal tragedy into an opportunity to help others overcome their challenges and become their best in every situation. After losing his leg in a boating accident, Todd went on to become an inventor, acclaimed speaker, psychotherapist, and world record holder.

Todd showed the world that his disability would not hold him back when he accomplished a world record-setting mountain climbing expedition, Summit America. Using a prosthetic limb he climbed to the highest elevations of all 50 states in only 66 days 22 hours and 47 minutes, shattering the original record by 35 days. His story has been featured in thousands of publications throughout the world, including Sports Illustrated, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, and the original Chicken Soup for the Soul anthology.

His book, More Than Mountains: The Todd Huston Story, has been made into a screenplay and is currently being looked at by prominent studios. His second book, More Than Mountains: The Speech, includes photos from his presentation and a worksheet, and enables people to take the message with them for inspiration when they need it.

  • View Extended/Alternate Bio
      • Todd Huston knows how to overcome incredible challenges. When his legs got caught in the propeller of a boat at age 14, his life was radically changed. He battled to keep his legs with numerous surgeries, but bone disease eventually forced him to have one leg amputated.

    Todd became a psychotherapist and clinical director of the Amputee Resource Center in California. He also worked in psychiatric hospitals for adults, adolescents and children. He used his professional skills and personal experiences to help patients achieve more in their lives. He also trained health-care professionals in working with individuals coping with disabilities.

    Then Todd did the unimaginable, to prove that you can overcome challenges he completed a world record-setting Summit America expedition by climbing to the highest elevations of all 50 states in only 66 days 22 hours and 47 minutes, shattering the original record by 35 days!

    Todd has been featured in thousands of publications throughout the world, including Sports Illustrated, Forbes and Wall Street Journal as well as the popular book, Chicken Soup for the Soul-A second Helping. He has appeared as a special guest on CBS Year in Sports and Robert Schuller’s Hour of Power. Todd has been interviewed on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, TNN, Inside Edition, and Extra plus numerous radio programs.

    Several distinguished honors have been awarded to Todd including U.S. Jaycees’ Ten Outstanding Young Americans, the Henry Iba Award for Outstanding Citizen Athlete, the Class Act Award, and the American Red Cross’s Everyday Hero Award.

    Todd is the author of the book More Than Mountains:The Todd Huston Story and has hosted inspirational radio and television programs.

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Todd Huston's Speech Descriptions

Todd Huston is an inspirational speaker, author, world record holder, amputee and inventor who moves audiences with his journey of pain, faith, determination and adventure. His story helps everyone realize they CAN conquer the mountains in their lives to reach new levels of wellbeing and happiness. Todd’s fascinating message of purpose, determination, and reaching your peak performance can be applied to both work settings and personal life.

    More Than Mountains: How to Overcome Any Challenge

    With this powerful keynote presentation, Todd motivates and inspires anyone to believe they can overcome life’s many challenges.This presentation centers around Todd’s boating accident at age 14 where he “died” twice, had his leg amputated and then did the Summit America Expedition, Todd’s world record mountain climb of the highest elevation of each state with only one leg. He uses awe-inspiring slides and stories from his life and expedition. You will travel to the highest mountains of North America, including the 20,302-foot Mt. McKinley. His talk will have your audience laughing and crying through real life challenges. They will leave with insight and inspiration to overcome their individual challenges by finding the opportunity in every challenge.

    Inspirational/Motivational; Adults (Can be modified for teens and children), Keynote Presentation; Business, Associations, Organizations, Educational and Religious.

    Peak Performance
    What does it REALLY take to get to the top? Todd shares his insights for you to realize PEAK PERFORMANCE. As the only disabled person alive to hold a world-record in an able-bodied sport (mountain climbing), he has lived the life of someone who has overcome lifes’ toughest challenges and will help your audience do the same.

    Your audience will be both entertained by Todd’s powerful story along with learning powerful ideas that can help them. Your audience will learn the three keys to dealing with change and overcoming any challenge. Learn how to ensure success and not failure in achieving your goals!

    After hearing Todd’s PEAK PERFORMANCE presentation your audience will know that they can overcome their most challenging obstacles, effectively deal with changes in their lives, manage stress more effectively, and reach their highest goals personally and professionally.

    Don’t Stress!: The Ultimate Stress Management Program for Decreasing Stress and Increasing Happiness and Productivity at Work and At Home
    What does it REALLY take to get to the top? Todd shares his insights for you to realize PEAK PERFORMANCE. As the only disabled person alive to hold a world-record in an able-bodied sport (mountain climbing), he has lived the life of someone who has overcome lifes’ toughest challenges and will help your audience do the same.

    Your audience will be both entertained by Todd’s powerful story along with learning powerful ideas that can help them. Your audience will learn the three keys to dealing with change and overcoming any challenge. Learn how to ensure success and not failure in achieving your goals!

    After hearing Todd’s PEAK PERFORMANCE presentation your audience will know that they can overcome their most challenging obstacles, effectively deal with changes in their lives, manage stress more effectively, and reach their highest goals personally and professionally.

    Program Objectives: This highly-interactive, highly-customized program will include ideas, concepts, and techniques to help audience members learn ways to better manage personal and professional stress.

    Some of the broad goals for this program include:

      * Reducing employee absenteeism and doctors visits caused from stress
      * Reducing on-site conflict that causes safety violations and work related hazards
      * Decreasing the cost of health care by decreasing the amount of sick days workers have to take along with helping them understand how to live healthier, stress reduced lives
      * Decreasing mental and psychological illness while creating a safer work environment
      * Increasing productivity, performance, and communication effectiveness on the job
      * Showing employees simple steps they can use to increase their health and wellness at work and at home

    The ABC’s of Life
    Todd uses his world record mountain climbing expedition to teach the children about values. The ABC’s of Life; “A” for Attitude, “B” for Behavior and “C” for Character. He grips the children’s attention with mountain climbing stories and slides. Todd discusses the ABC’s of Life and the personal traits for excelling in each; caring, citizenship, honesty, responsibility, and respect. The children will end the presentation by learning to take personal responsibility for their Attitude, Behavior and Character.

    Psychology of Limb Loss and Disability
    Todd uses his education and experience as the past Clinical Director of the Amputee Resource Center of Southern California to teach the psychological issues of amputation. He will cover the stages involved in loss and grief along with the different criteria that affect the outcomes of the patient.

    Special Events
    Todd will speak at special events, including commencements, Introductions, and awards banquets. Todd can create an inspirational and motivational event for your group.

    Profit and Non-Profit Programs
    Through programs, speakers, publications, articles, seminars, symposiums, lectures and direct consultation, Todd hopes to provide direction to individuals who need encouragement and guidance for any physical, emotional or spiritual challenge they may face. Todd makes these services available to the public and non-profit organizations, including public schools, churches, nursing and rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, and more. Todd also has a non-profit 501(c)3 organization for special programs.

What People are Saying about Seeing Todd Speak

Rating Entries

    “Each of us has our mountains to go over, under, or through. Todd inspires us in depth to make our mountains into molehills. He enables us to believe and achieve new heights in our lives.”
    – Mark Victor Hansen, Author,
    co-founder Chicken Soup for the Soul

    “With strength and determination, Todd has shown us, by his extraordinary accomplishments, what we can do when we put our minds to the test…”
    – John Shanahan,
    CEO Hooked on Phonics

    “Fantastic! You CAN climb more than mere mountains! You CAN overcome whatever challenges are before you!”
    – Robert Schuller,
    Pastor, Crystal Cathedral

    “Your presentation was very timely. What a great motivation–and something we all need.”
    -Harriett Wagnon,
    Edmond Board of Realtors

    “I heard about your great presentation from my daughter,.. What we have in mind is that you speak at our Academy, and also at our women’s meeting-”Women In Touch”.
    – Ginger Bell

    Partial Client List:
    American Express
    American National Insurance
    Amputee Coalition of America
    Access Fund
    Asbury United Methodist Church
    Assoc. for Assisted Living Centers
    Bair Foundation
    Better Business Bureau
    Boy Scouts of America
    Boy’s and Girl’s Club
    Camp Enterprise
    Center for Non-Profit Management
    Dollar Thrifty Auto Rental
    Financial Executives Institute
    Franklin Life Insurance Co.
    Gatesway Foundation
    Goodwill Industries
    Hillcrest Healthcare System
    Hugh O’Brien Foundation
    Lions International
    Little Lighthouse
    Loma Linda Medical National Auxillary
    Missourri League of Nursing
    Nissan Dealership
    Okla. Assoc. for Physically Limited
    RAIN-National AIDS Fund
    Rotary Club
    Sports Commission
    St. Francis Hospital
    St. John’s Health Systems
    State Department of Rehabilitation
    Tulsa Technology Center
    Young Inventors Hall of Fame

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Books by Todd Huston:
    More Than Mountains: The Todd Huston Story
    One Leg, Fifty Mountains, an Unconquerable Faith

    The story of how Todd survived a boating accident and leg amputation to become the only disabled person to break the world record by climbing the highest elevation in all 50 states. Todd broke the able-bodied record by 35 days with one leg!

    Order Here

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