
Libby Gill Profile

Libby Gill demonstrates how to achieve peak performance through personal development to an impressive roster of blue-chip clients. A passionate speaker on women’s issues, the renowned former media head brings her expertise in leadership development and life balance to each one of her speeches.

Libby’s clients have included ABC-Disney, AMC Networks, Avery Dennison, CA Technologies, Cisco, Comcast, Deloitte, Eli Lilly, GoDaddy, Kellogg’s, Microsoft, Nike, Oracle, PayPal, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Safeway, The Conference Board, Warner Bros., Wells Fargo, and many more. In great demand by the media, she has explained her views on CNN, NPR, the Today Show, and in Businessweek, Time, The New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal, among many others.

Libby’s credits include running the PR and branding for the launch of the Dr. Phil Show. Her expertise lies in helping businesses access both the heads and hearts of customers, colleagues and communities. Her coaching and speaking is a must for companies looking to create a bold leadership/personal accountability culture.

A bestselling author who has had the courage to reinvent both her personal and professional lives, Libby has written movingly of breaking away from a toxic family legacy of alcoholism, divorce, mental illness and suicide in TRAVELING HOPEFULLY: How to Lose Your Family Baggage and Jumpstart Your Life. Her latest book Hope IS a Strategy: Leading through Change, Challenge, and Chaos will be available in Spring 2018.

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    Libby Gill knows change. She grew up on two continents and went to eight different schools before putting herself through college waiting tables. She started her first job in entertainment only to go through three mergers in five years, where she went from assistant in a small production company to vice president of publicity, advertising and promotion for Sony’s worldwide television group.

    After heading communications at media giants Universal, Sony and Turner Broadcasting, Libby left the corporate world after nearly twenty years to become an entrepreneur. In her mid-forties when many people are slowing down, Libby founded Libby Gill & Company, an executive coaching and leadership consulting firm based in Los Angeles.

    Libby now guides clients – including Avery Dennison, CA Technologies, Cisco, Comcast, Deloitte, Disney, Eli Lilly, First American Insurance, Honda, Intel, Kellogg’s, Microsoft, Oracle, PayPal, Royal Caribbean, Speedo, Sutter Health, Viacom, Warner Bros., and Wells Fargo – to lead their teams through change, challenge, and chaos.

    Contrary to conventional wisdom, Libby shows high-performing individuals and organizations why hope IS a strategy – if you have the right mindset, methodology and expertise. She shares the science-based concepts of hope theory to provide the structured business discipline and competitive advantage you need in today’s swiftly changing world. In her executive coaching, leadership consulting, and keynote presentations, Libby guides you to:
    • Reframe change as your biggest growth opportunity
    • Re-energize your best performers to reach their potential
    • Re-invent your company culture to embrace ambiguity

    As Libby was reinventing her professional life, her personal life also underwent a major transition. She chronicled her journey of overcoming the self-perceived limitations left behind by a family legacy of alcoholism, divorce, mental illness and suicide in her bestselling book TRAVELING HOPEFULLY: How to Lose Your Family Baggage and Jumpstart Your Life.

    Business leaders including CEO Tony Hsieh and Dr. Ken Blanchard have endorsed Libby’s award-winning book, YOU UNSTUCK: Mastering the New Rules of Risk-taking in Work and Life. Her latest book, Hope IS a Strategy: Leading through Change, Challenge, and Chaos, will be published in Spring 2018.

    A frequent media guest, Libby has shared her success strategies on CNN, NPR, the Today Show, and in BusinessWeek, Time, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and more. A former columnist for the Dallas Morning News, Libby lives in Los Angeles and is the proud mother of two fabulous millennials, one in graduate school and one in college.

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Libby Gill's Speech Descriptions

Libby Gill’s keynotes and coaching focus on unblocking the paths to higher performance and innovation: the “stuckness” as she calls it. She demonstrates how having hope can energize your vision to enable you to rise to every challenge.

In addition to demonstrating how to bring innovation and bold leadership to all levels of your organization, Libby can share the secrets of her bestselling book Capture the Mindshare and the Market Share Will Follow that shows how to capture the trust and loyalty of your customers and clients in order to maximize your business.

THE HOPE-DRIVEN LEADER: Leading Through Change, Challenge, and Chaos
How do you keep your emerging and established leaders energized and enthusiastic as they tackle massive change? How do your leaders help their team members cope with overwhelm and ambiguity?

Give them the greatest gift of all: hope.

In her dynamic keynote, Libby shares the scientific data on Hope Theory as well as her own research and insights on the impact of hope on the workplace. She demonstrates why hope is one of the most important elements of successful leadership and culture - as well as one of its most overlooked. She provides relevant company-specific customization and a dynamic interactive approach that gets audiences thinking, talking, and - most important - taking action on new ideas the very same day.

Her interactive presentation will:
• Infuse your team with vision and vitality by learning the science-based benefits of Hope Theory.
• Discover why high-hope people set more goals, identify goals which are harder to attain, and are more successful at reaching their goals than lowhope people.
• Experience a rousing call-to-action that will leave participants equipped - and responsible - for their own success.

YOU UNSTUCK: Mastering the New Rules of Risk-taking in Work and Life
Sooner or later, every individual and organization gets stuck. It’s just part of the human condition. But you don’t have to make stuck your normal state!

With an emphasis on linking beliefs to behaviors, Libby connects the dots between personal accountability and organizational success. She helps you understand why you might be getting in the way of your own success and what you can do to change that pattern forever. Your group will receive timely takeaways to:
• Set the tone for learning before the event by having participants take the assessment to see what's working and what's not in their careers.
• Discover 5 Reasons We Resist Change and how to overcome them.
• Identify and overturn your personal and organizational excuse-making behavior - the Immediate Negative Response - and replace it with bold action.

IGNITING BOLD LEADERSHIP: Inspiring Purpose and Driving Performance
Most experts focus only on what companies want from their leaders, but Libby shares the data on what followers want – and deserve – from their leadership. Research shows us that the best leaders provide not only guidance and direction, but also the personal connections that help people succeed.

As the former head of corporate communications and media relations for Sony, Universal, and Turner Broadcasting, Libby was instrumental in creating and communicating culture change. Thriving in a challenging industry where competition and chaos were the norm, Libby shares provocative leadership strategies and powerful personal stories to help your group understand why not taking risks is the biggest business risk of all. In her high-energy interactive presentation, Libby shares timely concepts and relevant takeaways to help your group:
• Discover the 4 traits that followers crave from their leaders.
• Master Libby's proven CSE Process to "Clarify the vision, Simplify the path, and Execute the plan” with bold risk-taking and flawless follow-through.
• Learn the Language of Leadership - regardless of professional level - to influence and inspire others even in times of chaos.

LIFT AS YOU CLIMB: Women Helping Women in the Workplace
Libby surprises audiences when she tells them that she looks forward to the day when women's leadership events are no longer held because we need them, but only because we want them.

Until that day comes, she is proud to add her perspective to the conversation about women and the multiple roles they play in work and life. With her expertise as both an executive and entrepreneur, Libby shares an inspirational blend of leadership strategies and poignant personal stories to help women on their journey to success on the job, at home, and in their communities. Libby's dynamic interactive presentation helps you:

• Craft a Credibility Booster that establishes immediate rapport and connection.
• Tap into uniquely female strengths by identifying your Leadership Superpower.
• Master 5 Strategies to Stop Being Humble to a Fault so you can boost confidence and step into your power.

Libby Gill on Speaking

Once you understand your beliefs, both individually and institutionally, you can begin to change your behaviors.

SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn from your presentations?

GILL: I want people to recognize how their beliefs drive their behaviors, intentionally or unintentionally. Once you understand your beliefs, both individually and institutionally, you can begin to change your behaviors. I want those who attend my presentations to leave with a renewed sense of energy, a fresh perspective, and a few solid strategies that they can implement right away to make a positive impact on their teams, cultures, and companies.

SPEAKING.COM: What kind of prep work do you do prior to an event to prepare for your speaking engagements?

GILL: So much of speaking is in the preparation. I read everything I can get my hands on about the company or industry, and then I personally interview a number of people who will be attending the event. Ideally, I speak with attendees who will provide me with a good cross-section of the audience — different professional levels, challenges, and objectives. That’s the best way for me to tailor my remarks so that they are relevant and timely.

SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements while on the road?

GILL: I’ve presented to groups worldwide, so there’s always something new and memorable that happens while traveling. Most recently, I had the privilege of keynoting for several groups in Kuwait. Because of my Hollywood studio background, I was on a panel alongside titans of the Kuwaiti media industry and was humbled (and a little embarrassed) when every question from the audience was addressed to me.

After several of these, there was nothing I could do except turn to my fellow panelists and remark (tongue planted in cheek), “Gentlemen, I apologize, but I seem to be dominating the platform!”

Because my message is about playing at the top of your game — and then challenging yourself to go even higher — it’s appropriate for people at any career stage.

SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

GILL: I love speaking to individuals and organizations that are hungry for change, but might need a little push to get them moving forward, taking risks, and trying new things. I often keynote for large corporate or association events attended by professionals of all levels. Because my message is about playing at the top of your game — and then challenging yourself to go even higher — it’s appropriate for people at any career stage. In fact, it’s really exciting when there is a group that runs the gamut from entry level up to the C-suite.

SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

GILL: Although I was very successful in my corporate career, I often found the workplace environment needlessly punishing. Not only did management often pigeonhole people into roles with limited chance for growth (I overcame that!), but there was often a lack of kindness and humility that I didn’t like. It was particularly difficult to find role models, so I vowed that if given the chance, I would share a sense of hope as well as strategic tools with people who wanted to advance their careers. Fortunately, that’s exactly what I get to do as an executive coach and speaker.

When it’s relevant to the audience and they can walk away thinking about how to adopt a similar strategy or process in their own workplace, then I know I’ve struck gold.

SPEAKING.COM: How are your keynote presentations unique, and how much do case studies, personal stories, and/or humor factor into your speech content?

GILL: I try to find unique ways to help both established and emerging leaders bring out the best in themselves and their teams, and ultimately guide organizations to instill a deep sense of purpose that drives aggressive action.

One tactic that I use to achieve this includes showing the audience the links between their beliefs, behavior, and accountability. To that end, I find that case studies can be extremely helpful in conveying information about a challenge that an individual client or client company faced and how they overcame it. When it’s relevant to the audience and they can walk away thinking about how to adopt a similar strategy or process in their own workplace, then I know I’ve struck gold.

As for personal stories (and I’ve got some pretty compelling ones), there is no better way to establish a connection with any audience than to let them know you’re one of them. Humor is also important. If I weren’t ready to have fun on the platform, would I ever share that I am a former tap-dancing bear? With the photos to prove it?

SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you have helped clients achieve?

GILL: It’s pretty rewarding to look back at a long career (actually two long careers) and know that you have helped people transform their lives. Certainly, helping Dr. Phil establish the brand for his television show was a major milestone. I’ve also shepherded an attorney into elected office and guided an environmental engineer to become an entertainment executive. Change really is possible if you have passion, a plan, and a strong dose of accountability. Exclusive Interview with Libby Gill
Creating a Hope-Driven Culture with Libby Gill
In this interview, Libby Gill discusses:
  • The first step to re-energizing your workforce.
  • Creating a risk-taking culture.
  • Moving your group when they feel stuck. Read the Full Interview
  • "I find that organizations often overlook what I believe should be the first step to motivate and engage their workforce: infusing a sense of hope into the culture."
    - Libby Gill

    What People are Saying about Seeing Libby Speak

    Rating Entries

    AGFA Corporation, Rubina Ali:
    “Libby was very motivating and energetic. Great suggestions and effective

    Array Biopharma Inc., Marilyn Schodt:
    “Loved her presentation, very inspirational!”

    Bellus Academy, Stephanie LaRue:
    “I need a Daruma! Everything about the ‘god of perseverance’ spoke to me!
    Great Presentation!!”

    Cooper Standard Inc., Sylvia Sorg:
    “Inspiring and relatable!”

    Danaher Corporation, Alvita Bush:
    “Engaging and relevant!”

    DaVita, Patti Bond:
    “Loved your presentation! You are very inspirational!”

    Delta Dental, Tammy Hawkins:
    “ ‘Empower and support your team and they will follow you anywhere!’ ”

    DST Systems, Inc., Kristy Jarrett:
    “Very upbeat and inspiring.”

    Dynisco Instruments, Cheryl Morse:
    “Your story brought me to tears as I just lost my step-mom. You have inspired me
    so thank you!”

    Envision Healthcare, Laura Lear:
    “Loved her!”

    Everypower Wind Holdings Inc., Ashley Trinkie:
    “Great! I felt like Libby was able to reach all of the members in the audience. I
    loved realizing what my leadership superpower is!”

    Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Alicia Amorosi:
    “Really enjoyed the superhero conversation.”

    FedEx Services, Eric Rugh:
    “I feel Libby was very engaging and had a wealth of knowledge in the area of

    FedEx Services, Tracy Zurcher:
    “Her diverse background and successes, coupled with her thought-provoking
    message, were a huge value-add for me. I am excited to apply techniques she
    communicated. ‘Don’t let limiter language stop you from taking action.”

    Greater Toronto Airport Authority, Enma Purog:
    “Excellent speaker!!!”

    Howard Hughes Corp, Wanda Roshell:
    “Really good energy! Feel really motivated to lead my team!”

    Huf North America, Pam Yates:
    “It was very motivational and delivered on a scale for a working person.”

    JetBlue, Joni Geurts:
    “Great presentation. Thank you!”

    Lehigh Valley Health Network, Vanessa Taggart:
    “Comes out firing on all cylinders! Wow! So much energy!”

    Lineage Logistics, Heather Weddle:
    “Loved it! Love your energy!”

    Morrow-Meadows Corporation, Celina DeLa Torre:
    “An inspirational speaker – very relevant topics.”

    Navajo Housing Authority, Phyllis Norton:
    “Very informative and presented in a very interesting sequence. Loved her
    positive approach! She empowers me to take another look at my life and change
    my direction.”

    Pact, Inc., Vergil Ramirez:
    “Inspiring! She makes me hopeful about what I can make out of a painful

    Praxair Canada Inc., Gisela Machado:
    “Well presented, inspirational!”

    Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc., Angelica M. Santos:
    “Loved her energy, her bright and boldly colored suit, her confidence and her
    understanding and knowledge of leadership and ever changing business

    Security Services USA, Inc., Edie Stafford:
    “Enjoyed Libby’s presentation. She’s a very inspirational speaker!”

    Stratas Foods LLC, Tammy Work:
    “Dynamic and engaging.”

    Smith & Wesson, Rachele Dunham:
    “Made me realize how stuck in our ways each person can be and that we need to
    be open to change.”

    SunTrust Bank, Inc., Andrea Marks:
    “Excellent speaker, lively and great communicator.”

    Suntrust Banks, Inc., Lisa L. Miles:
    “Great presentation giving me hope and courage to continue and embrace
    change in my own organization.”

    TDS Inc., Eric Breunig:
    “Eye opening – relatable!”

    University of Northern Iowa, Christina Geweke:
    “Love the energy! Very engaging!”

    Vanderbilt University, Tiffany Gregory:
    “This was a great presentation that kept us engaged. The materials were useful
    and definitely right on point for an ever-changing environment.”

    Verizon, Debra R. Johnson:
    “Great – good thinking points!”

    Walmart, Anna Marie Myers:
    “Upbeat. On-point. Relevant to our current work environment.”

    Western Southern Life, Cassandra Boyd-Bailey:
    “Very energetic! Audience stayed eager to learn and hear more.”

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    Books by Libby Gill:

    The Hope-Driven Leader: Harness the Power of Positivity at Work

    The business and self-help shelves may be overflowing with success books, but author Libby Gill has found a totally fresh perspective on the topic of leadership: hope. Zeroing in on what she sees as the defining issue of creating a more purposeful and productive workplace, Gill explores how the science of hope theory, which she describes as “the interconnection between beliefs and behaviors,” can shift mindsets from siloed to collaborative and productivity levels from sluggish to robust.

    The Hope-Driven Leader is not about feel-good theory or dry data. It’s an action guide informed by the thousands of people Gill has coached in both the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds around the globe. Specific skill-building topics based on research and illustrated by personal stories and case studies include:

    • Enhancing leadership skills
    • Crafting a personal brand
    • Becoming an influencer
    • Managing global teams
    • Navigating high-impact conversations
    • Handling challenges specific to women leaders

    Whether you are a rising star or a seasoned leader in your own business, a corporation, or your community, The Hope-Driven Leader offers you a roadmap for instilling those positive beliefs and behaviors into the core of your being and the culture of your workplace. Let the journey begin!

    You Unstuck: Mastering the New Rules of Risk-taking in Work and Life
    In You Unstuck, Libby Gill uses cases studies, client stories from her coaching work, and brain research to help readers understand the biological basis of fears that hold them back. She shows how to reframe what she calls Riskophobia, turn off the fear voices, and circumvent ancient defense systems. Readers can then create an Escalating Risk Hierarchy by “chunking down” their vision into small, actionable steps, ordered from least to most anxiety inducing.

    By combining stress-busting relaxation techniques with small action steps, the readers’ odds for realizing their vision greatly increase in this Relax, Risk, Repeat cycle. Gill also shows readers how to “Avoid Limiters & Embrace Liberators,” keeping naysayers at bay while seeking influential supporters who can help free their creativity and productivity.

    Capitalizing on her business background, coaching expertise, and a personal history of risk-taking and resilience, Gill makes complex concepts relevant and accessible through immediately applicable tools, exercises, self-tests, and questionnaires that challenge readers to change.

    Traveling Hopefully: How to Lose Your Family Baggage and Jumpstart Your Life
    Are you living a life based on who you really are or one built on outdated messages from your past? Is your past negatively influencing your present and potentially derailing your future? What if you could shift your perspective from limiting to liberating?

    Now you can learn to let go of your baggage and create a life of passion and purpose. Success strategist and executive coach Libby Gill is your partner in life change as she shares her inspiring story and guides readers step-by-step through the journey of self-transformation.

    With courage and candor, Libby poignantly discloses how she struggled with a family legacy which included divorce, mental illness and molestation, robbing her of her best possible life until she learned to dissect the past so she could direct the future. With a transformative process she calls the Five Steps to Jumpstart Your Life, Libby provides practical tools and down-to-earth insights that translate abstract concepts into concrete action.

    The 21 Hopeful Tools are easy-to-follow exercises that take readers through this process, showing them how to:

      • dissect the past to direct the future
      • link internal clarity with external action
      • create a Traveling Hopefully personal roadmap
      • recruit a Support Squad to provide information and inspiration
      • keep moving toward what you want and away from what no longer serves you

    Filled with tips and tactics, personal accounts, and client success stories, Traveling Hopefully shows readers how to create big-picture visions and turn them into bottom-line action so they can lose their baggage and live the life of their dreams.

    “This book is for real, because Libby is for real…”
        Dr. Phil McGraw in his foreword to Traveling Hopefully

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