
Duncan MacPherson Profile

  • MacPherson has been coaching financial professionals for over 20 years throughout North America and around the world.

  • MacPherson is the founder and CEO of Pareto Systems, a firm at the forefront of improving productivity and practice management in financial advisors.

  • Packed with concrete strategies, MacPherson's programs will help you differentiate yourself from the competition, increase client retention and referrals, and run your business more efficiently so that you have more free time to enjoy your life.
  • Professional branding and client acquisition expert, Duncan MacPherson has been coaching financial professionals for over 20 years. His company Pareto Systems is at the forefront of improving productivity and practice management in financial advisors.

    As CEO of Pareto Systems, Duncan travels extensively throughout North America and around the world, conveying dynamic and fact-rich presentations that have made him a popular spokesperson for the knowledge-for-profit sector. Along with his team of coaches, he has developed and refined several one to-one consulting programs including The Pareto System, The Fee-worthy Advisor, Succession 360, and the Advisor Flight Plan.

    Duncan’s expertise in demystifying business development and marketing in the financial world has universal appeal; from the high-level advisor to the successful wholesaler, to corporate financial institutions. His primary goal is to help Knowledge-for-Profit Professionals achieve liberation and order in their businesses through step-by-step methodology and execution.
    His new book The Advisor Playbook focuses on how you can sharpen your practical management skills to generate sustainable growth while restoring more time and order to your personal life.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Duncan MacPherson is the CEO of Pareto Systems, an industry leading business development firm dedicated to the elite professionals and companies within the knowledge-for-profit sector. Duncan and his team of consultants work with professionals in a wide range of fields including Financial Services, Insurance, Accounting, Legal, Mortgage, and Consulting to create predictable, sustainable, and duplicable businesses. Pareto Systems is well known for its approach which is based on best practices and for its focus on implementation.

      As a speaker in high demand, Duncan travels extensively throughout North America and around the world, conveying dynamic and fact-rich presentations that have made him a popular spokesperson for the knowledge-for-profit industry.

      Duncan’s expertise in demystifying business development and marketing in the financial world has universal appeal; from the high-level advisor to the successful wholesaler, to corporate financial institutions. Duncan’s primary goal is to help Professionals achieve liberation and order in their businesses through step-by-step methodology and execution.

      Duncan is also an industry author and has written two best-selling books: Breakthrough Business Development, Take Your Business to THE NEXT LEVEL, and the recently released The Advisor Playbook. Achieving a business breakthrough is done by design, not by luck or chance. Duncan offers a clear plan to take your business to the next level.

    Duncan MacPherson Speaking Videos

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    Duncan MacPherson's Speech Descriptions

    Duncan MacPherson packs every presentation with proven strategies and tested approaches to break through plateaus in your business. Duncan focuses on articulating your value and building strong two-way communication with your clients so that by understanding their perception of you better, you can craft an experience for them that will generate referrals and boost client retention. You will leave with the tools to differentiate yourself from the competition, de-commoditize your services, and unlock a sustainable system of acquiring and retaining clients.

    Total Client Engagement: Become their Personal CFO
    With the commoditization of the financial services industry, and the volatility in the market place there has never been a better time to be more relevant to your clients. In uncertain times, clients have anxiety and apprehension, and you need to help them look to the future with anticipation. Duncan MacPherson's process will unlock your full potential when it comes to consistent client acquisition and sustainable client retention, by dialing in a combination of proven strategies that elevate you above the competition and empower you fully with your clients.

    This presentation will help you to:
    - De-commoditize your core solutions
    - De-personalize and professionalize the client experience
    - De-mystify how you are perceived and described

    Breakthrough Business Development: Take Your Business to the Next Level
    If you aspire to a predictable business without any plateaus while restoring liberation and order to your personal life, Duncan MacPherson has created an actionable process that you can translate into measurable results. This time-tested approach has been deployed by thousands of knowledge-for-profit professionals to reduce friction and improve sustainable productivity.

    This presentation will help you to:
    - Competitor-proof existing client relationships
    - Convert occasional customers into fully empowering clients
    - Create a referable client experience

    Cracking the Code: The Art of Articulating Your Value
    To unlock your full potential when it comes to consistent client acquisition and sustainable client retention, you need to dial in a combination of proven strategies that elevate you from your competitors. Duncan MacPherson has developed and refined a process that ensures that you can stand out from the pack and attract great clients rather than having to chase them.

    This presentation will help you to:
    - Develop a value proposition that differentiates you
    - Deploy stewardship over salesmanship for improved persuasive impact
    - Ensure clients focus on what you're worth rather that what you cost

    The Franchise Ready Advisor: Mastering Organic & Scalable Growth
    Once a successful financial advisor has achieved consistent, sustainable, organic growth, the natural next step is to consider scalable, acquisition-based growth.

    Increasingly, we see top professionals transform their proven best practices into intellectual properties that can be deployed over and over again. This is what it means to turn a book of business into an actual business; a business that has no limits and achieves steadily improving enterprise value.

    This presentation will help you to:
    - Address the gaps in your current approach and gain clarity
    - Increase the enterprise value of your business
    - Develop a scalable and predictable playbook
    - Ensure an elevated acquisition so that 1 + 1 = 3

    The Multi-Generational Advisor: Mastering Client Continuity and Succession Dynamics
    For many financial professionals, their favorite clients are first-generation self-made entrepreneurs, professionals, and executives. These clients have many needs, now and in the future, and require a relationship with a personal CFO (Complete Family Office) with a panoramic and all-encompassing process. In this presentation, Duncan outlines a proven approach that enables advisors to differentiate from the pack by uncovering unmet needs and establishing an alignment with these clients that makes the advisor indispensable.

    This approach includes:
    - How to position continuity and succession into your process
    - The art of relationship management based on the distinction between earned wealth and inherited wealth
    - How to reframe existing relationships so that top clients fully understand and appreciate your value
    - How to deploy a client experience that clients can grow into but never grow out of
    - Ensure total family engagement before money goes into motion

    Indispensable Support: How to Create Powerful Teams
    For many financial teams, Advisors are the face of the business, but it is the team members that provide extensive support to increase efficiencies and create consistency to elevate the client experience and drive business growth. Ultimately, the team is fundamentally dedicated to ensuring the Advisor can focus their time and energy on the most valuable asset the firm will possess: Their clients.

    In this presentation, Pareto Systems will outline a proven approach that enables team members to become indispensable to the firm.

    This approach includes how to:
    - Gain clarity on untapped opportunities and overlooked vulnerabilities within the firm
    - Ensure consistent branding and communication across the team to build powerful client relationships
    - Refine processes to ensure impeccable delivery for new and existing clients
    - Clearly define a service model to ensure an elevated client experience
    - Develop a Best Practices Playbook to drive implementation and ensure consistency across the firm

    Blue Square Method: Become the Best Version of Yourself
    If you aspire to personal fulfilment, gratitude, balance, and purpose in your business and life, Duncan MacPherson has created an actionable process that will help you translate your ambition into meaningful results.

    This presentation will help you to:
    - Love what you do and build on your sense of purpose
    - Have a world-class process
    - Create advocacy with new and existing clients
    - Fully monetize your value

    Duncan MacPherson on Speaking

    I want audiences to learn how a consistent client experience will competitor-proof your favorite clients.

    SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn/take away from your presentations?

    MACPHERSON: I want audiences to learn how a consistent client experience will competitor-proof your favorite clients – and how process, positioning and communication will convert clients into referral generating advocates.

    SPEAKING.COM: What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How do you prepare for your speaking engagements?

    MACPHERSON: I review my core critical path, and align it with any research I’ve done on the clients and any input they provide for me.

    SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

    MACPHERSON: One of the most memorable was when I presented in Malaysia to 7,000 financial advisors – and having it translated into eight different languages, live, as I presented.

    SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

    MACPHERSON: Any knowledge-for-profit professional who’s striving to maximize their client relationships and drive enterprise value will benefit most.

    SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?

    MACPHERSON: I’d probably say Cracking the Code, because it’s an actionable, predictable process that leads to predictable results.

    Early in life I was exposed to some world-class coaching and speakers. I implemented what they taught me and it impacted my life and business.

    SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

    MACPHERSON: Early in life I was exposed to some world-class coaching and speakers. I implemented what they taught me and it impacted my life and business. I found in turn that speaking provides me with a high degree of personal fulfillment and sense of purpose.

    SPEAKING.COM: How do you keep your audience engaged and actively listening during your keynotes? Do you use case studies, personal stories and/or in your speeches?

    MACPHERSON: I use lots of stories and lots of sequential questions. The presentation builds upon itself and has a natural crescendo at the end to inspire action.

    SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients achieve?

    MACPHERSON: I’ve helped clients predictably and measurably increase the quality and quantity of referrals they get from clients and strategic partners, restore liberation and order to their lives, so that the business is serving their life and not the other way around and reduce friction in their efforts so they are more efficient in their time. Exclusive Interview with Duncan MacPherson
    Transforming Your Business through Practice Management, with Sales Speaker Duncan MacPherson
    In this interview, Duncan MacPherson discusses:
  • The confusion surrounding "practice management" and why most firms fail at it.
  • How skilled practice management can transform your firm.
  • The keys to building competitor-proof client relationships.
    Read the Full Interview
  • "Practice management is a network of interrelated skills, processes and strategies that build value in a business while making it manageable, scalable and ensuring the owner runs the business - and not the other way around."
    - Duncan MacPherson

    What People are Saying about Seeing Duncan Speak

    Rating Entries

    Great speaker with incredible insight into relationship management and business devlopment.


      “I′ve received such a positive response from our event held last Thursday that I′m beginning to wonder how I will top it next year! Your presentation was most certainly a highlight of the day for everyone in attendance. After listening for two hours, I′m sure there was not one [who] could claim leaving without a new idea or simply a “new-found” enthusiasm to put to use in their business.”
      — Mutual Funds Branch Manager, Manulife Securities, London, ON

      “Duncan, I just wanted to thank you for coming to speak to us at the Greater Oakbrook Chapter of the FPA. Your talk was exceptional! My hand still hurts from taking so many notes that I′m convinced will raise my service to my clients. You were exactly right when you wrapped up your comments. You provided me with insight to new ideas as well as validated some of the things I′m already doing. Thanks again, it was great seeing what a Canadian looks like.”
      — Waddell & Reed, Naperville, IL

      Selected Clients:

      Wells Fargo Advisors
      Raymond James Financial
      Merrill Lynch
      Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
      LPL Financial
      Franklin Templeton Investments
      First Trust Portfolios
      CIBC Wood Gundy
      RBC Dominion Securities
      HSBC Securities
      American Funds
      Fidelity Investments
      Principal Funds Distributors
      Lincoln Financial
      American Express Financial
      Bank of America
      Prudential Securities
      Sun America
      John Hancock

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    Books by Duncan MacPherson:

    The Advisor’s Playbook

    Practice management is often misunderstood. The Advisor Playbook will take the mystery away.

    Practice management is confused with marketing, or is limited to strategizing about branding, or simply equated to old-school salesmanship.

    Practice management is how you build an organized toolbox of all your processes – branding, marketing, service activities, core functions – and constantly tune and keep that toolbox efficient and effortless. It’s a network of interrelated skills, processes and strategies that build value in a business while making it manageable, scalable and ensuring the owner runs the business and not the other way around.

    Duncan MacPherson and Pareto Systems have been in the forefront of practice management in the realm of the professional advisor for a quarter-century. Chris Jeppesen of First Trust brings his own decades of professional knowledge to the table. The processes in The Advisor Playbook have grown over those years, through constant refinement and improvement. They’ll help you to perform that same refinement and improvement on your business, and regain liberation and order in your personal and professional life.

    Breakthrough Business Development

    Breakthrough Business Development: A 90-Day Plan to Build Your Client Base and Take Your Business to the Next Level
    Increase Profits, Be more Organized, attract a Higher Quality and Quantity of Referrals, Run Your Business so That It Doesn’t Run You, Take Your Business to the Next Level… With Breakthrough Business Development!

    Breakthrough Business Development shows you how to attract and keep great clients, while running a profitable and efficient business. It helps every knowledge-for-profit professional to maximize your most valuable client relationships, and to develop a personalized business development plan to mine the untapped potential in your business.

    Praise for the Pareto System, Featured in Breakthrough Business Development.

    “I am just beside myself on the results gathered so far from instituting the Pareto System. I use an agenda for meetings now and have formulated a standard package given to new clients. Already I have sent out twenty thank-you cards to new referrals. I even got a referral from a referral if that makes sense. Some clients didn’t know that I was still expanding my business. I am also finding advocates that I didn’t classify as such. Opening twenty accounts in this short time span is amazing but already I have another ten leads in the pipeline. You guys were right, it does work.”

    “We have been building client relationships for 45 years… Pareto Systems successfully helped us to pause and then guided us through the process of defining the appropriate business structure and systems which will strengthen and enhance our best client relationships. We are now focusing on a comprehensive, systematized program for select clients. The results have been amazing-client satisfaction is way up and so are revenues.”

    Take Your Business to the Next Level: A 90-Day Plan for Achieving a Breakthrough
    Pareto Systems’ co-founders, Duncan MacPherson and David Miller, have created and refined a process that entrepreneurs can implement with precision and certainty. And what is most exciting is that, minor adjustments can lead to major improvements. Readers are given a full array of actionable tools to actually translate ideas into results immediately. This approach is time-tested and proven to help make meaningful and measurable progress.

    Readers are also prompted to take action at the end of each chapter using the corresponding templates and samples on the included Actionable Tools CD-ROM. Learn how to attract a higher quality and quantity of referrals; use stewardship rather than salesmanship to attract high-value clients; competitor-proof clients by consistently using a service matrix; ensure clients focus on what you’re worth rather than what you cost; build a more profitable practice; restore liberation and order in your personal life; and run your business so it doesn’t run you.

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