
Paul Dickinson Profile

Executive chairman of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Paul Dickinson is a leader in the creation of a new global economic system, collaborating with companies, governments, and investors to change how we produce and consume goods and offset climate change.

Dickinson founded CDP in 2000 as part of an initiative to dematerialize economic growth and proactively address dwindling finite resources. For over a decade now, the independent organization has been collecting and sharing data on carbon emissions, deforestation, and water consumption to aid investing groups, corporations, and governments in their decision-making and policy formation.

Prior to his role in the CDP, Dickinson founded and developed Rufus Leonard Corporate Communications and, more recently, EyeNetwork, the largest videoconference service in Europe. He is a member of the Environmental Research Group of the U.K. Faculty and Institute of Actuaries as well as the author of various publications including “Beautiful Corporations.”

  • View Extended/Alternate Bio
      • Paul Dickinson is the executive chairman of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), an independent non-profit organization providing primary corporate climate change information. CDP serves as a system through which organizations and businesses disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate change strategies. CDP subsequently uses this data in order to help shape financial and policy decisions with the mission of motivating investors, corporations and governments to prevent dangerous climate change. This goal is accelerated by CDP’s initiatives to unify corporate CEOs, investors and political leaders to take action against climate change. As the only global climate change reporting system, CDP is an essential resource in making effective policy decisions.

    Dickinson is also founder and chair of EyeNetwork, Europe’s largest video conference booking service and prior to founding CDP, founded and built Rufus Leonard into a multi-million turnover corporate communications company. Dickinson is also an established author including Beautiful Corporations (2000 Financial Times Prentice Hall).

Paul Dickinson Speaking Videos

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Paul Dickinson's Speech Descriptions

In a historic moment where our finite resources are dwindling, Paul Dickinson shows how we can avoid conflict and a “Mad Max” scenario and instead enter into a golden age of almost limitless economic growth built on the potential of communications and ecologically friendly businesses.

As a communications entrepreneur and head of the CDP, one of the largest organizations combining ecological and business interests, Dickinson is uniquely qualified to guide companies into a new paradigm where economic growth will be unable to rely on natural resources.

Green Business is Good Business: The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and the First Predictable Industrial Revolution

Climate change has become more and more like the Internet: it gets bigger every day, it never goes away and you have to learn to make money from it or you will get eaten for lunch. In this eye-opening presentation, Paul Dickinson explains the development of the Carbon Disclosure Project, why 550 investors with $70 trillion (with a T) support the world’s largest data exchange on climate and how businesses are learning fast how to capture significant bottom line benefits through energy efficiency. More significantly, the talk also introduces audiences to Sustainability Product Marketing, a critical development in the business response to climate change.

The talk covers CDP’s work with Wal-Mart and fifty other large corporations, gathering data from their supply chains and a similar project for suppliers of the British and US Federal Government. Also explained is CDP’s partnership with the World’s 40 largest cities whereby they also report their emissions through CDP. In conclusion the speech explains the pivotal role of the accounting community, and CDP’s work accelerating accounting standards, and it looks forward to the next major stage in CDP, where from 2011 investors are requesting corporations to make emissions reductions.

Profiting from the Next Wave: How and Why Technology Will Lead the Way Toward Sustainability

A leader in the movement to lower carbon emissions around the world and move businesses toward more sustainable business methods, Paul Dickinson shows the unprecedented opportunities that exist for the information and communications technology industries in transport substitution through effective video communications. With his unprecedented knowledge of these technologies, Paul Dickinson goes on to demonstrate that there is a common interest amongst both broadband providers, content, education, entertainment, cultural and communications industries to provide better solutions than exist today. Growth in physical goods are inevitably limited and will be taxed and regulated. But the dematerialized industries can grow without limit, and there is a great opportunity for the ICT sector and their numerous affiliated content businesses to help protect the world from climate change by uniting their interests around this political imperative.

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